A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Late last week I recieved an email communication about how they will only audit reports that were transcribed/edited during the current work week, only to log on this morning (I'm off Fri and Sat, so Sun morning is the 1st day of my week) to find that I had a post audit score below 99% that was audited on Saturday, so obviously it was edited last week sometime. If I don't start my week until Sunday, how on earth can they audit a report on Saturday that was submitted the week prior and say they are only auditing reports done during the current work week? The Nuance work week does still run Saturday to Friday at midnight, correct? I have submitted a reversal request on the basis that it goes against the "policy" that we received last week; however, I'm sure it will not be reversed, and before I've even edited/typed a single line, I'm off their precious grid already. Makes for good motivation to work, doesn't it? I have an invitation to test for 2 other companies and will be doing that as soon as I finish my shift this afternoon. Disgusted.