A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
When I worked for Nuance, I came here and read this board daily while I was OOW--hoping through despair that things would change. I have come back here twice since leaving, and it is almost painful to read. There are other transcription companies that treat their employees much differently than Nuance. I started with a new company. The training has been amazing. I ask a question, and the question is answered almost immediately through an IM that actually has a person on the other end. No minimums, no quality scores, no QC%, no watching like a hawk the time I start and end my shift...in fact, no time sheet at all. There is no comparing my claimed hours against my actual hours and all those other metrics. I am an IC now which I have been before. Quality is expected. Training has consisted of immediate feedback from QA so that I can learn as I go, no waiting for QA through anything as ridiculous as Fiesa. It is all straight typing too. The platform is so simple to use! I am amazed how much more complicated ExtText Editor was compared to what I use now. Previous notes are simple to find and in addition, I can listen to the audio on my feedback literally in seconds of retreiving it! There are still difficult dictators, but I am no longer punished transcribing them if I have to leave a blank.
Reading the recent comment regarding Nuance, I can feel my level of anxiety rise...I can feel the stress and I feel again after 17 years how Nuance made me feel like a failure as an MLS. I quit in April. I was given 2 new accounts and paid the bare miniumum to learn them because of my QC%. I was made to feel it was all my fault with 6 accounts that I was OOW....I have no more fear of opening my email....
That is enough about them....I cannot go back there.
Start looking, keep looking....there are other companies much better and respectful of their employees.