A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

MT career - Sunrises

Posted: Jul 21, 2010

Just doing a little survey here:  Do you think the medical transcriptionist is becoming more and more obsolete?  I have been in the field for a long time and have already lost a couple of jobs due to technology or work being contracted out.  It seems to be the one job I was always able to find as there was also a need, especially if you're experienced.  Nowadays, we're talking VR, editors, etc. etc. and the pay is not getting any better.  Personally, I have always been "under paid" and "over worked".  It's all about quantity and $$$$, but if you aren't good with "quality" you're a terrible MT.  So, I would like to know how many people are doing this because you can work from home and is this a worth while  field to be in anymore?  To me, if you can do medical transcription well, you don't just have a skill, you have a "talent".  Not a lot of people can sit still for many hours, listen and translate many accents, have a knack for words, be an excellent speller and so on.  So why are we so overworked and underpaid and becoming a dying art!

The only reason Im still an MT is Ive been doing it - for over 30 years; its the only thing Im good at.

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still here - not sure why

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I am still here, like the other poster because this is all I know, been going on for 36 years and too darn old to start anew in something else that may be worse.

This is not the career to be getting into now and probably not in the future with even the small clinics (where I live) going to EMR and getting rid of the MTs they have. Even in Small Town America. So sad, but I am only hoping I can hold out until I am old enough to retire (if I will ever be able to retire due to my income decreasing by many, many thousand per year). I am supporting myself and really scared with this sorry income and lack of work.

MT career - sunrises

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Yes, I understand both your posts about having been in the field so long - that is me too, since late 70's, mostly all work experience in this area, which also makes it hard to get work doing anything else because it is so specific. I'm again at a crossroads with it, because I am unemployed again also - and at this point thinking I should do something else before future is bleak for MT's - I have probably about at least 10 more years to work before retiring.

I feel exactly the same way - West Coast Girl

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I'm only still doing this because I have to work from home. I am overworked and underpaid and each and every day I say to myself I hate my life. It is an art and if you are good they give you too much to do even when you beg them not to. It's insane. I used to feel rewarded doing this. I don't anymore.

mt career - Sunrises

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I know, don't you feel punished sometimes? At one of my jobs in a hospital, they slaved the heck out of us and then ended up letting all of us go only to send work out. Awful!

A dying profession? - wrkn4pnuts

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MT is not so much obsolete - it appears there are plenty of MT jobs out there.
It really does take a talented person to do it right - the average person has no idea! I wish I had a dollar for each time somebody said to me, "could you teach me how to do that?" or "how do you get that kind of a job?" etc. They all think we're overpaid typists, and unfortunately so do many health organizations, as some keep trying their best to get rid of us. The pay is not what it used to be, and probably never will be again. I don't know about you, but I have a real problem handing over my hard-earned money for a certificate test to an organization that advocates sending work overseas. I look forward to the day I can finally stop doing this for a living. It's literally sucking the life out of me. My health has taken a nosedive because of the sedentary nature of the job. I don't enjoy it anymore.

MT career - Sunrises

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wrkn4pnuts - omg, what you said is so true! Yes, there are definite occupational hazards as well and same happened to me (as I got older especially) with the health due to sedentary nature - and as someone else just posted - you become so depressed because this is all you do all day long and you feel like a human production line! Speaking of the overseas, it is pathetic, I had my personal doctor telling me that he was not able to get his preop reports done because the MT's in India did not understand his English!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tired - wrkn4puts

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Exactly my point. MTs are now a commodity - you can call it a sweat shop or a human production line, it's all the same. Like I said, I don't enjoy the job anymore. I used to feel good about what I did, and that my skills and 20-plus years experience were important, but really when it comes down to it, I am just a number on a piece of paper. I do and must take pride in a job well done, because that has always been part of my work ethic and the nature of what I still do for a living, but do I feel my skills and time are valuable? Not anymore. I have been moving toward getting out. Eventually I will be running my own business - a non-MT-related and non-computer-related business - and there will definitely not be a middle man. I took a pay cut last year, and have to keep working more and more, just to keep my bills paid. The other MTs that work on the same accounts are in the same situation. Some days, it's like a shark frenzy just to get enough work. I'm sure there are people here who don't like what I have to say, that I'm trying to scare away prospective MTs. I'm just giving my own perspective. It's up to to the person to decide if they want to do this kind of work, but they need to know the truth.
ditto, you took the words out of my mouth! nm - m2
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Sucking the life out of me - SM

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There was a time I could stand beside secretaries and court reporters, semiprofessional people and feel equal to them. There was a time I could take a vacation, however modest, buy clothes and some decent food after I pay my bills. That gave me reason to be proud at doing the job I have loved since age 19. But now, it has become somewhat like drudgery.

I am always tired too and I think somewhat depressed as I am struggling to maintain a life on 30,000 a year after 30 years of work. The future doesn't hold any promise unless outsourcing ceases. AAMT did indeed sell out the soul of the American MT.

Almost lifeless but not quite - wrkn4pnuts

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I hear that. I really don't like to tell people what I do for a living anymore especially if they are professional people, because when I do, it always seems like I get a negative attitude, or worse yet, a really snarky vibe. Went to the ER once, doc asked me what I did for a living, I told him, he goes, "Oh, you guys know everything" - in a condescending manner. My days are numbered, but in a way I am relieved. Change can be difficult, and I'm not so young anymore, but I know in my heart of hearts this is the right thing for me to do, and that is to get out of MT...
know everything - enigma
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I'll bet that doc wasn't being condescending! I'll bet he was actually impressed!
I think I woulda just told him "Im a typist." - (or a data entry clerk)..... nm
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Why... - retta
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Why would an MT call herself a typist/data entry when that's the easiest part of the job? Any office person with a glorified title can learn typing but it takes years of experience and specialized knowledge to become a skilled MT.

I'm not tired, I'm stressed every day though - enigma

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Typing relaxes me. I'd be doing it anyway, probably, if I weren't getting paid. The stress makes me tired. I wonder how many mistakes I've made the past few weeks because I am stressed.

MT career - enigma

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I've been doing it for 20 years and yes, I think it's a talent and I think it has become far too undervalued. I have only worked at home for half of my career, and I liked it in that I could live wherever I wanted to and still make a good living. No more. I do think the majority of it is becoming obsolete. We're being replaced by machines, even though machines don't have the critical thinking ability we do. I moved to a place that's beautiful but there are no jobs, so I am still doing it because I can work from home. But looking for something else. I had really hoped to do this the rest of my life, making a good living doing something I loved and was good at. Now I must find another way to make a living and be of service in some way.

Truthfully, though, with new regulations coming out every day, I foresee disastrous results with the removal of the detail-oriented human element from medical transcription. And I'm not just saying that because I've been replaced by machines.

mt career - sunrises

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Enigma - I totally agree that there will definitely be, if not already, disastrous results - for example as I mentioned a personal doc of mine was explaining how his preop notes were very late due to the hospital outsourcing co. using MT's that were in India and had a problem understanding his English. That's ridiculous!! Also, I know one job I worked in Radiology, the Radiologists did nothing but complain about the transcription company and how they didn't have "real" MT's doing their work because of all the mistakes. Especially when you had diagnostic transcription like x-ray and laboratory where it is extremely important to have accuracy. But again it's all about the $$$$$$.

quality issues - enigma

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Darn right it's all about the $$$! And when hospitals start getting denied payments AND getting sued, we'll see how fast they backtrack. It WILL happen.
MT career - sunrises
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And another thing, since I'm ranting, LOL,
is all these advertisements for MT's getting paid high salaries and being able to work from home - yeah, but they don't mention you have to be a human machine that doesn't wear out!!!!
MT Career - earlymusicus
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I just graduated from my MT program in May at a local two-year college. When I first enrolled in the program, the handout the college gave to us listed a median salary for MTs as $37,000. Then, in the second year of my program, new handouts had been printed up and I noticed that the salary listed was "about $12 an hour."! I'm glad I finished the program, just for my own satisfaction because the program involved some tough courses (I still have nightmares over pharmacology!) and I was pleasantly surprised (and proud)that my then-56-year-old brain was able to deliver and I graduated with high honors (not that that means anything to employers). I'm really disappointed about the job prospects; I hope that perhaps sometime in the future I may be able to use this training and I will keep reviewing my coursework to keep fresh, but for now I'm just applying for any kind of job I can get and have set MT to one side for now.
If its "all about the money" for everyone else, I wonder - why they think for us, it never is ????
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Radiologists usually have a lot of clout at most med. - centers. They should complain to hosp. CEO... LOUD

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Personally, I do it because I like it - LK

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I have a college degree and worked in management for a number of years. I had a staff to do my grunt work and a corner office with a view, along with a very decent salary and benefits. I was good at what I did, but I didn't much like it, and it was very stressful. MT is my second career, and I have only been at it for 5 years, but I find it relaxing and amazingly flexible compared to what I used to do. I find the job to be very low stress, I can work hours that suit me, my company leaves me alone to do my work, and they actually do treat me with kindness and consideration. I'll keep at it as long as it is profitable enough, hopefully for at least a few more years. I wouldn't want to be the sole support of a family on the pay, though, and I have to agree the trend in the field is downward.

I still do it because I love it...it's in my blood and a part of me - Since 1987 and still successful

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I've tossed around other careers in which I would be interested and feel I would do well (paralegal, court report, legal secretary, etc.), but there's just something about medical transcription that keeps me intrigued; the constant learning of new phrases, terms, diseases, equipment make it anything but boring.

I'm blessed in that I manage to bring home an average of around $3500 per month, and I'm pleased to consider myself successful in the field even under these stressful economic times.

I think I was just destined to be in this field because of my love of typing, research and literally learning something new every day.

MT career - Sunrises

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It is very good to hear something positive about MT. I think you really do have to be cut out for it which I think I have been also. I have also always loved to type, love words, medicine, etc. etc. I guess I have been afraid that due to modern technology, I will no longer be needed. From what I understand the pay varies also depending which area of the country you're in. I think at this point in my life, I'm not going to start over, I will be lucky to find a job that is skilled labor and not have to work in retail, etc.

Loving MT - Dewglo

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Most MTs truly love MT work; that's why we stayed at it 20+ years and many times over that amount of years, but when the MT organizations and the doctors and the hospitals refuse to pay decent wages for professional work, that's when someone has to draw the line. I produced high quality work at the cost of meeting line quotas because the patients deserve better treatment than for me to short-sheet the reports due to bad dictators who could care less how hard it is to transcribe their drivel, etc. MTs deserve better than what they are getting; they always have deserved better, but until MTs join together and fight as a group, NOTHING will change. Bold MTs have been preaching this for the 20+ years I have been in MT and I tried and tried to get people together as many as 15 years ago, but people are too scared to lose their jobs in order to fight for what is right. I have no job now; I have NOTHING to lose. If you want a union and you want to do something about this job discrimination that MTs face, if you have contacts that could help me fight for you, and if you could support the effort with cash money, as my unemployment has temporarily run out and I do have to feed my family in spite of fighting the establishment in the MT field, then contact me. If you don't want me to help, that's okay. I'm going to go back to school and hopefully get the training to have a voice in who does my MT work in the future; I guarantee it won't be foreigners who don't speak English, but rather it will be USA MTs who are adequately trained and who value quality over production, and they would be paid on an hourly basis, none of the slave wages of the production mill. That is what MTs need to stand up for; do you think the labor unions didn't have to fight the establishment to get a say in how the workers are paid? It cost blood, sweat, and tears, and I personally think the MT work force has paid enough of that and should be adequately compensated. Time to fight is now, or more succinctly put, it was 15 years ago before we got into all this mess, but nobody, including me, had the intestinal fortitude to back up their words. How many MTs are in the USA? More than enough to wage a major league battle that would be unparallel and leave a battle scar on the medical professionals we serve. The problem is, not enough people have the guts to try it and it would take that in order to win. Maybe we should all launch a class action lawsuit for all the OT we have put in that has gone unpaid or underpaid. I'm sure the MT supervisors that I knew were getting their fair share of money when they put in OT whether we did or not. Management always takes care of management. Time to stage a "blue flu" for the MT population and rock the planet.

Response about MTing - Dewglo

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I had been an MT for the past 20 years and continually lost money/respect from all aspects of employment in this field. After each successive employer required more and more for less and less money, I determined that it was just totally stupid to stay in this profession any longer. I am going back to school to earn a degree and get into something in the medical field that actually gives you the ability to be respected AND paid for it at the same time. MTs have taken NOTHING in the way of income for way too long. We should have been smart and unionized and gained some sort of standards to protect us, not let us be resigned to cleaning up the work from foreign MTs at half-rate pay. I don't care what any of the big MT companies say; they have all cheated us and nickeled and dimed us to death while providing very little in the way of respect for the profession or a real income. I have seen the ads for "earn $50K being a work-at-home MT" far too many times. The schools lie; the companies mess us over royally, and then expect us to thank them for it, and generally, if we all just walked off the job and refused to take it, where would they send the work anyway? Are you going to allow your medical records to look the way most of the ones I had to edit look now? Doctors need to realize that they want to get paid for their expertise and so do MTs. Without us correcting and editing the mistakes they make regularly, some patients could die. However, we're not professional enough to them to warrant a "thank you" for saving the day and calling a questionable medication/condition to their attention. Most of them just blow us off and call us "typists." The real amount we should earn for quality transcription/editing should be paid on an HOURLY basis, not production, making us feel like slaves in this country. My last YEARLY wages earned in this industry for full-time work was in the amount of just a little over $9,000 in the US. We have to endure bad dictators from every country in the world including the US doctors who just don't care and are speed demons who slur every word they try to speak, and hospital systems who require so many rules that you have to have a Master's degree just to keep your mind focused on the memorization skills to remember all of the crap they want, even when it contradicts itself. No, my dear, this industry is NOT GOING ANYWHERE but down the tubes as fast as a spiral downfall of a crashing jet plane. It's a shame, too. At one point in time, I actually defended MT work with my dying breath. Now, after 20 years of being progressively screwed each year even worse than the last, I finally decided that NO MORE MT would be my chant. I will go to work for someone who will guarantee me an hourly rate to do something intelligent rather than beat my head against a wall or make my fingers bleed to be an MT. Good riddance to this career. Sorry, but after 20 years, I believe anyone putting any more time into this is just fooling themselves. Demand $50,000 a year on hourly wage and everyone stick to it or the whole industry can just be sold to India, Pakistan, China, or anyone else who wants it. Time for transcribing or editing at per line rates is OVER. My $50,000' worth of advice for free.

I hear you loud and clear! - Sunrises

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After working many years for one hospital and losing my job to sending work out and then spending another 5 yrs. in the same field only to be "phased out", I agree, we have to have some pride here. Doctors know it too - they love nothing more than having MT's right at their side if they could, but much of it is not their fault, but the institutions whose budgets were way off. It became a trend to send work out, now it's VR that's becoming a trend which I never thought I'd see the day! Now they use the MT's to edit the lousy transcription. I guess some of us are lucky to get or have a job, but there comes a time when you have to keep your self-esteem. Going back to school is the right idea. I had my BA degree and always worked as an MT anyway and then took a few computer courses to have under my belt. But still have yet to get a job using those skills. When employers see all the medical transcription experience - it's hard to do much else. For we older ladies, its even harder, because there is age discrimination. So yes, I agree, if you can get into a field you know is needed and there won't be any BS, (like Radiology Techs who are very high paid for what they do), then you can be proud you don't have to kiss their rear ends, you can walk out and get another job some place else!!!!!

I'm completely with you - just hanging by a thread

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until my other business picks up. I want out of MT FOREVER.

The only thing I've ever done, 25+ years. - Easy job for me.

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It is easy for me.

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Looking Into Career Change From MT
Jul 10, 2012

I've been doing medical transcription for 17 years now.  It used to be a good field to get into and good pay, but as the medical transcription field seems to be slowly phasing out and it's getting harder to make a decent living as we are getting lower wages and less work, I've been thinking about going back to school and getting a bachelor's in health informatation managment or administration.  I already have an assosciate's degree, but I would like to know wha ...

My Company/career Has
Oct 18, 2012

Work types are being sent to India, which lessens our work load.  Accounts with good dictators are being sent to India.  They outsource to other companies, too.  Also, all of my accounts are overflow.  I am finding myself having to start later and later in the day when work is available. I have been doing this for over 15 years and have seen firsthand the direction this job is going.  Pay cuts, increased insurance rates.  It doesn't balance itself out in any w ...