A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I'm Finally Out! - Do not lose hope!

Posted: Dec 01, 2012

Finally out.  I start a new job in-house on December 10 in a medical office.  Not MT, just answering some phones and setting up appointments.   And I get to wear scrubs.  I guess in the morning I'll be taking off one pair of pajamas and putting on another. Laughing Don't lose hope friends....

I'm hopeful - but terrified

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Congratulations on your new job! I had an interview yesterday that went pretty well, but the possibility of going back to the office has me pretty apprehensive.

I can see why you would be terrified. - I tried in an office. I lasted 4 days. (sm)

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You forget about the office staff that doesn't want you there or didn't pick you over another candidate. They are awful to try to get along with as they only see things their way. They also don't like newbs coming in with better ideas that might show them to look like slackers.

I lasted 4 days as the doctor was asking me to do things that he couldn't get his office manager to do, since she had no internet experience or Microsoft Office experience. She only could write on a piece of paper and if the icon wasn't on the desktop, she didn't know how to navigate the internet.

Watch out also for the ones who are jealous that your starting pay might be more than what they are currently paid.

The list goes on and on... Sure, it's great for some but if you come across these types of people in the office, it can be terrifying especially when you're used to working independently and just doing your own thing.

I should add she made my job miserable and quit training me. - Gave me dirty looks. sm

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Told me I wasn't allowed to use the phone or my cell phone. She made me stay late every day to do the trash and scrub the toilets.

Just be careful. Not all on-site jobs are FABULOUS when you're used to working in your environment.

Hopeful, but terrified - anonymous2

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Don't be apprehensive, embrace it. How could it be worse than M Modal?

Congratulations!!!! - bye bye birdie

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You'll wonder why it took you so long. I quit back in May. Took a job in a clinic doing some clerical and some transcription. Haven't regretted it one day so far and I am making quite a bit money money. Even had some free time (on the clock) to read the newspaper online! Nobody is counting my keystrokes or mouse clicks. Hooray!! Everybody keep looking. There are jobs out there for us.

"more" money, not money money --- too excited - bye bye birdie

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Sorry, had my ASR transcribe that for me and - bye bye birdie

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and I didn't edit it thoroughly enough! Hahahah

bye bye birdie - AJ

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Hooray! Congrats on the new position. It is so good to hear that there is some hope in finding something else. I wish you the best in your new job. Thanks for the words of encouragement. :-)


Yay! YOU WILL LOVE YOUR NEW JOB. - I work part time scheduling.

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I found a new job and was sick to my stomach when I first started. I was answering the phones, scheduling, greeting patients, handling co-pays, calling insurance companies, filing, and now learning billing, etc. After the first few days I wondered if I could handle this, but I just love meeting the patients.

I have been at this MT field over 20 years and been in the house and hardly get out dealing with people. I hear from so many others that customers/patients can be mean, etc., but WE ARE NEW BLOOD. I can take it so much easier now than I did 25-30 years ago because I have not been around people as much over the years. In fact, I smile all the time and I AM SO MUCH HAPPIER. I have been told I am like one of those hotel reservationists (hahaha) since I am the first the patient sees in the office or how I handle myself on the phone.

Doctors are so impressed with me that even though I work 25-30 hours a week, they gave me off with pay on Wednesday and Thursday (THANKSGIVING DAY) and Friday (Black Friday) with pay. I LITERALLY CRIED IN FRONT OF DOCS WITH TEARS COMING DOWN MY CHEEKS. Same thing for Christmas and New Year's. Docs come in giving me peppermint Mocha from Starbucks, lunches here and there and Bed, Bath and Beyond products (like those wonderful plug-in scents for your home) just to show their appreciation.

It is the best job ever and because I smile and greet patients over the phone so warmly and so kind, doctors see this and they want to do things for you to let you know their appreciation and then it goes right back to them because I want to even work harder and better for them and be the best I can be... UNLIKE MMODAL.


I am so happy for you. That is exactly what I'm looking for and my #1 goal for the new year! n - shortcake

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You can do this! - Just apply everywhere.

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I just had to get enough confidence and told myself I could do this job because quit frankly, MModal took away my self worth and made me feel like a low life and I allowed it to happen.

Now with the new job, I want to work extra hard and make people happy and will bend over backwards to help out patients because I KNOW I AM NOW WORTHY! I am a caring human being and not a computer with those stupid ASR feedback reports I get from MModal telling me I am not doing this or trying to do the best on an account only to later give it to India and then have no work.
Congratulations - jan2
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Did they train you in scheduling, co-pays,etc. or did you have to have previous experience? Thanks.
I was trained. Doc says these type of jobs - can be easily trained.
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Doc was willing to train as I was eager in wanting to learn and I get along great with my coworkers. In 3 days I was on my own taking phone calls, scheduling, greeting patients and handling copays, Superbills, etc. I am getting paid $15.00 an hour and in 1 more month I will receive a .50 cent raise and that is because the Doc says I have an extensive medical background due to having over 20 years experience in transcription. I seem to understand the Superbills, coding, and handling patients. All of you can do this job; just need to get those resumes out there. :)
I am pretty sure all of the office personnel where I - work make
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more than I was making as a transcriptionist for M-Modal. I am making $10k more per year than I did for the last years at MQ/MM and not working remotely as hard. I am telling everyting -- apply for jobs! Getting dressed and leaving your house is NOT as scary as we have come to believe.
I agree, not scary leaving house. I made $30 - hanging Christmas lights
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I could not believe it. I was paid $15.00 an hour because the doctor wanted Christmas lights around her window and in the office. I even get paid going to the bathroom, dusting the office, making sure the magazines are nicely placed on the table, vacuum, cleaning instruments. So much better than not getting paid for no work and having to check every 2 hours to see if there is work (which there is not) and not get paid for it.

I want this type of job, too! So far, though, all - jobs in my area want bilingual applicants. :(

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But I'm not giving up. I may, however, have to bite the bullet and go learn Excel and Powerpoint somewhere. They all seem to want that. (How does one have time to put together a Powerpoint presentation while answering phones, scheduling, greeting patients, etc?)

Still, I remember back when the docs were just as appreciative of my efforts as an MT, as they were of the person above who said her docs kept showing their appreciation. We got MT Week gifts, personal thank-you notes, See's Candies at Christmas, or gift cards, and docs sometimes dropped by to thank one of us who had just saved their hide by correcting and/or alerting them to a dictation error that could've caused a costly mistake on their part or a nurse's. Ahh, yes. The good old days!
the good old days - mt24
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Boy, those were the good old days and I remember them well. Unfortunately, I haven't done anything else and "getting out there" seems so scary, but sitting here with no work or getting paid close to nothing for the work there is isn't working either! I guess just tell ourselves we can do it?
Yep I am over 50 and as unqualified as the next - guy, but somebody hired
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me. I did go to multiple interviews, but I got hired and am making more money. By the way, my teenage daughter's friend told her she made more than $90 in tips on Saturday as a carhop. For real??? I was not making that most days as a seasoned transcriptionist :(

Wow I'm so excited for you. - Lala

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I used to work for MedQuist for 10 years and left to work for a local company, only to have them decide to outsource to a bigger MTSO. Now I'm with another company, Nuance, and it's just the same as MedQuist (MModal). I'd love to get out of this but have to wait until my son is old enough to go to kindergarten.

I suggest going to a local community college - and becoming a medical assistant.

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It usually takes 9 months. Depends if you need prerequisite classes. You would be hired and looked at over most candidates because you have a background in medical transcription.

Yay! - AJ

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You have me tearing up now. I am so, so happy for you. It must feel amazing to feel the appreciation. Thanks for sharing. It is great to hear good things after being through all the abuse of these MTSOs. Best of luck to you. I hope it just keeps getting better.


Congrats!!! - recentlyoutsourced

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I sent in resumes to 3 facilities where I live in hopes of getting ANYTHING that pays better than 4 cents and 8 cents a line! Check indeed.com for jobs in your town - TONS out there that pay WAY better than the MTSOs...

Finally Out - Me Too!

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Kudos to all of us who have made the break from this horrible company. I only wish more would quit and leave them high and dry, only to rely on India. Our jobs need to come back to this country and we need to be treated like we used to be treated. I can only hope M*Modal et. al., all go out of business, if they keep conducing business like they have been.

Again, a big hooray for freedom and back to some self esteem in knowing a job well done is apprecaited and PAID FOR! They can stick their keystroke counting!

Thanks - From the OP

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Thanks for all good wishes. And best of luck to those of you who are looking. You can send resumes out online. I punched in a local physician's group, and there in a tab was something like job openings, careers, something like that.

I am so excited. I get e-mails from my office about this and that (mind-reading for work types, things like that), and I just let it roll right off of me. I'M OUTTA HERE sooooon.

You all didn't know it, but you've been my friends. I hope to be able to check in here now and then.

Another perk - bye bye birdie

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By working in an office I got TWO PAID days for Thanksgiving, will get TWO PAID days off at Christmas and TWO MORE PAID days for New Years. I was just so happy to actually have 3 (count 'em THREE)4-day weekends, much less paid!!! Working in an office really isn't that bad.

I'm out - AJ

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CONGRATS! How I wish we all could get out. This job is a joke any more. I just don't know how any schools can still try to sell these programs. Makes me sick! I decided to use my voice to write an e-book about this profession to try to warn people not to pursue it. I think most would regret that they did seeing what it has become. (Inside Medical Transcription at Amazon.com if anyone is interested in checking it out).

Best of luck to you in the new job. :-) I am so happy for you. I hope I can say that someday soon.


AJ's Book - sarmt

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Any way to purchase a hardcopy of your book? I don't have a Kindle, prefer to read "real" books.

getting out and warning others! - mt24

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Wow, congrats on the book - that is such a great idea and much needed. This is a horrible way to make a living (and impossible) anymore. Just hope I can find a way out too!

Dont lose hope - anonymous 2

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I agree. i start a job at a nearby community hospital in their in-house transcription department at $22.00 per hour to start with incentive of 6 cents per line after 1300 lines. The jobs are out there, just keep looking.

Congratulations! That is wonderful. - anon

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I am truly happy for everybody who finds other work. It will do wonders for your self-esteem and outlook.

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