A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Do not sell yourselves short!! There is a world without VR. - Former Nuance MT

Posted: Nov 29, 2012

So many of us have been "gobbled" up by Nuance in the last few years. So many of us are transcriptionists with specialized, honed skills, and those skills are valuable. Do not be deceived by a company who devalues your worth and causes self-doubt and continues to tout itself as the leader in the industry. I believe there are many facilities, doctors, clinics, etc, who do not want their work run through a computer to be deciphered. It may be time-consuming and seem like a fruitful task, but if you currently unhappy with your employment, I urge you to consider looking for other work. VR is not necessarily the wave of the future, but that is the info Nuance employees are spoon-fed. Of course, it is their goal to have VR replace us as it only puts more coin in their pockets. As almost a monopolizer of the market, we have begun to believe they are telling the truth. At the same time, we have all suffered at their hands. Please know there are other jobs out there, jobs that still require straight typing and no VR and even hospitals. We are the backbone of this industry and need to make our own stand. I left Nuance 3 months ago, emotionally and physically sickened, disheartened. Most of all I had lost my self-esteem and my feelings that I was an A1 transcriptionist. That was the hardest part for me, the loss of self-respect. I am a strong person, but this company participated in bashing its employees in every way possible, loss of income, loss of benefits, loss of self-worth, loss of connection to a company that cared that we existed. I have been an MT for over 30 years. With Nuance, my income tumbled rapidly from its high to the lowest it had been in 20 years, and if you look at the cost of living, it was even much below that. I have now found other employment. At this time I will not reveal the name of the employer as I have not yet started there, but in a few months if my feelings are confirmed, I will post their name. What I do know is they have all straight transcription, hospital accounts, clinics, everything that Nuance has, and they are paying 8.5 cpl with bonus levels. Fifteen years ago, I was started at 9 cpl, had been raised to 10.5 cpl, always reached bonus levels, and I earned around $48,000/year when Nuance took over. When I left Nuance, my income was projected to be $28,000/year. There was talk of a new pay structure at the beginning of 2013, but I am not seeing mention of that on this board. Supposedly, HR and the higher-ups were discussing how to more fairly compensate employees. Sounded like the usual to me. Has there been a significant change? If not, and if you are being made to feel that our world of MT is gone and VR is replacing us, I urge you to look around and consider options. My biggest fear was leaving and going to work for a company that would be absorbed by Nuance anyhow, but I do not believe this is the case. My employer now is disgusted by Nuance and its practices and professes to never employ VR. I am back to square one with pay, but I have my self-respect and the prospect of raises, and true bonus levels, no frigging flex time concerns and making up time on Friday night. Nuance is a joke, not an employer, and please do yourselves a favor and try to find a way out. Do not be dragged down in the mire. Respect yourselves and look around and you may find there is still a market for you, a valuable employee, a master of medical transcription, a recorder of the medical histories of this country, one who listens to babble and makes it a coherent record. If we support companies who support our skills and oppose VR, it can only be good for us. Since MTs are the reason there can be a medical record, we are gold and should be treated as such. This is not a job that can be done by any untrained professional MT. Do not forget that. You are worth much more than Nuance values you. Good luck to you all!!

Nuance woes - Ms Nemo

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I am in that exact situation even as we speak. I've only been there since July but already I feel like every time I have to get to work I am going to the gallows, thinking, how are they going to demean me today? How are they going to find some way to make my life even more difficult? How are they going to ignore my repeated requests for samples of dog dictators and the ones they have (with one memorable one in particular putting the word "gallbladder" in a PowerPort insertion report) are useless? How many times are they going to scream at me for sending something to QA when I have the audacity to want to have a second set of ears listening to an absolutely worthless dictation? It goes on and on. I guess I was spoiled when I used to work for a hospital and they actually respected me and valued my work and even commended me for my skills. I keep hoping this outfit will fire me so I can get unemployment. As an aside, I posted something on the company board website (assuming it was for MTs only) asking about how others dealt with the crazy, no-win requirements, and I got trolled by my boss and promptly got screamed at by her boss who threatened me that if I ever posted again I'd be disciplined. Plus I hear they plan to lower our meager wages come January. I really wish I had not signed on with this horrible company.

Wow - mtmom

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Wow I cannot believe your boss trolled you and then her boss threatened you. I would have denied it if you do not put your name they cannot prove it was you and how stupid. I am an ex Transcend and these supervisers are really micromanaging and doing and sending things that are not necessary for us to even have and who has time to read that stuff. Too much time on their hands if they can do that and then come over here and worry about what is on these boards anyway! This is here for us to vent and joint together to know we are not alone. I am really just SMH at this mess. This is my second buyout I have been through and same similar things happen both times but this time it is way worse. We are just a number and it is all about TAT and nobody seems to care about whether we can make decent money or if we feel valued at all. They should be ashamed!

Wait a minute...you posted something here on MT Stars and - your boss found out about it?..see msg

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how in the world did that happen? and how did she know it was you? Did I read that correctly?

Trolling boss - Ms Nemo

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No, it was on the internal company forum, which I stupidly believed was for MTs only to exchange ideas and perhaps vent a little. Others had done that and I had felt comfortable enough to simply ask what was other folks' experiences with the trifecta of unreasonable expectations: Type like mad, DON'T send anything to QA or you'll get busted, but don't make any mistakes and of course don't ask any questions. It was shocking and very pathetic that I got trolled and I was really mortified when I had to prostrate myself before my boss' boss and explain myself. It was humiliating. I am just hoping they fire me at this point.

Know this, years ago a person on here sued - PR

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by a company (donĂ¢€™t remember if she was still employed there or not when she was posting) but someone read the postings and the case (again, not 100% on this) I think wound up in court. I read her postings as she was doing this and I was thinking to myself at that time, not a good idea because I thought she was saying things that I surely would not have posted. This person later came back and said court action pending. As far as companies finding you here, happened to me as far as figuring out who I was and they sent email here saying is that you..... Needless to say did not answer. It can be done, it has been done and sometimes really not the best thing to name names, companies along with those names, etc.
Trolling - Ms Nemo
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I don't post there anymore. I did not say anybody's name personally but my name of course appeared. I look at the boards and wonder if other folks who are posting there about their complaints are getting trolled too. I am just disgusted with this company. It is really really bottom of the barrel.
My name did not appear either but - PR
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if a company knows you perhaps by the sound of the emails you send, complaints you have made lately, perhaps the words used with both them and in your postings, they can and do figure them out sometimes. I would think more than twice before posting something a company could take me to court for. The lady I was talking about before sued for slander, I believe. Again, not 100% as this has been some time ago.
Trolling - mt20years
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Sued or not, I will say whatever I want to about this company. The best thing that could happen to me is to get fired. At least I could draw unemployment.

I have never been fired, but it would be a blessing.

I will not give up my freedom of speech because I am afraid of ANYTHING OR ANYBODY.

If they treated us like we had common sense, we wouldn't hate this company so much.
No, you would not draw unemployment. - see message
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You only draw unemployment if you are laid off due to lack of work or other reasons beyond your control. This is why companies prefer that you quit. They will fight UE for months. Any disagreement between you and the company it up to an arbitrator or UE representative to decide if you HAD to leave, or if you were unjustly fired. It is a legal mess.

If you are called out by QA too many times, fail audits, and especially slander a company (in writing, no less), these are all just reasons for termination of your employment, and you will not be qualified for unemployment benefits. Check the laws of your state, but I have never heard of anyone getting fired for insubordination or the quality of their work being able to draw unemployment. Think!!!
Trolling - Ms Nemo
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First off, let's make something perfectly clear. My QA scores are typically 100%. I have gotten dinged for a COMMA. I am not insubordinate. I simply asked a question of other seasoned employees with regards to how they dealt with the excessiveness of the criticism extended. I have not failed any audits. I am an excellent transcriptionist. Perhaps you are confusing me with a newbie. After almost 20 years, I can assure you I know what I am doing. Regarding unemployment, my understanding is that I could collect were they to fabricate some reason to let me go. I also am saving every single communication from them documenting their specific lack of helpfulness and not-so-disguised contempt. In my career at this, I have NEVER felt so demeaned and I have only asked what they wanted of me. So if they see fit to fire me because I put a COMMA in the wrong place, then evidently they have bigger problems than I can fix.
Curious - anon
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If you are getting 100% and having no QA problems, I am curious as to why you are so upset. If you are getting 100% I hardly think they would be belittling you on a daily basis.

Not defending Nuance, as God knows they are atrocious QA wise but I don't understand how you could be so upset when you are meeting all the standards. It is nonsensical that they would pick on such a star employee.

I have lost my bonus twice since I have been here and my TL's have always been super supportive about.
Again, make sure you check the UE laws in your state. - Do not think this is automatic. sm
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Companies always make sure there is a "legal reason" to fire you. Thus, you are not eligible for unemployment. However, most of the time they will force you to quit.

I am not questioning the quality of your work. I am not questioning your complaints against the company. I am just saying UE benefits are not automatic if you are terminated for any reason, and definitely not if you quit. My company gave me a severance package when I was laid off, and told me they would not fight the UE issue. I collected immediately. The work was outsourced, and there was nowhere for me to go.

Contested UE benefits by your company could take months and months. And let's say the arbitrator did rule in your favor. UE benefits are a little less than half of what you make. In my state they are determined by the highest income quarter you have made in the last 5 quarters. Still, less than 50% of that paid weekly was not enough to make it. It did tide me over for 6 weeks until I got another job though. Be prepared. Know what you are up against. Laws vary state by state. Know what yours are.
Unemployment after being fired - mt20years
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Sorry, but you can draw UE if you are fired. I have never been fired personally but my son worked for a very big company and got a raise one month, and new management took over and he was fired the next month. He drew UE for over a year and only had a penalty of waiting on it for about 6 weeks.

So, yes, you can draw if you are fired in my state.
I would not be so quick to count on that. - sm
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In the State of Virginia, there is only a 1-week waiting period. If you are fired and the company you work for rejects the UE claim, there is an investigation which can also be lengthy and often ends up in court. This is not to say that NO fired person can receive UE. It depends on the circumstances. Unemployment here is not for a year, but approved initially for 13 weeks. You have to submit 3 names and addresses you have applied to for employment each week. They have to be verified. If not, no check.

Your UE benefits are based on your highest income quarter in the last year or so, but is not quite 50% of what you made. If your income is already low, the UE benefits will be extremely low and hardly worth it.

Everyone's circumstances are different and will be handled differently by the UE office. If you feel you have a case, it is certainly wise to keep written documentation of everything. But as another poster said, do not think you can get fired and the UE will be automatic, as most times it is not.

If the quality of your work is excellent, you are reliable, and have 100% on your audits, it is highly unlikely that you would be fired for a comma in a report. My company does not even count punctuation in their audits. Therefore, I am perplexed as to what the problem could be.
Your son's situation sounds like a layoff, not being fired for cause. - sure, you can get UE for being laid off.
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I remember this. The company was TransTech - ExTT
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The company was TransTech and she was a former employee but, as you stated, she was posting a lot of opinion as fact, and *this* is how they busted her and the lawsuit came to be. I, like you, wondered as I read her posts how long it would be before she was called out on it, but I never imagined a lawsuit would be the result. I believe TransTech prevailed, because she apparently had no proof of the allegations she was making, but I'm not positive.

Anyway, although the OP did not have her issue on the MTStars forum but rather the Nuance privately run forum, I would definitely proceed with caution in her shoes. I'll bet Nuance has people who frequently check their internal message boards for any sign of a disgruntled employee so they can nip any potential "problems" in the bud.
There was much more to the story than slander on a website - NM
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And she wasn't just an employee.

great transcription companies still exist - smile2789

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so true...my previous transcription company was acquired by a massive company in India. THe working conditions were alwful and i was eventually fired for "lack of work." I am so lucky because I posted my resume here and was found by a great transcription company who vows to never outsource...I love my new job and am respected!! FINALLY!! There are still great transcription companies out there who value their employees!!

Could you share your company's name, PLEASE? nm - looking

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Former Nuance MT - mt20years

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Wow!! Thanks for the inspiration. I have not lost hope. I believe that my 20+ years as a transcriptionist is still valuable to someone. I am just looking for the right someone.

I have only been at Nuance a little over a year but have been looking for a job since. Their insurance is ridiculous and if you buy their insurance you can't afford the deductible. Their QA people are the most unprofessional I have ever dealt with and the only people that seem to like the job are the TLs, who never communicate anything but BS (like I will be out on vacation for the next week so contact someone else with your problems). Seems to me that most big corporations do not want to pay the people that are actually working. They only want to compensate management and HR. Not just Nuance, almost all companies do that. Without the PEOPLE THAT ACTUALLY HAVE THEIR HANDS ON THE JOB, there are no jobs for management and HR, but they don't get that.

I know that something is out there for me and I will sooooo walk away when it comes along. I am applying every day and not just waiting for something to fall into my lap.

That's right, Nuance has their people brainwashed into thinking that VR is so great, but this industry has gone downhill not only in pay but in quality of the medical record since VR took over. I have always called it Speech Wreck.

Anyway, thanks for the inspiration!!

VR is Only Part of the Problem - MT

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I hate to say this, but VR is only a part of what is killing MTs. Even if VR disappeared tomorrow, the EHR will still deal MTs a mighty blow, and will probably lead to our ultimate demise. What many MTs do not know, is that there is a big government push to get facilities to adopt the EHR. The government is actually paying incentives to facilities to motivate them to implement an EHR system. These financial incentives have a deadline and when they expire, the facilities will no longer be able to get financial assistance in implementing an EHR system AND will begin to be PENALIZED for not having one in place. Where do you think the EHR will leave MTs? Without a job. Coders will be affected, too. The EHR will have codes pre-programmed into the system. The doc will click on a diagnosis, and *poof* in will pop the diagnosis AND it's appropriate code. Coders will eventually become auditors the way MTs have become editors--many have already. The entire way medical records are created, processed, and stored, and exchanged is changing radically. There's no denying it. There will be no point where it all turns around and improves for the MT. I hate to sound so negative, but its true. I just completed two semesters' worth of HIM Management courses in college, and trust me, the MT is being phased out. Doing away with transcription is the GOAL of the EHR and one of the major selling points the EHR vendors use to sell their product to facilities and clinics. (I was horrified when I learned that, by the way, although now I'm glad I know what I'm really up against as an MT). I've been waiting for things to turn around for us for 10 years now. Yet things continue to worsen with every passing year. The best an MT can do is to embrace the sad fact that we must prepare ourselves and train for a different career--either within medical records or in a different field all together. To deny that fact and continue to wait for better days will be doing ourselves a huge disservice.

you have a point with EHR - but...

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NUMEROUS times the dr's are incorrect, type in the wrong thing, click on the wrong item and the list goes on. Somebody will still have to edit/audit the EHR b/c even the dr him/herselves are not that accurate. I have seen this in my own families medical records and questioned it as well. Our local hospital system uses EHR and MTs are still needed to verify the information b/c the dr has to actually type what is wrong. Everything is click here and type there, highlight here and they are rushing or don't do it right or don't know how to spell something and your MR ends up with things that are not accurate that can cause a large problem. Dr's misspell numerous things, medications especially. I am on Tegretal (carbamazepine)only my MR stated I was on cyclobenzaprine 200 mg bid, which is a dose high enough to kill you and I doubt that would help with epilepsy. Getting rid of the MTs is just really wrong and will cause more problems than what it was to "help". Why doesn't anybody see this??
Unfortunately, the only ones who see the potential problems - are not the ones who make the decisions.
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doing away with MT - pookbina
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There's no way in the world they will ever be able to do without MTs, or if they try there sure are going to be a lot of inaccurate records. Most docs I have found don't know how to spell all the medications. They can certainly cut down on our work force but they won't be able to do without an MT/Editor. That said, most of us do need to try to look for another occupation as our careers really are going nowhere, just being cheapened and totally unappreciated.

Do Not Sell Yourselves Short!!/ - MT

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I have received many requests for this employer's name. I am hesitant to list it as I have not really started working yet, just signed contract. Quite frankly, I do not want negative remarks made on these boards before I even get started. I feel confident with my decision and this employer and I want to experience the job for myself. I will update in a few months though, I promise. Keep hanging in there. I do know SoftScript is 100% straight transcription and hiring.

Bravo, well put!!! - Boostedmom

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I LOVED reading your post! I too have found a company that feels "just like the old days." I vowed I wasn't going back into MT and took 10 months off to try to figure it all out. I'm now making the money I used to pre Transcend, the money that I deserve to make. I'm not hounded by emails with BS any longer. My fear too is that this company will get eaten by the two terrors, but I'll hang on for as long as they're around as they are now. I just can't believe that people want to work for these 2 big companies, they've ruined the industry. MedQuist/MModal used to be the bad boy, but now Nuance has taken over first place. Definitely find a way out folks, there is life out there!

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