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Well I am finally on the chopping block - heads will roll

Posted: Jul 23, 2012

I was told last Friday that if my score is not 99% for the next pay period I will be terminated. This last pay period I had a 98.6% score. So if I don't reach 99 that will be it. Funny how that is the same time that my account marchs off to a foreign country!

I love my job!  : )

loved, I mean! : (

That stinks. sm - anon

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It just isn't right. push, push, push. Good luck to you. Hope you can get your scores up.

I thought 98% was the minimum and 99% was for bonuses. Guess I missed this. Yikes!

Actually at last HR monthly meeting . . . - anon

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the woman leading the meeting from payroll said you would probably only hear about it if you were below 98.4% or so.

It has to be relative to how many times or how long you have been below it.

However, if they penalize us for below 99% for an entire quarter, we should have an entire quarter to raise it.

How many pay periods were you below 99%? nm - anon

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Have not had 99 since back in December when I got incentives - I could care less anymore

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I can't stand this VR crap and I am obviously going too fast or maybe it is the QA that is digging for dirt in some country far, far away!!

I feel for you. - Suzy Q

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I tried working at Nuance for a very short time, but due to having satellite had to quit. Later they did accept satellite, but I chose not to go back. I think their standard of 99% accuracy is very unrealistic. If it is any consolation, I am sure you are not the only one. Probably lots are having trouble, but choose not to come here like you. Maybe you are better off if they do let you go. So much stress and worry all the time. Do you really need that???

Hopefully maybe something better will come along. I am sure you can find a better job. Do not give up -- there is always hope.


Thanks - It is what it is

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Thanks for all your support but I have known this was coming for a long time. They have beat me down long enough.

I just hope I can get my foot in somewhere else for a while until I figure out what to do. I really do love transcription work.

Thankfully my husband has a good job and I will not suffer. It is all the women who have to support themselves and their children that really have it bad and I am sure they have many worries right now. I pray for them.

Thanks again.
Best wishes. We can all do 99% consistently, the trick is to do that - and make enough to pay the power bill. NM
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chopping block - frustratedMT

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That is ridiculous. I always had 99% plus until recently. Sometimes they have trouble with averaging scores out. Mine last time should have been 99.4, but they came up with 98.86. If scores are 98% that should be good enough. I have not seen any other companies that require 99% and it seems harder and harder to get it. I hope all turns out for you as that is just not right.

Does not pass the stink-o-meter test - SB

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You say that coincidentally the account is being shifted overseas. If that is so, could this just be their mechanism to avoid paying UE for people they would need to lay off?

Why would they need to lay anyone off? - anon

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They are currently (well, always) hiring.

I think the problem with the poster may be that she has had below 99% since December (if she was the one who posted that reply), which is about 6 months. Doesn't that sound about right for cutting someone off for not meeting minimum?

Although, when I was hired I was told the "real" minimum was 98% and the 99% was just to qualify for incentive.

I'm the one who posted 2 weeks ago about walking....s/m - mt

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I had just had enough of this place. I walked away during my shift. I came back today. Job hunting sucks and it's not easy. All these MTSO are the same basically. I have aps out to 2 hospitals here and watching the job boards in my town.

I can't get UE by quitting so they can just fire me. And as far as the 99% - I think it's all rigged - QA or QC or whatever they want to call themselves get bonuses - keep a group of MTs from collecting a bonus and they probably get a bonus, which costs Nuance less.

And in case you care, no one has emailed me or called me even up today to say where in the hell are you???? LOL

And you weren't locked out??? Hilarious. I think I need a 2 week vacation too. - anon

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That is funny and awful at the same time.

Good luck with the in-house positions!

Nope and I feel better now too. - mt

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Nice vacation but reality sunk in and I have some bills to pay. My family thought I lost my mind when I walked away. But I'm still job hunting and can't wait to be done with this place.
Must depend on your TL. - anon
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I had a TL that I had ZERO contact with. She did not seem to give a crap one way or the other about anything, hours, QA scores, you name it, then I went on to 2 other TLs and both were super hands on.

Makes me wonder if it is the same TL.

Sounds like it !!! n/m - mt
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I had a similar experience. - anon
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My first TL was great - a doll. I was happy, had plenty of work, no problems with maintaining QA of 99% or above, blah, blah, blah. She didn't IM me 400 times a day, was appreciative and just let me work.

Then my TL changed and all of that changed, I had no work to do and even though when I did have work I was doing all the same things I had always done, I started getting QA'ed to death, and I was miserable and making no money. So that was it for me.

So when people here say they're happy with Nuance, I believe them, but I think that their TL/management and work flow has a lot to do with it. I wish it had worked out for me, but it didn't.
Again wondering if QA isn't used to drive people away - Just wondering . . .
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Here is another instance where work was not steady and QA started seemingly purposeful harassment just to make you miserable and go ahead and quit so they did not have to lay you off due to overstaffing or work slowdown and pay for UE.
As a Transcender, this is what really worries me. Our QA is nothing like - you describe. The majority are very helpful
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and don't nitpick. Hopefully this will not change with the combining of the 2 companies. I receive occasional feedback but it is nothing short of polite and respectful and maybe even a joke thrown in with it. We don't worry about scores and being docked pay and I hope it stays that way.
Hope springs eternal. - anon
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I hope you are right because you don't want Nuance QA. Honestly it is ridiculous. They go way beyond nitpicky. If you use your own judgement to recast a grammatically incorrect sentence, even if your sentence is fine, they will dock you because they would have done it differently.

The WORST QA on the planet without a doubt.

Good luck but I can only assume you will be assimilated into the morass of Nuance QA policy.
That decision wouldn't come from QA - ex-QA
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The team lead or supervisor might recommend someone be let go, but a simple QA, QC, editor, trainer, etc., would not have the power to just decide to make life hard so that you quit. That direction would come from higher-ups - and I wouldn't put it past some of the DOEs and CEOs of these companies to try and force you out so that they didn't have to pay UE, etc.

That happened to me when my company was losing accounts, and I was a QA. I stupidly quit in an angry moment after being yelled at for the 50th time that week. In retrospect, wish I had thought that one through because I almost lost my home while looking for another job, lol. Lesson learned!
Our Team "Leader" sends emls - al
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stating she's running out for this or that and she's gone for hours.
Leader? - Runamok
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Love it when these so-called leaders email their grunts to get to work, work harder, work that holiday, catch that account up, etc. because they have vacation, company coming, running their kid to dance, piano, etc. or that they are on their mahhhhvelous vacation. Bite me already!
I don't love their working a full schedule and still having - energy for all the rest--wish it were still ME. NM
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(Some people just get a lot more done each day--and enjoy it. That's the way it is.)

No one contacted me either - when I stopped showing up

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Nuance and another company I worked for prior to them did the exact same thing to me. They never had any work available during my scheduled shift so I just stopped showing up - and it took the previous company 3 WEEKS to even notice I had not been working.

With Nuance, I worked there about 2 weeks and the same thing was happening - no work when I was supposed to be working... so I just stopped showing up and spent that time looking for another job. I never heard anything from them... just got a final paycheck in the mail.

It wasn't a vacation for me. I was busting my arse nonstop looking for other jobs.

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