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assigning jobs drives me nuts - pomt

Posted: Feb 10, 2011

It's just not fair that a couple of people get almost 100% of OP notes throughout the day and I get 2 or 3 total, and those are only because they are miscoded as discharge summaries!  What do I have to do to become a "favorite?"  Gee, why can't I be loved by my MTSO like that?  Cry



I'm dealing with the same thing. - Dallas

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Been with the same company for many years and I guess they're now picking favorites because I get very few reports and I know the work's there, always has been.

No, unless you can SEE the work is there, you dont KNOW - it is there, or where it is. nm

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I can - sm

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see the jobs after they're done on my system. I can see what time they were dictated and what time they were transcribed. I don't know if the OP is on the same system as me, but I know what she's talking about. On my account, some people get 80% or more OP notes and I get about 2%. The jobs I get have a longer turn around time than those easy OP notes with a shorter turn around time, so I know they are being fed those jobs.

Even during last few weeks when we were all staring at our screens looking for work, those few "special" people had plenty of jobs. I have 4 accounts, and every single one of them were dry. These "special" MTs had only 1 account they were working on (my main account), and they had a normal day.

I actually love my account and I like the company generally, I just wish it was fair. I really wish it didn't happen, but it does.
My hire condition was mostly OPs, so that would affect - others. Mostly we do not have
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your situation, though. It's fairly fair. Big question: How DOES one become a favorite when work's too uneven to be able to wow anybody?

its not fair and gives a false sense of power and importance to those - who cannot handle it ethically. NM

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Wha?? Seems if you can assign jobs you DO have - power. nm

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they don't have power, they have all the lines. NM - get it?

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Do you get it? If you have power to get all the lines, that - is the power that counts in MT. nm
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See? cannot handle it ethically, No longer power but HUGE FLAW - - CHARACTER flaw. done.
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Me Too - sm

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Know what you mean. I would like to find a company who don't play favorites and would put it in writing. Wouldn't that be amazing to see? Now THAT would be an honest company!

Hmm. I wonder... - s/m

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Where I work, people are assigned certain worktypes in their pool, and in some accounts they can even be pooled clear down to the individual doctor level. When I first began, I was only given discharge summaries to start, and as they saw that I could handle those, they gradually started opening up more worktypes for me, so that now I get all worktypes on my primary account--even the ones I don't like!

Is it possible that you do not have the op report worktype in your pool, and thus you only get op reports when they are miscoded as a different worktype? Op reports and procedures are, in my limited experience, the last worktypes to be opened up for individual MTs.

If you are successfully transcribing the op reports that do come to you, perhaps you could send your supervisor a VERY polite e-mail to the effect that you would like to be turned loose on more worktypes, and could they please look into doing that for you. If they say yes, they might put you on full QA for the first few. That is a standard thing where I work, for new accounts and/or new worktypes.

It might be interesting to see what kind of a response you get if you go that route....

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