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Fiesa "critical error" emails - NTS MT

Posted: Dec 21, 2012

I noticed I had some "critical error" emails, but when I go into fiesa, they are not showing.  Why wouldn't they be?  I don't know why they make this process so confusing, or maybe its just me. 

FIESA - new but old

[ In Reply To ..]
Are you going into the new FIESA? This was happening to me with the new FIESA. Everytime I went in everything showed up but when I clicked on reports there was never anything there, but I had gotten an email that said there was. What mine was is that I was accessing FIESA through a different browser other than Internet Explorer. As soon as I went in through IE, it came up just like it did through Firefox but when I clicked on reports, there were the reports they were telling me about. If that isn't it, then call tech support and let them figure it out

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