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weekly lines - anon

Posted: Jun 29, 2013

Has anyone ever done 15,000 lines in a week and if so how much was your weekly pay?  Please no bashing on this question.  I know there are some that reach high lines and for those of you who don't I am truly sorry but please don't respond in a negative way.  Thanks!

weekly lines - anon - golfergirl

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I work 30 hours weekly and produce 12,000 lines; 85% is now voice and the rest transcription. We are paid 4.5 for voice and $.08 for transcription. We do receive bonuses based on QA submission and total lines. I have earned as much as $800 a week.

Hope this helps

weekly lines - anon

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Thanks for your response. I guess I meant to say what is the incentive range for the week. You know, once you go over the 12,000 lines and hit 15,000?

All of that info was in your handbook from employer - can get a copy from your TSM

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I never got a handbook, only was told min line per hour req. by my recruiter nm - smeeps
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Employee handbook is also on ADP site - sm
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ADP site where our check stubs are at. At the top under the Home tab, click Resources. The link is towards the bottom on the left side of the Resources page.
Also, I just looked through the handbook.. - sm
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But I did not see anything about the incentive program in it. I also didn't find a copy of the Powerpoint presentation of it that was shown to us in one of those meetings. I thought I had saved a copy to my computer, but I guess not.
They have us in so many different websites with so many different passwords...sm - LoveMT
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It's hard to remember where the heck to go and for what! :) I thought I had save the power point presentation too, but I can't find it on my computer. I know I wrote down the lines and amounts for my "tier" or whatever the heck it's called when you do acute care.

I made the weekly incentive at least 8 out of 10 weeks or so, but I didn't make the quarterly bonus. I have no earthly idea what reports were pulled and what my actual score was because we weren't even given access to FIESA until way after the quarterly bonus winners had been determined.

My particular hospital accounts were being migrated over to EbeyondTXT, and FIESA was the last thing on the list at the time. Now I don't even want to go and look at it because it just makes my blood pressure go up. There are so many inconsistencies between what QA says to do and marks off for and what QC advises and/or marks off for that I just give up trying for any of it. If I get it, then fine... If I don't, then that's perfectly fine too...so long as I can keep my sanity in the meantime.

Reply to email to HR....sm - Smeeps

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There is only a per hour target because everyone̢۪s hours are different. You could be progressive part time at the minimum of 30 hours per week, or you could be 35 hours a week (or any number of hours up to 40 and be PPT). To figure out your weekly target, multiply the hours you are scheduled to work by the hourly target (186 LPH).

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