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Does anyone know what medical record auditing is? - Is it similar to coding?
Posted: Jan 24, 2011My community college offers this course and I would like to take it. 
I thought it was a job only given to the highest level of coding experts - but I must be wrong if a course teaches it
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Maybe I'm wrong. My understanding was that only the highest level of expert coders are able to do auditing. That level comes from plain old regular coding education and then becoming an expert over time and the right kind of experience.
It's possible that they have a different definition. I think that if you applied for a job as a coding auditor that their understanding might be the same as mine though...or not. Maybe someone else has more info.
Auditing - Anonymous
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You are correct, only the most experienced coders are considered for auditing jobs; you have to know what you are doing because basically you are looking for a facilities' coding deficiencies. It would be possible to take an auditing course, I suppose, but only if you are already a seasoned coder. They are paid well, though.
I hope you already have national coding certification? - former auditer
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Unless you already have your coding certificate from either of the two national orgs, I really doubt you will be able to use the course other than as self improvement.
I was a coding auditer for a large hospital in the south. I went to 16 outlaying outpatient care centers to perform random auditing. Using an auditing program was essential for speed as it was a huge project to do this for that number of locales every 3 months. The doctors bonuses were based on the results, so accuracy was essential.
I also provided a call-in service for anyone in the system who had a coding question and provided coding education seminars to the physicians once a month.
I loved, loved, loved the job. I hated the common 4-hour daily commute and ended up leaving for that reason.
It was my first job after receiving my coding certification, however, I had several years of remote experience as a manager of an outpatient diagnostic facility where I was responsible for all the audits from the local insurance carriers, accounts receivable and the transcription department.
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