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How often do you get 99-100% for the week - ?

Posted: Mar 31, 2015

I have only gotten the higher pay a handfull of times.  I was wondering how often others did.  I hate it that I am usually getting 100% all week and then last minute, when they are supposed to be done auditing for the week, they find an error to push me off the grid.

most of the time - sm

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The majority of the time, I am at 100%. Once I fell to 99.2%, and one other time I fell to 98% due to a major error.

100% - MT

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Most of the time; however, will probably not make much of a difference now that my work pool has changed to mostly tiny reports. I can't win.

You are not alone..... - HangingInThere

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For the last several weeks no matter what effort I put into it and no matter what change I make, they find errors. I will not try to fight errors that I truly make, but I don't think I will ever be used to their scoring system. IT IS NOT FAIR that smaller reports cause points to count for more whereas larger reports do not cause points to count for less. I am on an account that is straight transcription, has a significant work flow, about 95% ESL, and many reports are of a significant length. And they are definitely not helping me better myself or figure out what I am doing wrong. Those monthly training modules have no impact when you cannot go back and listen to errors, which we cannot do on this particular account. I am glad to see I am not alone as well, and regardless each day I still try to do my best, which will obviously never be enough even with 18 years experience.

99-100% - wendy

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every week and I hate the new pay they are going to on the 11th of April because I am going to loose about $1000 a month. I grossed $2200 for two weeks this time.

lucky - anon

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How in the world have you even grossed that much?? Count yourself lucky. I am a full time MT with mostly editing accounts and I have not made (before taxes) more than $800 in over a year, and no more than $700 in about 4 months (since the new pay scale)....

lucky - wendy

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I have several accounts and only straight type and get 100% accuracy nearly every week. My checks are in the neighborhood of $1600 to $1900 every two weeks. I am full-time. And I also work overtime a lot when asked so then I even make more. My TSM relies on me a lot because I am a team player and will work when asked.
BS!! Obvious damage control attempt. - Hmm?
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Obvious Nuance damage control Why are you here then?
That is a total falsehood. - It is NOT possible anymore.
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I can't even see straight right now. What you wrote is not even close to possible. Please, don't do this to us.
POSSIBLE - wendy
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It is possible. I am not lying.
reports - xo
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You're the one who wondered if the TSM could tell whether or not a report was returned, right? Just checking.
REPORTS - wendy
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Yes, because I feel people return reports and all of the sudden I get a bunch of crappy dictators. So just wondering on that.
Just wait until you are put on an Escription account - Tired
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I used to make about $1600-$1800 every two weeks maybe about 8-9 years ago when it was straight typing and one could get anywhere from .09-.10 per line. It is physically impossible to double your speed on Escription unless you were slow to begin with. I would have to do 4000 lines per day to get that money now and quite frankly, not many people can do that if any, so let's hear what you have to say when your work is ALL editing for very low wages -- grid be durned --- even the top rate is still low wages.
Wendy - FYI - No one believes you. Good try though. - ....
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All REAL MTs know that what you claim to make is not HUMANLY possible.
I have seen others on here like that before - crowing about how great things are
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About how great they do because they are rewarded for being a great MT. Used to be possible, but no longer. They get you. They chop the tall poppies off.

For all we know, she is the reason why Nuance decided to crush the pay of one group, because (quoting Serious MT from a prior post 03/19/2015):

"..."Brenda" said that "too many were stepping up to the plate" with our accuracy/speed and taking advantage of the higher pay scale. Whaa? They hoped that more MLS would make errors so MORE $ could be taken away from us, that's what - and when that didn't happen...they had to find another way to take $ away from us..."

The thing is, Nuance have found it incredibly easy to cut our pay and benefits and then go into their shareholder meetings boasting about the "cuts" they made (yes, read it and weep, we are just a line item to be cut).

Not sure if her claims are true or not, but believe you me they won't be for long. I used to make that kind of money at my last company before Nuance bought it.

Petty as it seems, Nuance is out to cut the pay of every last MT no matter how many cents they can squeeze out. That is the new face of corporate America, venal, calculating, heartless, a bunch of mini vulture capitalists only in it for the big bonuses they can make at the expense of the hard working little guy.

I believe Wendy might be singing another tune soon, if she is telling the truth. Rarely, someone will come on here and accept we were all right and Nuance is the devil, so that might happen.

I can tell you what won't happen is that unless for some reason she is being held up as the star pupil and a way for them to tell future saps what they can earn, she is not going to be earning that kind of money for long.

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