A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Nuance acquired Accentus - sigh.
Posted: Nov 20, 2012
To Accentus employees: My condolences.
This is so depressing... - xmt
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When does the word "monopoly" come into play?
I can't find any proof of this. Where'd you see it? - nm
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Never mind, I found it. Check your E-mail everyone - nm
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Nuance monopoly - buffy
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Well that stinks. I am SOOOO glad I am only doing this for some extra money. I would be hard pressed to work for a depressing company like Nuance on a regular basis. There is no support when you need help. I got an email last night saying how great we do, blah, blah, blah and Happy Thanksgiving. Yeah right. Just show me the money. Words are cheap. Glad I am in college for a new career although I love being an MT.
Nuance monopoly - beaten down
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Accentus had good benefits, Nuance has lousy benefits. It isnt a monopoly, it is called capitalism, socialism, Obamacare, it's all the same and what we have been reduced to. What's next? Chains?
monopoly - xmt
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It is if they are cornering every aspect of the market..which they are well on their way of doing. Speech rec, EMRs and transcription...they do it all.
monopoly, M*Modal and Accentus also into coding - anon
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accentus had coding as well and M*Modal is getting into this. I was studying coding and hoping to go with Accentus, I think Nuance wants in on this corner of the market as well.
MModal has been in coding for several years as - Medquist. n/m
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monopoly - buffy
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Well they better remember who is making them rich is all I have to say and dont forget about the hands that are feeding them their greed.
Beaten down - capitalism and soialism and Obamacare?? - anon
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Those 3 things have nothing in common.
Nuance acquiring Accentus is very much what Romney did for a living. So to make this as if it is some sort of "leftist" type of situation is grossly wrong.
Not socialism. Nothing to do with Obamacare.
Plus, if you read the email they did it to obtain a major share of the Canadian market. They are about making money. NOT SOCIALISM.
Dictionaries are wonderful things.
Check definition of "rhetoric" - anon
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Also the difference between literal and figurative.
The poster rhetorically was saying capitalism, socialism, and Obamacare figuratively are all the same - the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
She/he was not saying that literally they are the same.
Just very, very, very tired of the hurling of the word Socialism. - anon
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The "rhetoric" is getting old.
Keep political opinions on the political board was more my point.
So step-off.
Agree, plus it just sounds so ignorant. Surely we - average better educated than this? nm
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Nuance Acquires Accentus - cj
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It's true. From Head Office to my email.
Socialism definition - whatever
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a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
Not sure if socialism would be correct, but if you think Nuance ownership isn't trying to at the very least corner the market and gain total control of the transcription industry think again. I posted a link to an article that explains cornering the market. We can only hope the government regulations catch up to their underhanded practice. If not underhanded then why all the secrecy until the deal was done?
Enough with the word socialism, seriously STOP. NM - anon
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Time to get out the dictionary... - Anon
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If you look up the phrase "publicly traded company" you will see why this was kept quiet until the very end. Educate yourselves before posting comments that show your intelligence or lack thereof. Accentus said that we should wait and form our own opinions of Nuance, and that is what I plan on doing.
Beware if you are Accentus - of their QA department
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Just be aware of their QA staff to because they suck! They act like gestapos and nitpick every little damn thing. That's one of the reasons I left this company. The current company I work for's QA department is wonderful and very courteous. I could not be more happier where I am at now.
Why all the secrecy? - see message
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Until all the Ts are crossed and Is dotted and the deal is done, negotiations are kept quiet. It's basic business 101, not some secretive conspiracy.
just amazing - acquiring yet another company
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and can't afford to pay us anything but pennies for wages.
That's how they afford to buy all these companies -- - by taking it out of our hides. (n/m)
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new company - buffy
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I seen the email last night too. Who cares? While they keep sucking up more companies we get less and less pay and we are the reason they are where they are. As soon as my billing education is over I am so out of this field. I feel like we are the prostitutes and they are the pimps. I hate it and them.
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