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Unemployment and a few words of advice. Life without Nuance. - Gone and thrilled to be out.

Posted: Dec 30, 2012

I filed for unemployment from Nuance "with cause." At first my claim was denied but I recently won my case in the appeal phase. The "just cause" was an over 50% decrease in my income from my previous years with Webmedx, loss of benefits, etc. It was a struggle, but I feel vindicated now. At first my claim was delayed because I listed my employer as Nuance, Inc. I was informed by Unemp that my employer was actually Equity Leasing Finance. My claim was initially denied stating I had quit my job. However, there is a clause about quitting with "just cause," conditions under which any normal individual would quit employment. After explaining to the hearing officer about reduction in pay, restructure of bonus to my detriment, reduction of benefits, etc, a few days later I won my case on appeal. Don't give up if you have a similar case. It took me 4 months to pursue my claim, but I have received all back weeks of benefits and will continue to receive unemployment until I start my new job soon. I know many of you are in the same boat as I was with extreme loss of income, etc. I would suggest talking to a lawyer to help you through the process if you can afford one on the pay Nuance gives you. I am fortunate to have lawyers in my family. It took a lot of gathering of information, documentation of numerous emails I had written, a breakdown of my pay and how it had been slashed after Nuance took over, reams of misinformation and bad information from HR, etc. Just give it a try if you find yourself in the same boat. I was damaged by Nuance, emotionally and otherwise, and I lost confidence in myself. I have regained that and am so happy to have moved away from them. I know many of you know what I mean. I understand and urge you to seek remedies if they are available to you. Good luck to you all who remain. Please do not stay with them simply because you are afraid to change. There is a better life out there without Nuance. I am in my 60s and I have taken an office position locally, 9-5, M-F, no weekends, no holidays but paid holidays, great benefits and a bank of 120 hours of PTO starting the first day I start my job. Sound like Nuance!! NOT!! There are still jobs with benefits and good pay. Don't give up.

thanks so much for sharing your story!! - anon

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I moved on to another job, it took me about a year to find another field and good pay but it was worth it, and they treat me well and VALUE me, who would have thought!! We have a lot of skills, don't feel trapped by these monsters!

I love how you fought them and won, and thanks for the specifics which may help others!

Nuance= Life Without Nuance - Used to be webmedx

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Thank you so much for this post. I happened on it during one of my more despondent moments and what you describe sounds just like what has happened to me working for Nuance. It's hard to describe to my family what's been going on as it sounds incredible that I would lose about 50% of my income by working for them. You've given me encouragement and hope, and I can't thank you enough.

Equity Leasing Finance, not AlphaStaff for employer? - any extra info appreciated (nm)

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Thanks for the inspiration... - Hopeful

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and taking the time to leave a detailed message for others. I'm in my 60s too and have felt like there's just nothing out there for me.

I remain employed full-time with Nuance and for the past 3 years, until recently, had been actively seeking employment elsewhere (clerical), testing with civil service, school districts, placing very high on their lists, but still nothing. Pretty much discouraged, I assumed it was a combination of the economy and ageism (a concept I never really believed in until this past year).

You've inspired me. I'm going to look at things with a fresh eye. Congratulations on your new job. I wish you the very best.

UE - two questions

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Did you initiate this process while still employed at Nuance? Did you notify them you were doing it? TYIA.

UE questions - MT

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I had already quit employment and they were notified by Unemployment Comp that I had filed for Unemployment, to which they never responded.

So glad you posted this about UE and Nuance - AnnieOakley

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We just got an email yesterday that the powers to be are rethinking the incentive plan, etc. that we just got shoved down our throats, which would have taken effect immediately, which was thrown at us after we had to choose to sign up for health insurance, not before, but after. The new plan would totally take, take, take what little we are hanging on to. Your post absolutely made my day.

I also appealed - sm

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I won for some, if not all, of the reasons the OP stated. I also threw in misrepresentation by the recruiter because she told me I would get paid holidays, among other things that just weren't true. Sure, Nuance will try to fight it but persistence does pay off. Oh and document, document, document. I was very prepared with copies of just about everything.

Thank you for sharing. I'm filing a claim - sm

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Wednesday due to my pay rate being lowered.

please keep us posted. Thanks. - nm

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Thank you! I have STARTED DOCUMENTING. - I had not previously and felt I

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couldn't fight without past information, but with the successes reported here I believe documentation gathered now, compared to the old pay records that I do have, may well be enough.

In any case, a habit of increasing profits by turning the screws on employee pay will not simply stop. There'll likely be more exploitation to document before I'm gone.

Forgot to ask: What particular information would you - recommend gathering? Thanks. nm

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info gathering - MT

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Anything and everything. Any communication about wages, insurance, any emails you have sent regarding same, any questions to your TL and answers to same regarding pay and work issues (OOW). UC will want your hourly rate, which we all know really varies from paycheck to paycheck depending on availability of work, accounts, etc. I calculated my hourly rate at the end of 2011 (end of pay by Webmedx) and compared it to hourly rate when I quit Nuance in 2012. I had fallen from $24/hour (with bonuses and incentives) to somewhere between $10-12/hour. Document loss of benefits and PTO and holidays and anything else you have lost in employment with Nuance.

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