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I do remember when the pay week was Sunday through Saturday with my former company prior to the Nuance buyout. It's a little fuzzy now, but I believe when Nuance "officially" took over, that is when the pay week changed to Saturday through Friday. Perhaps that is your situation?
Pay week - Bobo
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Gee, I must have been asleep all this time.
To all you wonderful MTs working and slaving your lives away, Happy MT Week. I appreciate you. I appreciate your kindness when I have a rant or a rave, when I'm at my wits end with the constant changing around of clients, client profiles and the never ending dings being thrown at me. I appreciate knowing that I am not alone in this struggle.
It is because of all of you, and only you MTs on this board that I manage to stay in this game. We are treated as less than second class citiz ...
Does anyone know when pay will be distributed this week? A big deal seemed to be made about getting payroll in quickly, so Im wondering if pay will be released before Thursday or if its just going to be Friday as usual. ...
Good grief. I did not change the way I edit. It so depends on how many commas they think you should have. Yes, I made an unusual (for me) mistake last week, but the rest of passing an audit is dumb luck of whether you get a realistic auditor or Ms English wannabe.
Everybody must be under pressure because of the cesspool as I see a lot of mistakes when I look up past reports to help with these mush mouths and accents. The time czar wants schedule changes, but I see no problems with turna ...
Does it now vary from week to week? I used to always know exactly what my PTO was and could calculate it but just noticed that it varied from one paycheck a couple of months back to this past week. How is this now figured? So confusing ...
I've never heard of National MT Week. Been doing MT for 10 years for the same MTSO. Never came on to MT Stars until about the last six months. Obviously, I have never gotten anything for MT Week, so at least some of you are lucky that you do get a little something, whatever it might be. My MT job just keeps getting better and better (NOT) with pay decreases and work lost to VR. ...
I am kind of lost in the pay dates for the next pay day on Friday. Could someone tell me what days we are getting paid for? I though it was for 2 weeks starting on the 1st and ending on a Sat. Is that the way they do it now? Thanks guys! ...
Who is the company that pays every week? It was just on the job's seekers board, but now I cannot find it. Any info would be helpful. I would love to get paid every week.
Thanks ...
I'm trying to finish out my notice and will have to force myself to turn on that stupid computer in the a.m. May not be finishing out because I am not going to be strapped down waiting for piddly crap to come my way every 45 minutes.
I just keep wondering what the patients would say if they knew their records were going to India just to save a few bucks. I'd love for some news media to pick it up and ask that very question. ...
ASR: pyelogram, grams
dictated: 5 mg
Just one of 1200 mistakes to be edited in a 2-minute report. Words added, words left out, wrong words, almost right words, wrong gender, wrong verb tense, no punctuation, punctuation everywhere . . . . . . . ...
I should know this one, but don't come across it all that often. According to Book of Style, is it "notify me in a week or two" or "notify me in a week or 2"?
Thank for your input everyone. ...
"Similar to 2013, our MT Week theme this year is Quality and all HDS/SHDA employees will be able to participate in fun and educational activities highlighting the importance of quality." ...
I have only gotten the higher pay a handfull of times. I was wondering how often others did. I hate it that I am usually getting 100% all week and then last minute, when they are supposed to be done auditing for the week, they find an error to push me off the grid. ...
I really think the easiest way to send MModal a message would be if everyone, and I mean everyone, just did not participate. I think that would be the loudest message of all that we do not give a flying cr** about their "games" anymore. You want to appreciate me, treat me like the skilled, knowledgable, MT that I used to be paid a living a fair wage for. Bring back a real incentive, bring back shift differentials, give back an actual end-of year bonus, etc. ...
OMG, what a horrible time I'm having. This pay I'm not even averaging my minimum. All around the country again. What happened to lock down? I thought I sent 2 reports to QA but forgot to mark the QA box. Not my fault for the blanks but according to what I've been told, if we just can't understand the dictator, we have to send it to QA. MOST of the work I send to QA they can't get either, but its counted against us anyway. W ...
I have been put on a written audit and received 92%. So I am being given 1 more week.
Which means I am more than likely out of here. I did not not have any Major marks, but only a lot of minor - i.e., two liters versus 2L, grams versus g.
I should just quit and go work at the big lots, less stress more money
Just received my MT gift. I really think that Medquist must feel "It is the thought that counts". It probably cost them more to mail these then they are worth. Why don't they just give us an extra hour off with training pay - worth more to me than this mousepad. I need an ergonomic mouse pad anyway - did they ever think of giving their "beloved" employees one of those? Oh well. Just another day being an MT. ...
The little "trinkets" some of you have received is extremely comical and a so-called slap in the face to some, but some may view it as an actual good gesture, although I do not agree. When I worked at neurology they used to always acknowledge MT week with flowers or a $25 gift card to our local mall, but when they got a new office manager he combined Secretary's Week and MT Week into one. My coworker and I got acknowledged one year on Secretary's Week - now that is a slap in the face ...
flash some cheap piece of garbage
trinket trash
not much thought behind it
they need to be reminded that they need us far more than we need them
I really wish they had not sent it to me
trash it really is
I hate my job
Can't wait to be free of this garbage
it's worthless to me
I hate our anal QA department
Did get a cheesy gift in the mail
worthless trinket
complete lack of taste, thought, imagination
typical, useless, cheap
lying suits
slap in the face
su ...
Well, not even an e-mail at our company.. So I did buy myself flowers which are sitting next to my computer - yellow roses and I plan on getting that latte this week. I think we have to appreciate ourselves!!! Lord I appreciate all the hard work I do to pay my bills. The week has come and gone - let's see what happens next year. We are great - let's face it to do this all these years we have to be great or crazy - or a little of both. May ...