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Has anyone noticed change in accounts? - Good dictators gone/outsourced?

Posted: Jan 07, 2013

For the past 2-3 weeks I have noticed my account no longer has the dictators who use routines/standards, except 1 who is difficult to understand.  All the dictators who were understandable are just about gone.  I would say at least 95% of my account is now just bad dictators.  I was hoping it was just a holiday thing, but I hear in the dictations I am doing say so and so, who is a good dictator, saw the patient or consulted etc. so I know the good ones are still around, just not their reports. 

Yep - .

[ In Reply To ..]
I've had several dictators that are new to me (don't think they are new to the account, though) in my work queue lately. But they're not easier or harder than any others. It's all a bunch of gobily goop if you asked me......

Change in accounts. - NTS MT

[ In Reply To ..]
I don't know how long you have been here, but this is what we do. We train the software, and then as soon as it is running smoothly and can recognize a dictator really well, then Nuance sends that dictator offshore for lower wages. That is how the S%$# rolls around here. Sucks, but thats it. They could do me a favor and lay me off today. They only tears would be tears of joy.

I - figured

[ In Reply To ..]
that's what was going on.

I hate to burst your paranoia bubble - sm
[ In Reply To ..]
But VR does not improve over time. I have been doing the same speakers for over 2 years and VR makes the same errors over and over again. We are not being used to train the software so it can go overseas and they have it easier. There are A LOT of problems with off-shoring and Nuance, but this is not one of them.
burst my paranoia bubble?! - Really?!
[ In Reply To ..]
No idea where that came from, with my 1 sentence reply saying I figured. Wow.

So since you know what problems Nuance has and doesn't have, answer this one. If they are not going to India, where are they going then? Dictators don't just up and leave in batches every so often just for the hell of it, only to be replaced by a new batch.

Really? - AnnieOakley

[ In Reply To ..]
I would not hesitate to believe this is true. Do we have proof? A lot of my good dictators have vanished as well.
Outsourced work - poster
[ In Reply To ..]
I have been there several years and had no change as far as better dictators being removed until now. I have proof the good dictators are still there, I hear the bad dictators stating they were consulted or saw the patient etc.

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