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Is it any wonder I'm going nuts - transcribing stuff like this

Posted: Jul 19, 2014

This is the actual sentence the doc dictated.  I listened to it 3 times.

"There was initially significant tachycardia where her beta blocker was resumed, although this had given her bradyarrhythmias and sinus block in the past, but ultimately, with regulization, her potassium and magnesium levels, and because of recurrent hypotension her beta blockers were discontinued and her rhythm remained stable."


HUH???? - Me again

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The whole darn report reads like this. No idea where to put periods and lots of blanks because he mumbles so. I know I'm going to get dinged big time for this and frankly I don't care.

commas are key. - passing thorugh.NM

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it's your job to understand the context - sm

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If you don't know where to put a period, that's not on the dictator here.

it's your job - but it is

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the doctor's job to dictate so we can understand the context. We are not miracle workers. We are only as good as they allow us to be.
the paragraph did not represent a problem for most posters here - nm
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the paragraph did not- - maybe her brain
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was tired as we all know happens and she was thinking too hard. Just as we can leave a blank but when going back to re-listen it is clear.
she are, indeed - nm
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It always amazes me how you can listen and - IMANMT2
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listen and hear _____. Then skip it, go on and finish. Then go back and relisten at the end and vowels and consonants and pauses just pop out and sometimes (not every time) all is revealed. Right before you pull out that last strand of hair.

That's where onsite MTs may have the advantage. The help - if that is how the MT office is working ... a fresh ear and usually, since everybody has to look each other in the eye and the supervisor won't tolerate rude behavior, everyone is a little bit nicer about it. That, and they may get that report next that stumps them and need that fresh ear. Because no one is perfect.

Of course, that diligence may have been our undoing.

So, I wonder how much time/money was lost on this report by the MT.

the number of dislikes says a lot about the acumen of MTs today - very sad

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sorry, but if someone can't tell where to put a period, someone shouldn't be doing this job. That's ridiculous.

...regularization of her potassium and magnesium levels... - hypotension, her beta blockers...

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Well, that IS the job and always has been. - MT2Coder

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Change "levels and" to LEVELS, or even LEVELS AND, and it makes sense. I think that is, in fact, what he said.

I added a comma and corrected the spelling of "regulization." He means regulation or regularization. You could also change "where" to "when."

"There was initially significant tachycardia WHEN her beta blocker was resumed, although this had given her bradyarrhythmias and sinus block in the past, but ultimately, with REGULATION (or regularization), her potassium and magnesium LEVELED, and because of recurrent hypotension her beta blockers were discontinued and her rhythm remained stable."

In all seriousness, that IS the job. MT has always been that way. We used to thank God it was that way because it was the only thing keeping people off the street from being able to do it.

well, that IS the job - I disagree

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you are doing the "thinking" for the doctor. Both of the corrections change the meaning of the dictation. Correction of spelling and commas we do but not words "we think" it should be. I see you are a coder now, maybe a good thing.

You are assuming the OP was correct - but she was not.

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Correct OP - Fatigued Fingers
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My what a snarky reply. How do you know if she was correct or not? Did you listen to the original dictation? Of course not, so then who are you to determine if she was correct or not?

I too think you are changing the words a little too much. - Never assume. sm

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The way you changed the words around completely changed the meaning of the statements, and there is no way to know if you changed it correctly to what the dictator was meaning. Never assume. Transcribe as dictated; leave blanks when unclear.

Sorry, I did not assume anything! - It was the OP who misheard.

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Sorry, but I did not assume anything. YOU are *assuming* the OP accurately transcribed to begin with, but she can't have because the doctor would not gave said those things.

What he SAID was what I wrote. I can tell because that is what makes sense. It makes sense grammatically and medically.

To put it bluntly, the OP seems to have parrot-typed sounds on a word by word basis rather than transcribing phrases in context. The doctor did NOT say what she typed. Period.

I see posts on this board all the time about how much medical knowledge MTs have ("we are better than doctors!"). If that is the case, how is it that some of you in this thread can't see what he meant here?? It is perfectly clear to the rest of us.

The key to understanding it is in more medical knowledge and in transcribing sentences as a whole, in context, not parrot-typing individual sounds.

The service my facility uses types this kind of nonsense all the time. It is infuriating.

If you think this is acceptable quality -- note that stupendous misspelling again, please -- then stop complaining about SR, because that kind of quality is what makes it more cost-feasible for hospitals to just use Dragon.

Sorry- - Wow!!
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Did you listen to the dictation?? Who is "the rest of us." Bottom line, I am not in the dictators head, I don't know "what he meant." I only hear what he says and if something is wrong, I blank it. You are really on your high-horse today. Maybe the service your facility uses is bad but maybe it's the doctors that are bad too. Maybe he is so bad she had to "parrot-type."
Good Lord, I totally agree with you ... - sm
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Some MTs thinking they are just perfect and above everyone else and everyone else must be stupid ... you never ever assume what YOU think the doctor is saying. That crap the OP posted was an incoherent mess, plain and simple, and you can't assume ever and add or change words to what YOU think it is ... blank it and send it on to QA to deal with.
It wasn't an incoherent mess. That's the point. - unblvble
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Tired of the condescending attitude on these boards ... - sm
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Someone posts about having a hard time and there are those on their high-horses who have nothing else better to do than to try to make others feel bad to make themselves seem superior. We've all been there ... not hearing something properly for various reasons, a crap dictator or crap audio that makes our ears deceive us. Being kind goes a long way in life ... so many here should try it some time. MT here for almost 20 years so not a newbie at this.
Service my facility uses- - well if they
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outsource for all the work they deserve what they get. If they use a service for overflow, then maybe they should watch what they send. Services are only out for the $$, and end up making the MT callus because of the pay and stress. If transcription was kept in-house then they have MTs that are familiar with the area and the physicians, and even though no one likes to admit it, really care, the personal interaction means a lot.
Yeah, because doctors NEVER dictate anything that is ... - sm
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grammatically or medically incorrect. smh
You have no idea what the OP heard. - You assume what she heard and assume what the prov
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...assume what the provider said. Wow.
and the PROVIDER is always RIGHT! - HAHAHHAHA
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Dictators speak like this ALL THE TIME. - Your post just makes me laugh. Thanks I needed it
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Wow, are you out of touch with reality. - anon
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The MT "misheard" because the "doctor couldn't have said that because it wouldn't make sense." ?? HA HA. On top of that, I worked somewhere where it was verbatim. You would have been reprimanded for changing the doctors' words and "imagining" what he meant.

To the OP. I can imagine that the worst part is, if that was VR, having to re-read and re-read to 'try' to put in punctuation and only getting 4 cpl.
What he SAID was what I wroteLOL - I can tell because that is what makes sense. - wheres_my_job
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Hilarious. I've known doctors in my personal life, and they say they HATE transcription. Of course, when people are rushing through something they HATE doing, OF COURSE they're gonna "make sense" ALL THE TIME. OF COURSE, that's how it works.

LOL. "parrot typing." You can listen for context all you want, if instructions from job are VERBATIM, then that's what they're supposed to get.

It's medical transcription, not INTERPRETIVE medical transcription.
Are you working again? - Just wondering
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Regulization - ???

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I have posted before about the made-up nonsense the MTSO sends back to my hospital. Nobody seems to believe me.

Take a good look at that "regulization," because THAT is what I am talking about.

'Cause no doc ever says "regulization"? - wheres_my_job

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Health care providers NEVER make up words. Oh no. Or mispronounce drugs. Oh, never. Not them. LOL
Sure they do, but you are supposed to - transcribe the correct wording.
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Whether they make up words or mispronounce is irrelevant. You are supposed to transcribe the correct wording. If you can't do that, you are in the wrong job.
depends on where you work. Some accounts want VERBATIM even - if doc says something like that. Its
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something the MTSO works out with the account - how the account wants those things handled. Most times it is to be corrected, but a lot of times - accounts and/or MTSOs say it is their (the doctors') liability, not ours.

Nothing is concrete in this business - wouldn't it be nice if it were. But, no. We've got ADHI BOS saying one thing, MTSOs saying another, account personnel having their way, and doctors who don't care one way or another, but confused by all the exceptions to the rules.

Ain't life grand?
and sometimes urban docs say "wif" and "dis" but you change that. I HOPE. nm - Get Real
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Some of you take verbatim so far into the ridiculous level you shouldn't be allowed to call yourself a medical transcriptionist.

I know what you mean ... - sm

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... I flag it for QA if I don't get it or understand what they are trying to say. Especially on VR ... don't get paid enough per line to figure out what they are trying to say.

EDITED TO SAY: I had a doctor like this just last night, not ESL, plus a mumbler and a stutterer and a stammerer and choking on his own saliva. Imagine being the family of the patient and trying to understand your loved one's condition, etc., with sentence structure and grammar like that.

My take on this muddy - paragraph

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There was initially significant tachycardia where her beta blocker was resumed, although this had given her bradyarrhythmias and sinus block in the past. Ultimately, with regularization of her potassium and magnesium levels, and because of recurrent hypotension, her beta blockers were discontinued and her rhythm remained stable.

That is very good. - Like it!

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replace where with when - Misused "where"

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Nooo! When I did that above, - look what they said!
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When I replaced where with when, they said I was "changing words around."


Perfect. That is exactly how it should be transcribed. - nm

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Huh - If you are not allowed to make sense

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of this mess and change words, what the heck. Just do the best you can with it. I get reports that even VR leaves blanks. LOL

My philosophy most of the time is - garbage in, garbage out.

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Some of these doctors sound like they're stoned. There's just no way to make sense of the mess. :p

IMOH, some of them enjoy giving us a hard time - with their slurred speech

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It makes them feel smart when we can't understand them, even though we would have no problem if they spoke normally.

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