A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Does Nuance do coding as well as transcription? - MT12yrs

Posted: May 03, 2012

Just curious if Nuance is into coding and if they specifically hire coders or move their MTs over into coding?  TIA.  You all are really informative.  I am with Transcend now, so am trying to keep my food down reading all the Nuance info. on here. 

I haven't heard that they are - WMX MT

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I don't know about the coding, but I haven't heard that they are. I stayed on when we got bought out at WMX because we were promised many more "opportunities" with Nuance, but none of that has come to pass. I was hoping to learn something else and was excited about the Nuance University, but we have not been given access to that so far. Good luck to you.

Thanks for your honesty! Just looking for some hope here, lol - Thanks! nm

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Coding Transition - nuancer

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Nuance doesn't, but Precyse and Accentus both hire coders, as well as transcriptionists. Perhaps try contacting those two companies and start first as an MLS, and then transition into their coding department? I do know to be a coder from home, you will at least need your CCS or equivalent, schooling/certification or mentoring, and typically 3 years of inpatient coding experience. Though, some companies will let you in if you pass your cert, as the test is quite lengthy and difficult and shows your skill set. Also, try Indeed.com and simplyhired.com. Both sites list tones of coding jobs, and your best bet might be a local hospital to get experience, plus I believe you will be paid hourly, quite a jump from the current slave wages MTs are earning now. With cert, jobs in my area, Southeast, are hiring at 45,000 and up. I am currently in school for coding as well, and cannot wait to transition :)Best of luck to you with Nuance and your future in coding!

Coding - Anonymous

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Amphion is another company who hires MTs and coders/abstractors but their standards for coders seem to be pretty high. I don't know if the work at home companies pay hourly. Most on-site coding jobs these days are salaried but you are still expected to meet production standards, i.e., code a certain number of cases per day.

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