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Workload has exploded on my primary account... - is everyone "sick" today? nm
Posted: Mar 22, 2015nm
Or lots of people quit - cindy
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I bet its because lots of people are quitting. Don't worry, they will hire 20 more people to fill the spots so your work will be low again next couple of weeks.
That's right! - anon
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Many have woken up and left that hole. Quit over a month ago and they're already calling me to come back. When will they see when you treat your employees really well and pay them a fair & transparent wage, your retention rate will stay high? Maybe if enough jump ship, they'll get a clue.
They wont do anything - as long as people take it
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That's the key to this whole thing: Unity. Hard to organize when we are scattered to the 4 winds.
Still many newbies coming on to work at home - ss
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They don't know what this profession was and what the pay was previously. They are willing to work for pennies to be able to stay home to work for whatever reason. I can't blame them. Daycare is expensive and uncertain.
As long as these companies have fresh fish to bite at their bait this will continue.
Not trying to be insulting to newbies, this is totally the companies jacking us over.
Didn't you hear about our work stoppage - ADL
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I also hear someone is hiring a lawyer to file a class action suit against this new pay grid, taking half our lines away before they compute our pay. What a pleasant dream this is.
Sign me up for that lawsuit! - Poody
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I'm not one to usually get involved with something like that but enough is enough!! They are sooooo far over the line on this pay grid. Seems like wage theft.
Really was only a matter of time. Cannot believe - they would not anticipate it.
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Since the pay grid is set up to be manipulated by them without any concrete rules, it really is just a farce and a "written policy" per se to take what they want from your pay. I hope the powers that be have finally started to look at whoever they put in a position of thinking up this pay plan and asking themselves how they legally thought they could get away with it in the long run.
Workload - Anon
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And the kicker is they want the remaining slobs to work extra for all that extra money - LOL!!! Cause and effect people - you screw your employees and they will LEAVE!!
Saturday was a public holiday in Hyderabad nm - acuteMLS
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