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Yes, Virginia, there is life after MM - Moving On

Posted: Aug 03, 2014

In the last 5 months, I have been fired from MM after 16 years of dedicated service on my part (95.5% audit, buh-bye), have collected UE, applied for hundreds (literally) of jobs in the large metro area in which I live, cried on my husband's shoulder (the kindest and best of men) and helped take care of my ailing 92-year-old mom (what a sweetie). In the last month, my mom passed away (worried about me, not herself). In the last 10 days, my young dachshund passed away from lymphoma (expected), and my elderly dachshund passed away (unexpected). With 2 job interviews just before and after mom's funeral, I received 2 offers of employment and accepted one! I start my new job at a large, brand-new hospital tomorrow as a clinical secretary. Yay, back to the real world!! FYI, I am 60 years old.

Yes, Virginia, there is life after MM - Moving On

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OOPS, my audit scores were 99.5, not 95.5, not that it matters anymore :)

Wow in what world does one get punished/fired for scoring - Kiki

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99.5....For god's sake that is an A in every other world!!!!

Sorry about your doxie's and mom. I know the pain of losing a dog. :(

I'm glad Virginia there is life after MM! I wish you the best at your new job.

Good to hear - Anon

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I'm sorry for your losses. I glad you found a non-MT job. It's especially SO good to hear that you were hired for this job at the age of 60! That truly gives me hope. (I'm in my 50s). Thanks so much for sharing!

I mean "doxies" not "doxie's" oops! - Kiki

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But you all knew that ;)

and NOT for cherry picking....see below - x

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Life after MM - Been There

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Although I quit this horrible company; I just jumped before I was pushed. I was so angry; first at myself for putting up with a job (2years) that treated me like they did and the way my pay went down and kept going down and pandering to them in every way I could and sweating and having heart palpitations with every e-mail, I wrote a scathing letter to the hospital that I was assigned to, which they have since lost and also to M*Modal itself, and belief me I used every curse word I could think of. What did I care. Now I don't think they lost the account because of my letter, as it was a few months after that, but for some reason, I just had to have my say! It was helpful and I have moved on and found another job, but I swear I still hate that company, I wish it would burn to the ground (figuratively speaking). So happy another MT has escaped this place. I wish every MT would follow in you!

congrats/condolences - MT Long Gone

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First, let me say sorry for your recent losses. Losing a parent, then 2 precious fur babies is a hard hit. But, you obviously picked yourself up and moved on. I wish you the best. I left MM 3 years ago, and there is life out there. I'm now 55. We "old folks" bring work ethic, experience, and a wealth of knowledge to the work place...something that employers today are starting to appreciate. Bless you and yours.

Life after MM - Moving On

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Thanks for all the kind comments!  Have just completed 3 days of computer lab orientation, tomorrow at the hospital unit.  This just might work out :)  

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