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Can you lose dictation that is already in your queue? - s/m

Posted: Aug 18, 2010

Once again, I was down to my last few jobs, but hurrying to get them because I could tell from the list of jobs that someone else was eating up the dictation too. I had my download setting on 2 jobs. I was zipping through a 30-second dictation set to 150% playback, and once that was done, I was planning to do the other job in my queue and maybe one more, before there was no more work. But when I finished the 30-second job, the other job in my queue was gone, and all the jobs had vanished. Can someone take jobs out of your queue that have already been downloaded to you? It wasn't a big deal, just annoyed me. 35 more lines would have been $1.50 or so. Can a system be set so that it takes jobs out of your queue automatically and assigns them to someone else who has just logged on? I hope so-- and not that someone manually unassigned it. See what happens when I am not working for 3 minutes? I start coming up with these conspiracy theories already.

I could very well be wrong but my understanding is - Hmmmm

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Once a job is loaded into your cue, it has to be manually removed (which usually means a lead MT or supervisor has to do it).

Perhaps not such a "conspiracy theory" after all?

I had the same thing happen the - other day s/m

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It was one of those days where I was scratching for files. I had 2 downloaded, which is automatic. As I was working on file #1, a message box popped up saying file #2 was deallocated. I did not do that. Then there was no more work for a while. Makes you think.

Unless the dictator called in somehow about that particular job and it needed to be removed, I don't know why that would have happened.

My friend's MTSO, OS MT and Ed can take jobs from US - q. That is just wrong. nm

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I do know that applies to Transcend as well - RLee

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I have had the same thing happen to me when employed at Transcend. I had jobs downloaded and then they would disappear from time to time - more so when there was little work in the pooling. Only the TLs or ROMs have the capability of removing them from you. When there was little work I would keep my setting on auto and keep it set for at least 5 jobs so I could get them first. But for some STRANGE reason that did not work either. I could keep by auto download clicked for an entire 8-hour shift and some days NO WORK would be downloaded. I do know for a fact - at Transcend - the TLs and/or ROMs have the capability of blocking you from your specific pooling and only allow specific dictators and/or work types to be available to you. In other words there could be work in your pooling, but they block it on their end so that it shows up with NJA in your pooling. They can control what you see and what you get for the day by a simple click of the mouse on their end. So your conspiracy theory is right on target!!!!!

controlling - work flow

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Oh yes, I've had many days at "the T" where entire days went by without a single job in the queue. I would wonder if I had been shut out or what. Then a few jobs would show up at night. I wondered if the hospital was so small, they just dictated a solitary note every now and then, and by chance it ended up in someone else's queue. One day I got in with the "in crowd" for some reason, and it was impossible to keep up with the work. You never saw such a list of jobs. I felt hopeful. Then the next day, back to empty queue. Now I feel stupid for wondering, "Even if the jobs get assigned randomly by the computer, shouldn't I get at least ONE job in my queue during the course of an entire day?" :(
Let me add an exact quote from HR, "We don't want you to leave just because there's not enough work to do." It was the "just because" part that made me roll my eyes! (You silly girl, what a silly reason! Not enough work! Just because of THAT?)

Depends on the platform - mt2long

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Some programs can be set to prioritize to someone else. There's ALL KINDS of things that can be done.

I don't think I'd be paranoid in this case.

It could also be that waiting dictation is a stat - sm

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that the client called for and they give it to the next available transcriptionist rather than it sit waiting to be done.

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