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why does it take an act of Congress to change accounts? sm - annie

Posted: Dec 09, 2013

My present account runs out of work all the time, I check in at the start of my shift and there is no work.   Asked for a transver and was told they need me on present account.  Not hardly since it's OOW all the time.  I spend even my off days trying to catch u on hours and lines.  Every request has been met with a polite no.  

Do you have a secondary? - CuriousMT

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Do you not have a secondary? I have been on several accounts that, over time, lost work to the point that there might be 5 jobs for that account that I would do per day. But that account was still my primary. Luckily my supervisor got me a secondary (and unfortunately, a third account too, which I'd much rather give back!). When that first account finally died down to no work, I was moved to have my secondary become my primary. I was told I might have to switch back, but that never happened.

I DETEST my secondary account now. I honestly would rather have no work than work in that account, but at least I have a secondary.

no secondary yet, my primary acct has 5 facilities. Unfortunately, - they are all slow or OOW

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