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Triple backlog - sm

Posted: Dec 17, 2014

I don't know if a lot of MTs' 2-week notices are up this week or doctors are getting all their work in because of JCAHO inspections or a combination of both, but in looking at the full backlog (yes, I have access that I requested as an MME years ago), there are nearly 50,000 jobs in the system when typically it's around 16K to 20K.  No wonder they're freaking out.  

LOL love it!!! - no OT

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We should stick together on this

Some of the accounts were pulled back from ILP - x

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All the institutions are catching up their - backlogs.

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I am getting some really old reports. Makes sense. When I worked on site, besides the end of the year, Medical Records sent out notices for late dictation the third week of every month, so it was always busier too. I have noticed that happen here also.

I know when I worked for a company - that actually spoke to us

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They would warn us in advance that JACHO, is it? Was coming through and the docs would be catching up on their dictations. Apparently if they don't get caught up they get put on some kind of suspension list? We used to get copies of the suspension list as well. I forget exactly how it works, its been several years since I worked there. But generally they came through around October and then the docs had x amount of time to catch up or face some kind of penalty..so I assume that is the problem we have now.

Checks were held the last place I worked in-house - MModal2012

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if they got a certain amount of time bedhind. We had to keep track of who they did not dictate on. Some would spend a whole week getting caught up, not seeing any patients the whole week.

They even got the PC/QC people working on the backlog - sm

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From looking at who is online, it looks like at least 16 PC/QCs are typing with the rest of us. I even recognized someone who is on the auditing team (or was, maybe she went back to being a PC). There are nearly 1000 typers on right now (typically 700 - 800 or so). There are also 1100 ILPs working.

Triple backlog - Sk

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Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I have been typing quite a few reports from 2011 and 2012. No wonder there are so many jobs. We shouldn't be penalized because they have decided to dictate jobs 3 years later and then want them done ASAP!? That's ridiculous

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