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This dictator drives me nuts - Have to vent

Posted: Jun 29, 2014

Every other word is um, ahhh.  Then it's next paragraph, next paragrah, next paragraph. Then it's period, uh period, uh period.  Then he repeats next paragraph and period several more times.  Between and his other yucky habits, I really wish they would ban him from dictating. 

I am so sorry. With QCs doing so much of the MT - work, we really are stuck with the dregs.

[ In Reply To ..]
We are all doomed to such frustration until Nuance begins to do a right thing. Even one right thing.

Crap dictators - Have to vent

[ In Reply To ..]
And I have had nothing but crap dictators all morning. There is so much more I could say, but I'm in a bad enough mood already with the s*** NUisANCE doles out that I'm about ready to scream.

I am sorry. - Totally relate.

[ In Reply To ..]
Vent away, anytime you need. We all do.

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