A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Jobs snatched right out of my queue with my hands on the keyboard ready - to type on a holiday when jobs are low.

Posted: Jan 01, 2015

Nuance, I know plenty of us mere numbers on your screen have already told you this, but you people are such miserable jerks.

Nuance - Deb63

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CS graduate. Informed "360" is hiring. Searches link "360" and "Nuance 360." Is 360 really Nuance?

The ambulatory side of Nuance is called Emdat-360 nm - mT

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Just another of their many acquisitions. Too many to count. - Work then goes to India.

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That happens when TLs pull work by account, by WT, or even - by certain doctors. And you know

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...they aren't going to pick the impossible ones.

Dear HR person and carbon copied supervisor. I read the post - on MTStars saying that TLs returning...

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...returning to MT work due to the elimination of their TL positions might be getting access to certain accounts, worktypes, or even certain physicians. While I certainly don't believe everything I read on that board, this causes me a great deal of concern, so I decided to come right out and ask if this is true. Hopefully it is not, but in case it is permitted right now, even if by oversight (forgetting to switch them to a new pool now that they have reverted back to MT), could I encourage you to consider leveling the playing field a little? It strikes me as not very good for morale.

(So, even if this has not happened to you or anyone that you know of, maybe a number of people respectfully asking them about it could get this unfair advantage eliminated)? Please consider asking.

Cut, pasted, sent. Great idea! - Thanks.

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I've had that exact experience and thought it was probably our Indian colleagues, not that that would make it any less heinous.

Already asked... - with documentation over and over

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and was told 'oh no! they can't do that!' When you see the jobs snatched away from under your fingers and other ones left, you KNOW what's going on. They will never admit it.

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