A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: May 18, 2012

What is the best and most affordable Call In Dictation system for a one doctor office?  Or is a handheld digital device the way to go, as far as affordability?  I'm worried about ease of use and software installation in his office.....working remote.  Please help.

I use a Dictaphone StraightTalk but do not - otmt

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know if they are still available new, I have 2, one I bought new the other used, new was about 750.00 bucks, used 400.00 I think, got it on Ebay. Hooks into phone line and requires just calling in. Works geat. Hope this helps

Replied to same question on TECH board posted 5/16/2012 - mtmw

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Try Metroscript or Scribe Healthcare Technologies platforms when starting out - mwmt

Posted: May 16th, 2012 - 10:58 pm In Reply to: Going digital - Marj

NOTE: Below is pasted post I submitted on board last year. (Hope it's not too jumbled to understand.) Check their website for current pricing. No software to buy and no set up fees. All pay as you go.

I also use Scribe Healthcare Technologies (scribe.com) that is a superb platform, they have a free version to start with, then you can go from there. No software to buy and no set up fee for Scribe. Metroscript now has a one-time set up fee of $25.00. All pay as you go.

This would get you started the easiest way with phone in dictation as well as with docs using digital recorders.

Also, there are lots of old posts if you do a "search" for Metroscript or TASP, as well as something like "starting business," "own service," etc.


Posted: Jun 8th, 2011 - 8:30 am In Reply to: Setting up clinic account - henderlor

If you're just starting out in the world of digital recordings and such, Metroscript is a great place to start. Metroscript is an online TASP that is a flat fee of $14.95 per month (then if you go over that costs are added on). They charge $0.34 per mg to upload digital files. The doctor can plug in his recorder to his PC and upload the dictation to Metroscript. You then retrieve the files from there to transcribe. You can then upload back the transcribed files for the doctor's side to download/print all within Metroscript. They also offer phone dictation at $.12 per minute.

Upload completed transcription back into Metroscript so the doctor's office can download and print at their end. This is 100% HIPAA compliant and affords document tracking as well.

Check them out at www.metroscript.com. I have used this service for many clients for at least 6 years. Superb support and guidance. Email me if you want more info. (I am no way connected to either of the above companies, just offering an opinion/endorsement as a free-lance MT and very happy user.) Good Luck to you!

Call In Systems - Mandy

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Thank you so very much for the info...will look into both of these companies.

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