A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I have to admit, I wasn't familiar with what "Ambulatory" transcription would entail, so I went searching on the internet and came across this PDF.
It is a stark reminder that Nuance is not a transcription company. They are a technology company, a speech recognition company, and we are all test subjects to make their speech engine better (through the thousands of doctors dictating and all of our editing).
They don't want to use transcriptionsits to do their work. They want to make software that will replace us! I lost my job of 5 years because of Nuance and Dragon. They went to front-end speech, and they love it. They also paid millions for the system, a one-time cost that doesn't need days off, doesn't get sick, and doesn't require health insurance.
This is a dying field and we work for the company that is putting us out of a job. But I've always said, if you're going to go BIG, GO BIG!
The biggest difference that I can see is that they are actively editing while dictating. So, as they dictate a sentence, if Dragon types something wrong, then they can (like their commercial's indicate for the regular, home-use program) say stuff like, "scratch that" or "delete that last sentence."
For the accounts I work on, about 75% of the stuff that comes in is relatively minor corrections. Moving headings here and there, adding punctuation, removing sentences and words that the doctor dictated twice while correcting themselves, etc. I'm not discounting the work we do because we also check for major things like medication dosage mis-match, wrong gender/patient, wrong leg being amputated, etc. We still have a vital role in patient care, but with front-end speech, it's not something they dictate into a phone and don't see the results for a day/week/month when they get around to reviewing the files (if they ever actually do that, which I don't believe most of them do). They're seeing it type as they speak, so it's easier to correct. And really, all Dragon Medical is doing is taking some EMR that has individual boxes for the narrative sections and allowing them to dictate those parts. The others like the physical exam and such get auto populated by what they click, what the nurse puts in for vitals, etc. The medications, allergies, all that gets populated by what the front desk puts in from the patient's intake form, etc. That's why these reports look like crap, contain mistakes, and whatnot.
Bottom line, the EMR companies and legislation (which I hate to say, is really needed for us to move forward as a civilization... maybe not in its current iteration, but in some form) and Nuance are putting us out of business.