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I failed a quality audit. I have 3-4 weeks to confess my sins, repent and start bleating their praises. Interestingly, I just got a letter from my MModal life insurance that says it was canceled and is addressed "Dear terminated employee." A prophecy of things to come?
Still, I find it oddly depressing. How does MModal manage to birng me down after so long? You would think I would be totally immune to it by now. I know all the logical defenses: The doctors give 1% accuracy and we have to do the other 99%. It's mostly a tactic to lower money and crush morale as a means of control through domination and subjugation. Also, the system was designed by the idiots in the upper echelons of the company and is run by new, yet eeriely similar idiots. So why, knowing all that, do I still feel like crap?
A big part is that like most Americans I need my job to pay for the food, running water and shelter I've grown so attached to. But honestly, the worst part by far is the humiliation and injustice. We deal with the worst of the worst dictators. I do everything I can to clean them up and make them readable. Now typos, punctuation and grammar will be my downfall. Meanwhile, a doctor of mine once said "He have bicycle, going really fast and he crashed his face." It's like arresting someone for J-walking when there's a dozen murders happening on the same street.
On one hand, I hope nobody else has to deal with this. On the other, I hope I'm not the only one leaving off commas and putting "ot" instead of "to". Truly, I am to MModal's quality standards what lava was to Pompeii.
Commas are scored as feedback errors (no points) However "ot" would be illogical (1 point) Has your Quality Coach shared the 5-word proofread method with you? Read along as you edit/transcribe and you will catch those errors. But in order for you to fail, there had to be more than this. Work with your Quality Coach closely. I'm sure they want to help you.