A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Thinking about my life - anotherMT

Posted: Mar 16, 2012

After reading the last few threads, I have been asking myself some hard questions. Why do I continue in this job that I clearly hate? I can't make ends meet, I am bored, and I know I am being taken advantage of, so why do I make the choice to stay?

I try to continually remind myself I have a choice. No one is forcing me to do this job. I can quit or do something else. I feel the same as the rest of you, slave labor, boring VR, no respect for our skills and talents and we should be paid more for what we contribute to the company's successes. But I spend so much time and energy being angry and wishing things would change, it is so exhausting. Like the poster below who got laid off pointed out, it causes so much stress I don't even realize it.

But I have been thinking and reading books ("Who moved my cheese" by Spencer Johnson") and I think its fear of doing what I really want to be doing. I'm afraid to be a ___ (for me, I want to be a writer). Its safer to sit here and complain about how unfairly I am being treated than it is to do something about it. They will only abuse me as much as I let them. I have to face the fact that technology is changing and my beloved work is not coming back. That hurts. If I accept responsibility for my own life and my own choices, I have no one to blame but myself for all the time I have wasted in this job. Its easier to blame the MTSOs and be angry with them for making profit off of my hard work. But who else has the choice but me? Hard to look in the mirror and accept that. I am using it as an excuse not to pursue what would really make me happy. Why do I do that? What am I afraid of? Why do I stay in this dead-end, mind-numbing, soul-sucking job? When I get to the end of my life, will I regret all this time I spent being angry at my employers?

I have a choice and so do you. We only have so many days left on this planet and I don't want to spend anymore time having the life sucked out of me.

Thanks for reading my philosophical rant.

Thinking about MY life, too! - needchange

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I agree with you!! I loved my work until about 3 years ago. I have taken a huge paycut, almost lost my home, have collectors after me all day everday. I am barely surviving.. and I see our MT world slowly imploding and all of us still on the train to nowhere. It's time to get out..and soon. Life goes by too fast to sit in this stupid chair for much longer!!!

I need a different job I can just walk into with my - current skill set; no time for school!

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The only problem is, what the heck would that be? I look for work every day; even the most menial, low-paying general office clerk jobs have "required" skills I don't have, and don't have time to learn, because I still have to work 12+ hours a day to keep the heat turned on, water and electricity running, rent paid.

Forget secretarial jobs; they all seem to want a B.A. degree. I don't have that, either. I forgot to mention, I'm not far off from being 63 years old. And I don't think I can ever afford to retire, I have no savings. (Spent it all, waiting for things to "turn around" at this job for the past 5-6 years.) Few jobs available where I live, but rents are cheap here, and I don't want/can't afford to move.

Even if I thought there was a snowball's chance in ______ that I would get hired by another MTSO at my age, why would I even apply, when the pay as a NEW EMPLOYEE would be even less than I'm making now.

I got into MT because I hate being around other people, detest management and authority-types looking over my shoulder all day long. I can be polite and charming, but only for about 10-15 minutes before it wears off.

I have no leadership skills. My phone skills suck because I detest phones. I almost never answer my own phone at home. That's why I love email so much. You can communicate, but at your own convenience. No intrusion of a ringing phone.

All these things they want in the job ads:
"Sparkling, bubbly personality": (I'm not a glass of champagne).
"Driven":(To what? Insanity?)
"Go-getter": (Nope, not even in my 20s, and certainly not now).
"A people-person": (Gag me).
"Goal-oriented": (Goal? What's THAT? I'm an MT - I have no goals).
"Hit the Ground Running": (I don't even hit the ground walking in the morning. I try not to drag my butt out of bed before 11 AM).
"Self-Starter": (Well, I HAVE started a few fights in my day...)

You do have a great sense of humor tho! - nm

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Different job - Anonymous

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People are probably going to attack me for saying this, but here goes. First, at your age you are eligible for Social Secruity at 62. You can draw benefits and continue to work, that will help with your income, maybe you wouldn't need to work as many hours. I'm almost 58, so I can attest to how difficult it is to enter a new field at our age. But, I do have to say that you don't seem to have a very high opinion of yourself and you only list negative things. You won't get hired to work in an office with the attitude that you hate being around people and detest management, you need to learn how to get along with your coworkers. You could set some goals for yourself if you chose to. No one has "no time to learn", so don't give me that, we should never stop learning. BTW, what do you like to do for fun?

I hear ya!! - sm

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I got laid off in 2011. Luckily I turned 65 at the end of that year and I took early retirement. I had been in this field for 40 plus years in pretty much all capacities (except IT). I have NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY as I am now. I had told myself 20 years ago, when I was already fed up with things, that I would get out. I got scared and didnt do it. Oh what a regret I have over that. I have spent pretty much the last 20 years miserable in my occupation. What a waste. They say that one of the things that people regret as they age, is what they DIDNT DO. I wish I could give words of encouragement but instead I would urge anyone who feels like myself or the OP, make a plan and have the courage to get out while you can. This is a sinking ship.

Heres a review about the cheese book - wheres_my_job

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By K.P. Singho:

"Who Moved the Cheese? The title question is never addressed, as if the "cheese" was swept away by a natural disaster, rather than through the conscious decisions of people in power - people who benefit from those decisions. In real life, we know very well who took the "cheese:" fat cat CEO's paying themselves astronomical salaries while exporting jobs to India and China. The purpose of the book is to distract workers from the obvious. The underpaid and the downsized are urged to just pick up and find opportunity elsewhere, without questioning the overall circumstance - as if God Himself stole the "cheese."

I've taken the liberty of writing new ending to the book. The two mice, Hurry and Scurry, who uncomplainingly went looking for new cheese, are now on their third McJob in three years. Hurry is now a barista at Starbucks. Scurry is a nurses' aide. They share an two-room apartment in Brooklyn with a couple of other underemployed mice, since none of them can afford rent on his own. Haw, the more enterprising of the two "littlepeople," has been temping for a while. The hourly wage is good, but he's worried, because he has no health benefits, and his 401(k) is in the tank. The grudging, resentful Hem, having been convinced by Fox News that the federal government is at fault, has joined the Littlepeople Militia. They are stockpiling guns and chemical fertilizer.

please don't blame yourself - wheres_my_job

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people get "stuck" for all kinds of reasons, and some of them are valid - mixed in with all the boo-hoo poor me stuff. Sometimes you have to go through the boo-hoo poor me stage, and then the angry stage, until one day - that's it! - you're done.

I hope if you *want* to be a writer, that you are writing - you can write every day, even a paragraph - even 1 sentence - 3 pages is best! (in my opinion). Keep a journal next to you while you are working, and stop and jot something down. Write down how much you hate your job, or about a piece of music you listened to the night before, or WHATEVER.

I find it's hard to read OR write, and do a heavy load of medical transcription - it's hard on your eyes, and your poor brain! That language part of your brain I feel is traumatized by the onslaught of uncaring indifferent hurried voices for hours on end, and the stream of symbols you have to eyeball, comprehend, fix!

I feel medical transcription is the WORST JOB FOR WRITERS. You'd be better off putting sprinkles on donuts at Dunkin Donuts on the midnight shift. At least you would be getting some aesthetic pleasure out of it - instead of destroying literary brain cells day in and day out. Trust me, I've been there.

Take care, make the leap, and whatever you do, DON'T BLAME YOURSELF for getting caught in some MTSO's hellish nightmare (thanks to the poster who referenced Alice Cooper song, "Welcome to My Nightmare," hilarious!)

mmmmm.....donuts..... - time4achange

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Also, nice post. Nice thread. Very thought-provoking. Thanks.

So true.... - Carrie

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I don't have any great philosophy to add....you (OP) have pretty much said it all, and I so agree.

Just wanted to say that after 18 years of being an MT at a major medical center, suddenly being outsourced to one MTSO (which totally blindsided me, so I didn't have another plan), and then that MTSO being acquired by MM, I was terribly unhappy with my life, and I knew I just couldn't keep doing this. You know...that definition-of-insanity thing?

I was totally used up mentally, stressed out with worry and concern about what steps I could take, losing sleep, working horrible hours, all while getting less and less pay for doing the very same, or, in my opinion, harder and harder work (my jobs had deteriorated to getting mostly the worst of the worst dictations, ESLs galore, difficult work types, etc....you all know the typical situation). I certainly didn't want to be out of a job completely, but I knew I was in a no-win situation and felt that nearly anything would be better for my mental health than what I was experiencing.

I declined the acquisition offer, even though I had no immediate job to go to. I'm fortunate in that I'm married and my husband has a job, making enough that we can mostly "get by" after cutting a LOT of extras and temporarily (hopefully) putting some non-mandatory things on hold like our monthly savings deposit and an extra monthly IRA contribution....those two things alone pretty much made up the measly income I was bringing home from MT'ing.

My husband says he sees a huge difference in my disposition, and my friends even say that I LOOK better. I haven't had to take a sleeping pill since the day I quit, and the constant, chronic eczema I had had on my hands for about 6 months completely disappeared without days.

Now, do I want to just "get by" in the long-term? No, not really. I hope to figure out my next life chapter before too long....but for now, I can't even begin to describe how much better I FEEL, and, for me, that's been worth taking this leap of faith.

So, anyway, that's just my story. I'm truly sorry that not everyone who wants to jump off can do so. I'm no spring chicken (mid-50s), and I know career changing won't be easy, and it's scary....but my younger brother died very traumatically a couple years ago; and even though we all KNOW it, that really reminded me to always remember that life is waaaay too short to spend it miserably.
wait a minute - question
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I have chronic eczema on my hands! How did it just go away from not working?
Am I allergic to my keyboard?
Eczema is flared by stress - nm
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No wonder all my itchy spots are flaring up! - Pass me the calamine!
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One word - stress! - nm
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It is fairly typical for eczema to flare - alana
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from heat, and typing will increase heat in the hands. My left hand, my mouse hand, always gets better when I'm not working, because the mouse pad, the fake wood desk, the wrist pad, all are occlusive. I also think I'm allergic to the mouse pad.
Keyboard allergies - Gluten-free, Itch-free Me
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Umm, there have been reports of keyboard allergies. Google for them.

Your problem is more likely to be something closer to your home. Stress makes it worse, but there are other factors coming into play.

Gluten in foods that you eat, for one. You might be astonished at hw much improvement in itching, scaling, and erythema you can get from a gluten-free diet. Not to mention the reduction or even elimination of diarrhea and headaches. And no, gluten-free diets do not have to be expensive. You do not need pricey products, just naturally gluten-free ones. You eliminate a lot of prepared processed products, which lessens your food bill. You also won't eat as much because cravings tend to go away.

Eliminating dary products helps, too. Nothing that comes from a cow. Eggs are not dairy. Cows are not dairy, but beef can be a problem for some.

If the eczema is confined to your hands, the problem may be dish liquid or laundry detergent. Anything containing sodium laurel sulfate, which is so irritating you wouldn't believe it. Also might be your hand lotion or nail products. And products you put on your pet or something you dust with, clean with, or otherwise come in contact with on your hands.

Culprits include the sulfates. dyes, preservatives, scents, or plant oils that smell nice like lavender or bergamot.

Using hand soap containing sulfates plus a hand lotion containing something else would do it. Do not discount a product because you use it all over but only have the problem on your hands.
It can be a combination of things. Your hands can be chronically drier and thus more "porus" to ingredients in other products.

Rubber or latex dishwashing gloves. Hand sanitizer. Even actual natural soap made from lye and fat.

Eliminate everything you put on your hands. Get some vinyl gloves from Sally Beauty Supply (hairdresser kind) or Sam's Cub (restaurant section or pharmacy) and use them when cleaning. Use sulfate-free shampoo that does no contain wheat protein or modified food starch. Go to a natural food store and get unscented liquid or bar soap to wash with. Several baby products are ok. Use it sparingly. Wash infrequently.

Eczema... - Triggered by stress...
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So true that stress aggravates eczema. What helped me: Great, copious quantities of over-the-counter cortisone cream massaged into affected areas soothed the itching.

I blame myself for putting up with it - OP

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Don't blame myself for getting caught up in some MTSO's hellish nightmare? I do not feel caught up in their nightmare. How can I blame them? I'm not being forced to work or enslaved with no chance of escape. I'm not in prison.

I feel trapped by my own fear and am taking responsibility for that. The sooner I can face my fear, embrace my fear, then and only then can I move on.

In a sense, you ARE being forced to work... - wheres_my_job

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There is a myth in capitalism, well, we workers, we go out there into a market and sell our labor...as individuals, and if things don't work out, or we're taken advantage of, well, we should exercise personal responsibility and find another job...except, but, wait a minute...that job, or jobs, are even more exploitative than the one we are contemplating leaving!

There is a tilted playing field, and it's tilted BY the people with the power, the flexibility, to pick up and leave an entire CONTINENT if they feel like it. Do YOU have that flexibility...well, I'll just pick and go to China, or India...or leave India because that's getting to be too expensive, and go to Africa, and if that's too costly, I'll pick my whole dang company up and take it to Siberia.

No, you DON'T. None of us MTs, not a single one of us, came up with the idea to toss in a flat 50-percent pay cut along with voice (mis)recognition software...not ONE OF US. The MTSOs came up with it - because it improves THEIR bottom line. Do I feel we as MTs have legal standing here, as far as being LIED TO, as far as terms of employment go. Yes, I think we do.

Just something for you to think about, and maybe have a little compassion for yourself. I have compassion for all of us jerked around in this way.
Re: In a sense, you ARE... - sm
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Thanks for an accurate, intelligent post. Great points!

wheres_my_job - laughingMT

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your posts crack me up! you're funny and spot on about most everything! the one thing I get tired of hearing on this board is how we "let them do it to us." everyone is in a different situation. Personally, I do this because I have absolutely nowhere to turn (ok, there is McD, but seriously). Really, I am not looking for sympathy here, but the reality is I have no family, I have no friends who I am close enough with that they would take me in to live with them, I don't make new friends because I never leave my house because I'm too broke, and no, I'm not trying to have a pity party here, they're just facts. I live in a big city where there are at least 20 hospitals and can't get an interview to scan medical records into the EMR! I'm qualified to type what is on that record, but scanning, nope, not happening. Not that I would want to do the scanning forever, you think this is boring, and so do I, but seriously, but it would be a way to get my foot in the door. Practically every hospital job after you have been there for 6 months and do a decent job, you can apply for other positions. I just feel like when I send my resume and it says "transcriptionist" 20 times, into the trash basket I fall. maybe you have some pearls of wisdom?? keep posting!

I have scanned in records... - wheres_my_job

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...as a temp at a law office. Have you contacted any temp agencies? there are other transcription companies that transcribe OTHER THINGS besides medical records, have you looked into those? I am....they're online...

Thanks for sharing your plight, er, I mean story :) I'm trying to think of pearls of wisdom, pearls of...well, one thing I think of, I think MTstars should have a section for transitioning MTs, those who are getting out of MT work...you know, so you can meet up in person...in a public place of course, but there was a group of people who met at our local library who were unemployed, they met wearing their business suits, looking professional...so why can't MTs do the same thing - even if our clothes aren't as nice?

Are you near a bus line? Maybe it's time to call yourself an "economic shut-in" - not because of health reasons, but economic - and see if some charity will send people to visit you - I'm not kidding - GET THE BALL ROLLING...I'll see what else I can come up with - but I like the phrase "economic shut-in" for all us broke 50-something MTs, cause of our job situation. Yep, I'm an economic shut-in, or have been, I wear the badge proudly if somewhat abashedly.

Gotta go now, be back tomorrow!

here's another idea... - wheres_my_job

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Is it possible for you to volunteer at one of the hospitals you'd like to work at? You would, literally, have your "foot in the door" then - you're there, you have a name, people can see you and your good work ethic, and so on...

...and also, there are roommate matchup services for older people - I read an article about it once - maybe somebody's spouse dies, and they have a big rambling house, too much for them to afford on their own, but if they had someone renting...they interviewed some women, and the situation had worked for them.

Also, have you considered maybe working one or two days a week as a home health aide - well, maybe not a home health aide, but a companion? You help with groceries and stuff, but not medical. I see ads all the time in the paper...cut down on your MT work by a day or two, if possible...THEN you would have something else on your resume, related to taking care of people (which is what hospitals do) - I mean, if you were a companion or aide to older people, maybe that would make you more attractive as an intake clerk in a geriatric unit.

Don't know if any of the above helps, but I gave it a shot.

Lady, if I could give you 5 thumbs up, I would. (nm) - me again

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Thinking about my life - JW

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I've been where you are now. I had to get a medical leave of absence from one of the MTSOs that I worked for three years. It made me sick physically and mentally. I was off for a month and prayed I would find something else so I could quit. Well I did find something that only lasted a little more than a month and then I had nothing. I finally found another MTSO doing acute care which is something I wanted to try before I leave the planet. i had done almost 28 years of ortho. I was miserable from day one with the other one and my pay was cut several times. You are the only one that can make the change. You could always pursue your desire and still do the one you are doing now and maybe something will break for you even if you need a leave of absence for a month. I would take it. You need some time to think and get a rest from the anger and stress of this work. Believe me it is very very stressful. Good Luck!!!

I was where you are now last year - ex-MT

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and knew I had to leave the MT world behind (I worked at DSG and understand I left just in time). I had applied at our local hospital SEVERAL times for billing positions that opened and finally they called and gave me a job, so now I am a biller. My goal is to become a coder and have just begun the course (that they will reimburse me for when I complete it). I was very nervous not only to start something new, but to not work from home. Obviously there are many great things about working from home but over the years those had diminished greatly for me. When you are glued to your computer I don't see the flexibility and for me working in pj's just made me lazy..LOL. I also was working many, many hours just to get a terrible paycheck. I have to admit it is so nice to go to work and be around people. I thought the transition would be a lot harder to work full time out of the home but it has not and I love coming home from work and that is it, the rest of the day is mine. My next step if I didn't get hired for the billing position was to apply for per diem registration positions. You might want to look into that if you live near a hospital. Start with anything to get your foot in the door. It is never easy to make a change but at the same time we (especially us women) have that gut feeling that tells us what we need to do and when we do it in spite of the fear, it feels really good to have done it. I do wish all MTs good luck in their decision to stay or look for work. It is so sad what is happening to this industry as it plays such a vital role.

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Sep 12, 2012

I am still getting out of this biz and going back to school.  I have panic with agoraphobia, but I cannot keep waiting for my SSI to be approved.  I have already been denied once.  The therapist I am seeing gave me hope and for that I am very thankful!  I found out I can go to a 2-year school and have my bills taken care of.  Thank God for that! ...

How Nuance Changed My Life For The Better
Feb 27, 2014

In my 3 years here at Nuance they have taught me the greatest lessons in frustration and humility I have ever experienced. They have forced me to learn how to be frugal and thrifty. They have taught me to earn extra income and streamline my life through selling a life’s worth of memories and tchotchkes by having rummage sales. They have taught me that you can find not only fashion, style and quality, but even designer clothing at Goodwill. They have taught me that paying cash is way bette ...

IMedX Is Sucking The Life Out Of Me
Apr 24, 2015

I loved the company I worked for before IMedX took over.  I type clinic notes, which is supposed to be Monday through Friday.  But IMedX has come along and changed the rules.  Doesn't matter that the clinics aren't even open on the weekend.  Any work that comes in on Friday must be done by Saturday. I got away from acute care and into clinic notes specifically so that I wouldn't have to work on the weekends.  I do actually have a life outside of work. &nb ...

Do You Spend 80% Of Your Life Worrying About Your Bad Job
Jun 13, 2015

It just seems to me that many MTs spend the majority of their lives worrying about the next bad thing that their employer is going to do to them. No solution. It just occurred to me that a lot of lives are gettng wasted hour by hour because of employer abuse or perceived employer abuse. Your choice. ...

New Lease On Life -- Cleaned My Keyboard
Nov 11, 2009

Didn't just wipe it down, like I usually do...this time I took it apart (it was disgusting in there -- I know how all the food & coffee got in there, but what about that enormous wad of dog hair???)  popped off all the keys & cleaned them with detergent, cleaned in, around, under keyboard cover.  Let everything dry overnight, put it all back together & voila!  Feels incredible.  I had no idea everything was so gunked up. (Hint:  I took some little snaps ...

Looks Like Frankenstein's Monster Is Back To Life,...we Shall See
May 21, 2010

x ...

Softscript Was The Worst Experience Of My Life
Dec 10, 2010

Softscript was the worst experience of my life.  Their software sucks - just about all applications within their program are slow, slow, slow - couldn't get any lines.  Go figure.  Do not waste your time with this company.  ...

Of All The Jobs I've Had In My Life, I Think Coding Is The Most Rewarding
Jan 16, 2012

Once you learn coding, it's fun! I've done so many other jobs in my life that I can't even count them. I can't think of many that were actually fun, but I think coding is. ...

I'm Just Happy Enough With Life Tonight To Wonder This Out Loud....
Jan 27, 2012

If I read along regularly and reply only sporadically, who the heck is following my posts enough to stalk me?  Really?  ...

So Weary Of Having The Worst Dictators In My Life!
Nov 17, 2012

These dictators should be fined for their horrible English language ability. ...