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So did everyone triple their earnings this week under the - new and exciting plan?

Posted: Dec 31, 2014

I didn't. I dropped $75 than I normally would have made. That's it for me, I'm out of here ASAP.

Mine didn't triple, but it was about $40 more on the new - wannie

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I made $75 more than I would have made on old plan - newbutold

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So far I have come out ahead every paycheck so I can't complain yet. This week may be my week to take a hit. I hope not, but I just do my work and what happens, happens!!

Not this week - Taelus

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Was up for last 2 weeks, but this week they claim I'm just over the 10% QC score. The hit is huge going from 0.113 to 0.07.

which platform? - pissed

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Just curious as to what platform you all are on that you are coming out ahead? There is no way my platform will ever come out ahead....instead we are all taking triple-digit pay cuts.
BayScribe here - Taelus
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Straight typing.
Escription - newbutold
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BTXT.nm - wannie
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To newbutold - You must be a suit.

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Do you work for MModal also? You are posting on both sites, so what is up?
I worked for Medquist for 10 years and was let go - newbutold
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I am not a suit. Was fired by Medquist about 5 years ago. Did not work for a year and then decided to try and apply with Nuance and have been with them for over 3 years now. I also work part time for TTS. No way am I a suit. I have my problems with Nuance as everybody does with FIESA I just made a decision a year ago that I would do my job and not let them get to me. I used to stress big time, but have just decided I can't let them do that anymore. If I feel they have unjustly picked apart something, I ask for a reversal and have never had a problem getting it for the most part. I am lucky and have a great TSM who does a great job. I feel terrible for those who are stuck with TSMs who do not care. I don't make enough money with just Nuance that is why I took on a second job and now I make enough money to cover bills and have a little extra. Do I want to work 2 jobs??? No, but I have no choice. That is the way it is. I am not in a position to work outside of the home so that is the story. No suit here. just a hardworking 54 year old

First pay was surprisingly wonderful - the second not so much

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but at 0.09 not too bad, just that there is so much OOW and not enough PTO to cover it, next pay will be OUCH for sure! Apparently all holidays are going to be like this, and paydays will be up and down, nothing consistent, at least for me.

new and exciting plan - needmorecash

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I had $130 cut the first week for almost exactly the same lines with exactly the same QA score. The second week was better, but now this third week is less for me because of the new way they decided to calculate the QA score without telling anyone. I was expecting one thing, but got another, again. This is really getting old. Anyone else have this problem?

new and exciting plan - needmorecash - McNuttie

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Yep!! My TSM had to re-explain it to me because it seems like every week before approving time card, I would go to her with a discrepancy in percentages. I do not understand why bother to have the averaged percentage score if they are only going to go by post audit scores. Then, to top it all off, with the holidays, they are calculating CPL on what the post audit score was for the LAST PAYPERIOD, and not this one, since it was the holidays and all. I didn't realize that they didn't have to work like the rest of us. My TSM has suddenly become very vague and closed mouth about everything, so I am guessing that this is the way it is going to be from here on out. I'm outta here the first chance I get. My post audit score this this past week was 99.98%, and for this week, so far is 100%. I am sure excuses will be made so that I won't benefit from either weeks. They might as well go back to the quarterly scoring. They won't be happy until most of us can't score better than 98.98% ever....except the showboats that have someone found a way to work the system. Not only is Nuance making sworn enemies with us, they are also pitting us against each other, with some MTs just loving the new plan, while the majority would rather eat razor blades than deal with the constant BS. What's the secret, ladies? We would all love to hear your pearls of wisdom....=/ Ugh!!

Yes, I thought I was at 99.7% QA but--sm - anon

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That report was transcribed the previous week and reviewed during the pay week. Since I had no other reports reviewed during the Christmas week, they just used the score from the previous week which of course was 98.82. Because my production is on the lower side, the difference is not huge for me but it is still quite demoralizing.

Pay this week. - MT

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Mine was $135 more with this plan. So far I've seen about a $3 to $4 per hour raise since it started. Can't complain. Slowing down for numbers, increasing the word expander and eliminating distractions works wonders.

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