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Weekly metric humiliation. - Now....

Posted: Apr 09, 2015

Not only can I no longer see what everyone else on the "team" scored for the week as a comparison to what a horrible MLS I am, I get little arrows up/down to show me how much better/worse I did than last week.

What more can be done to humiliate me?  Honestly!

Meeting or not meeting the metrics has nothing to do with how it feels to have this weekly scorecard shoved at me.

I was given a new secondary account with no training and no one to answer questions--just started one morning and was told this is your new account, here are the specs, go!

Now it is so easy to see if I need to contact my TSM about my perforamance (contact me if this is the second week failing specific metrics) because it is all on the weekly scorecard.  

I have been given 2 new secondaries in the past month.  I have 3 primary accounts (yes, 3) ....hundreds of potential dictators....little quirks of each account....specs certain MDs want on each account...I can't do it anymore.  

I can't take anymore.  Turn the camera off, I'm done!



I know the feeling... - Amber

[ In Reply To ..]
I'm so sorry. I teared up just reading your post as I think we all know how this feels. It is completely unfair to expect us to memorize multiple different client specs, filled with the idiosyncrasies of many different doctors. No other profession pays 25% of what employees were paid 20 years before, while demanding unreasonable line counts that are only possible with good dictators. I was contacted by Nuance recently, but after hearing about further decreased pay on good platforms and reduction in pay for sending blanks to QA there is no way I want to work for them. They should pay increased rates for horrid platforms and dictators!

The tactics often used by QA are the same as those used by domestic abusers: isolate and destroy self worth to keep you with them.

Isolate and destroy. - How right you are!

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I can't wait to get out.

I feel your pain - It is a cruel, unfair shame exercise

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I have moved on from Nuance (thank God!!!), but I did work for Nuance and the company they acquired for 4 years (I somehow survived that long . . .). When I started receiving these weekly metric reports, I noticed something really fishy. Some of the people they were comparing me to were logging 300 lph. I knew that noone could possibly work that fast with any kind of quality at all on the accounts I was assigned to, so I looked in to it. (I forget how I did it, but I found out how to determine how much work they had done on my accounts.) It turned out that maybe 5% of their work was done on the accounts I was assigned to! I don't know what gravy train accounts they had, but they definitely had gravy accounts. This was such a huge, obnoxious, insulting, disrespectful deception and it made me so mad at the total outrageous injustice of it that I never opened another of those messages. To think that not only did they try to pull this shame exercise on me, but to realize that some people at Nuance actually have accounts where they can make a decent wage! I get smoke coming out of my ears just thinking about it! I never had any repercussions from not opening those messages, and I retained my sanity, my temper, and a modicum of self respect and quit as soon as I could! I was a really good worker, but they do not care about that.

I noticed it as well - Getting out

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I noticed the same thing. Some people were getting 300+ lines per hour. I have a job interview and am praying all goes well. I can't get out soon enough. It will be their loss not mine, but they will just hire another minion to replace me.

Good luck to you - #Fed-Up

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Good luck on your job interview. I applaud anyone who can get away from this mess of a company. I regret the day I ever started and pray I am able to get out soon.

It's not impossible - mls

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I work on 7 different accounts: 3 hospitals, an ER, an urgent care, and 2 clinics. I routinely log over 300 lines per hour (real lines, not converted). My quality scores are usually 100% as well. No "gravy" accounts. They each have different specs and a smattering of good and bad dictators. But when I sit down to work for the day, I WORK, and I work hard go get as much done as possible until my shift is through. I don't get hung up on things and I don't let myself get distracted. If I can't reference something within a minute or two, I blank and move on. Yes, I also stay within the 10% QC window as well, and I keep track of what I blank.

So, it's not impossible to maintain a very high line count, but you really do have to work hard for it.

Lines - Taelus

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Would that be actual typed lines, edited, or mixed? That does make a difference.
It's a mix... about 70% edited. - sm
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At this point, you'd be pretty hard-pressed to find many straight transcription only accounts. I only have one of those.

So you are saying that - I did not work hard

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and skillfully enough and that's why I couldn't log anything close to 300 LPH?

I know for a fact that there are "gravy accounts" because I was put on one at the beginning of my service to Nuance/Focus. It featured several "dream doctors" who knew how to dictate and spoke clearly and in a structured manner so the VR in the Focus environment could do a really good, accurate job. I was always so happy to see their reports in the queue. However, the first thing that started happening was cherry-picking, where suddenly a whole list of "gravy" reports way down in the queue would disappear and I would not get assigned even one. The next thing that happened is that this account disappeared all together from my access. The third thing that happened was merger with Nuance, after which the VR was poor even for clear dictators (like the poster below, I was always amazed that the VR could not even properly transcribe a clearly dictated date or even the hospital name of the account in some instances!). The fourth thing that happened was that on the new accounts I was assigned to, most of the doctors were ones with ESL, and editing the pathetic VR transcription took longer than typing from scratch, but you got half the pay for working way harder under extremely frustrating circumstances!!!!!!! Finally, all those editing changes that were required on these new accounts (several per line if you could even figure out what was being said after listening several times)created more opportunities for error and ambiguity (resulting also in more errors on the part of QA, which became increasingly hard to get reversed as time went on), and guess what! Goodbye bonus! The result: Much more grief and work for much less pay!

So don't try to tell me that there aren't huge differences between accounts that block the ability to earn a decent wage for some people while enabling others to boast about their superior earning capabilities and work habits. because I have my own personal experience that has taught me otherwise.

I am so grateful that I was able to quit this thankless, exasperating, hugely disappointing job! I am making this effort to try to support those who are beginning to understand the truth about Nuance and trying to make changes in their lives.

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