What is more aggravating is the MT who spells - sm - XXX
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the drug the way the doctor spelled it even though they know it is wrong, and then notes that this the way the doctor spelled it and they could not verify it. Umm, take a little initiative and just spell it correctly, especially on accounts which are not verbatim (and these accounts are not verbatim). I can understand when it is a tricky drug name, but in most of these cases we are talking about a drug being off by one letter, such as no e at the end. Super aggravating, and they have been told not to do this but keep doing it. I guess eventually they will learn the hard way not to do this but that is not up to me.
If you are misplacing the blame on - the MT...
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who is often given confusing and frequently contradictory instructions on how to handle dictator error, then thank goodness ''it is NOT up to you'' (and probably not much else IS up to you either). Put your aggravation where it belongs---on the sloppy, careless dictator and those with access to him but too cowardly to speak up---not on the worker whose hands are often tied by ridiculous, contrary-to-common-sense instructions from a myriad of people---some as clueless and judgmental as you seem to be.
In this case there is not a myriad of people - sm - XXX
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just 1 when in training, other than that nada except when you have a question. Maybe 14 different QA telling you how it should be is how it is where you work, not where I work though. So this particular person does not have that "excuse". All I ask is for some common sense, and unfortunately there are many, many MTs who lack this. Part of this job is taking initiative and making the doctor look and sound good. Not correcting a very obvious misspelling is just passive/aggressive and spiteful to boot.
Why does everyone have to be so nasty on here????? I vented my frustration on the subject from a different perspective and point of view and now get attacked saying I am an idiot basically if you read between the not so subtle lines. We are not talking bad dictators in this case either so in this case it is not the doctor but the quality of the MT.
You are the one being judgmental here. You do not know the facts yet you are passing judgment on me and this particular situation. You need to think first obviously before hacking away at your poison keyboard.
I had one last night, too - Auntie Anxiety
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If I had a nickel for every time the dictator said "ummm" during her 49-minute (!!!) dictation, I could have financed myself a nice 2-week vacation.
And, after all 49 minutes of dictation, it yielded about 247 lines because of very long pauses of nothing but breathing on her end. I was practically comatose after that one.
They are SO afraid to say anything to the dictators - Old and Tired MT
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Yet they bitch and moan at every little mistake the MTs make. They need to train these people how to properly dictate a decent report. They demand perfection from us, yet look at the crap WE are given to try to make sense of this mess! It gets REALLY old!
Bad dictators - MT
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Oh how I long for the good old days when I worked in a teaching hospital academic office and did transcription. When a doc walked by, we simply stopped him/her and asked what the heck they were trying to say. They weren't offended in the least but suggest trying to talk to a difficult dictator now, and management faints.
No problem. I'll always do my best and never guess, and the dictator is ultimately responsible for what's in that report when they sign it.
Dictators - 1mt
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I also love the crunching of potato chips, gum cracking, hard candy sucking...it's all so wonderful
Bad dictators - Girl4givn
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I had one 15 years ago in a large clinic - he was a nightmare. One of those neurosurgeons who not only thought his poop didn't stink, but thought it didn't sound either. He would take his handheld into the bathroom while having a bowel movement...complete with the grunts, plops in the bowl, and flushing. It was ridiculous. But he was so high up there, no one wanted to say anything to him. Gimme a break....
Does anybody know how long a report stays in our specific work pool? I've done a break on a report hoping to get rid of it. But it keeps showing back up. I'm trying to make up some sick time, but I just can't understand this garble and have already spent way too much time trying to decipher it. I've been checking on and off for the last 30 minutes and it keeps showing back up. Help!!!! ...
you wanted to quit mid shift????? Sigh. I had one of those yesterday. Everytime I see his name come up in my cue I cringe!!!! He is horrible. Horrible accent. I did notice though after doing about 3 or 4 of his reports, my ears becames "trained" on him and I get better with him as time went by. But still, he is one that just makes my momentum (sp) drop drastically!
Just venting!!!
Thanks for letting me share. ...
What do you do if you are typing on a document for 780 seconds and the dictator at the very end tells you to cancel this and erase everything because she already dictated it? In all my years I was lucky enough not to get this until now. I was thinking about sending it in anyway because I just spent all this time on it!!!! ...
This doctor says "ah" inbetween just about every other word. So I'm spending all my time in the ASR taking out a bunch of "a's"!!! Wouldn't normally ah vent, but I've ah had her a lot ah today! ...
Coumadin 30 mg per day.
Now, I want to make sure I'm not dreaming here, but that is completely incorrect, right?
Maybe I'm having a brain lapse (been an MT for 20 years) but I want to make sure my thinking is correct that this dosage would probably be lethal?
I'm going to leave a blank for the dosage, but I just wanted to double check with my MT friends. I have listened to it many times, and she is positively saying "30 mg per day."
TIA!! ...
This is what it sounds like.
"His WBC 11.48, and his 12.4 and 37.0 PT/PTT were normal."
It seems like "PT/PTT were normal." Should be a sentence on its own, but then I'm not sure what the 12.4 and 37.0 lab values would be for. Grr...
Any help would be greatly appreciated! ...
I am just curious as to what speed setting to most of you keep it on when doing ASR? I try to keep mine between 8 and 9 unless it's an extremely slow dictator. I would like to increase my line count, but I'm afraid if I speed it up too much I might miss something. ...
What do you do when you absolutely cannot understand what the dictator is saying and you work at home on your own. Can you call the dictator? Can you request to review the other medical records because chances are, the dictator is saying the same thing that appear on those records? ...
ESL dictator with very thick accent states: ...for antibiotic management. NOT with antibiotic management. Please learn to transcribe correctly.
Although it wasn't me who made the mistake, it was all I could do to not put in the QA note: A female is SHE and male is HE and it is vomit not WOMIT, please learn to dictate correctly.
I so wish it was okay to put QA notes to the dictators. ...
This ANP who is dictating can't make up her mind what she wants to say and constantly corrects herself and then keeps yawning, but doesn't stop the recording or even stop speaking while she's yawning. It's annoying me PLUS it's making me sleepy now myself.
More coffee, please!!!! ...
I know this is petty, but for some reason, it grates on my nerves to hear: blah, blah Period space space. Or Colon space space enter.
I mean, please, are we considered that incompentent? but on the other end of the spectrum we have those that don't say any punctuation, which is absolutely fine, but a pause would be nice. It's not necessary to dictate a whole report in one breath. ...
on the phone to correct their grammer? I have this one who always says "chynosis" for cyanosis and "catheterism" for catheterization. It was funny at first, but now very irritating!
Thanks for the vent. ...
What is the rule on filling in mg or mcg, etc., if the dictator just says "Lasix 20." (if the account is not verbatim, should this always be filled in by the transcriptionist?)
Thanks! ...
Just need to vent about my ESL doc who decided at 11 last night he needed to dictate all of his H&Ps for the week. He's not very good at his best but his yawning is giving me tons of blanks and it drives me crazy not being able to get it, so have to listen 20 times to try to get one extra word, which of course takes much longer than his 5 minutes of dictation should require! Really wish he would pick a weekday to talk since I only do weekends for this hospital! ...
Dictated ... "EGD that allowed chronic GERD, with small total chronic S/L destoration"
I have tried to hear chronic ulceration but that is not it. Does anyone else have a clue, please?
Thanks in advance! ...
Mumbly dictator
First he clearly dictates a drop-fem test of which I am dumbfounded. As well as on an imaging report post total hip arthroplasty he dictated what sounds like he is stating.." Vasser clause wires are in place from previous surgery" Is there such a thing...have checked all my books, and online to no avail.
Any ideas? I think my ears are beginning to tune this guy out, he is awful! Thanks in advance!! ...
Just want to preface this before anything..I am not new at this by any stretch of the imagination, have heard pretty much all of it..I have had this crappy dictator all day..My theory on them is leave the freaking blanks and bypass QA so they will learn to talk like a human being..Most of the time I send things through QA they dont find the blanks anyway...And we know the company will NEVER say yo doc, speak correctly..This is an English speaking doc who just does not enunciate so there is no ex ...
Southern dictator states resection of bowel "s/l ottoman" under surgical history. This isn't how she says abdomen. Not sure what else it could be. TIA!
words in her native language (Chinese) and I'm getting a string of her reports (of course)--- and I know it's going to push me over the 10% QC limit. She will dictate like this (and she does it AT LEAST 5-6 times per report:
The patient is in atrial eh, eh, eh (insert chinese word here--probably means flutter but it sounds something like "me-ah-plee." I think she just can't think of the English word so she says it in Chinese, always preceeded by "eh, eh, eh." &nb ...
spell the name of a doctor whose name is something like "Dr. Lhaksuduaramamaan" -
He just says it real fast and thinks whoever is transcribing the report will just automatically know how to spell that!!! Not to mention he has a Chinese accent --THAT doesn't help either. So he can't go ahead and maybe spell that out? To top it off, he says this name 3 different times in the report, making me have to leave THREE blanks, which I now have to pend? I was miracu ...
Why aren't the dictators audited and scored for their poor dictation? We can take points off for background noise, use of speaker phone, use of cell phone, static, chewing, yawning, side conversations, changing their mind, not pronouncing numbers correctly and so on. Quite a few dictators would be on Performance Management CONSTANTLY and then would no longer be allowed to dictate until they straightened up and did it right. One could only wish! ...
Dear Dr. Phlegm, stop, PLEASE stop trying to "hock a loogie" while you are in the middle of the dictation. That is freaking gross and I do not want to hear you trying to bring it up! YUCK AND UGH!!! ...
resign yourself to getting minimum wage or close for that pay period, especially when said dictator dictates a long string of reports and you seem to get them ALL? Ugh. You don't know how bad I just want to QUIT right this second. ...
male ESL (Indian) dictator saying what sounds like "center volume INFA CABG." I tried intervolume, intravolume, centri-, centra-, INA, INF, and many other tries, with no results. can anyone guess this one, or possibly knows what he might be saying please? ...