A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Training to be an MT - My3Sons

Posted: Nov 15, 2009

I am a mom of 3 boys with a lot of secretarial experience. I have taken several college courses recently including Anatomy&Physiology, Medical Terminology, Medical Transcription and Advanced but cannot find a job. Everyone looks for experience. I am in the process of applying to Everett Community College for their certificate. I would love opinions from current MTs regarding your opinion on beginning this career. Is it still a good option? I hear so many differing opinions on the future. Do you think I will be able to land a work from home job after completing training (Everett has a list of companies that hire their graduates). Any info would be appreciated. I am excited about the prospect but want to make a good decision. Thanks!!

many recent posts; read Main, Company, New MT boards. - nm

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sure... - sadie

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You can absolutely find a job at home right away. You have secretarial experience you say? That is all you need. It is basically just typing and even that is not much with voice recognition! As long as you have a slight understanding of English, which by your post, I see that you do, you will be fine.

I bet you will be making about 60,000 part time to start and if you are good, maybe even 70,000.

Don't listen to the naysayers... Think positive and only let the positive thoughts fill your brain and stay focues on your goal of working from home and making tons of money!

LOL - you forgot to add... - that there are miserable

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MTs that post falsehoods! LOL

LOL, but someone will take you seriously - LK

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That was very funny, but some poor MT student or wannabe is going to come along and read this and think you are serious!

sure - My3sons

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Wow, maybe I came to the wrong place for advice and information. I know it takes more than typing, as my post stated I have taken the classes, transcribed ESL physicians, etc. I know MTS are underpaid and underappreciated. I really do want serious opinions, maybe I'll look elsewhere.

You came here and asked for advice, right? - Answering

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What makes you think these are not serious opinions, just because you did not get the looking at this work through rose colored glasses reply? Any and I mean any work you have done prior to training to be a transcriptionist whether it is taking some course in anatomy, psychology and the like does not prepare you for actually transcribing medical reports. Before I started actually learning transcribing I had worked at children's hospital, front desk for a doctor, inhospital for doing medicaid and medicare charts, worked in front office of nursing school, then medical records and finally cancer research office. The very first day in the transcription business sit down to listen to an English doctor dictating a discharge summary. I thought it would be a piece of cake. I did not understand 1 word this person said and it took me a year of on the job learning to be able to do. I stayed in the English dictionary as well as medical. You people now have no idea what Google means to this business. We did not have that. I went home at nights sometimes almost in tears. Most of us are being paid 8 cents a line for straight typing and 4 cents for voice recognition. You have to know what you are doing and be extremely fast at either one if you make any kind of living out of this. I no longer have children at home trying to raise but if I did, would think long and hard about what others are saying about this. You should also.
training to be an MT - Tara
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"What makes you think these are not serious opinions, just because you did not get the looking at this work through rose colored glasses reply?" Did you read Sadie's post? That was the biggest sarcastic line of BS to anyone I've ever read. It was undoubtedly very rude, unprofessional, and just plain unnecessary. If all of you MT's are that miserable with the jobs you have, MOVE ON, and let these newbies have their chance at it. Seriously, the replies some of these people give are just downright distasteful. Not everyone is dissatisfied with MT work and not everyone works for big hospitals who have now lost their jobs or money to VR. Yes I am one who lost a job to technology, not VR, but I have gone through it, but I still have other jobs that keep me busy and I am VERY HAPPY with what I do. Great line count, no ESL, great money per line! We live in a technological world and things like that are going to happen as they do to everyone at some point in time, but there is no reason to be so negative about the job itself unless all of you are worried about new competition from someone who actually wants to be doing this work! Have any of you even thought about your attitudes towards this profession - too many ESL, not enough money per line, blah, blah, blah to consider that maybe you are the biggest reason why everyone is switching to VR or overseas? Be happy you can work at home and make money doing it instead of complaining about how the money isn't good enough. Well it's better than no job at all, especially now!
Hate to break the news but I do not fit into the - Answering
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miserable group. I gave out solid advice, most talking about how I thought I had it made PRIOR to going into MTing, making a comparison about anyone who has had a course in anatomy here or there. It just makes no difference what you have learned in books UNTIL you sit down and start the actual work. I am over the hump now so to speak, no family that I have to take care of so my money mostly is spent on me except for a few monthly utility bills. I went on 4 vacations this year and can buy at will. I love VR but there are absolutely too many ESLs. This is America, not India. I am not worried about competition from any newbies, not worried about a job tomorrow. You see I could stop working anytime I please. It used to be I had to kiss up in order to keep a job, nah, not anymore. Anyone would be glad to be in the same situation I am now. You too.
thank you tara - for your post
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some of the stuff being written on here is very disheartening, but I love my classes, it's fun, it's interesting. i should do it because i like doing it right?

You are better off looking somwhere else - A Yearbie

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Unfortunately you would probably get more serious answers. I mean for goodness sakes, the repliers come off as obvious smart rumps and then the Poster "Answering" tries to make you feel as if you done something wrong for calling them on being a smart rump? It is all over the place around here. There are good ones around here, but on the Newbie site everyone of us just need to "Hush our mouths and don't ask stupid questions" (hock spit)! LOL
Yearbie - This disgusting post certainly will not help YOUR cause. - sm
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I have to say I have seen more negative posts coming from you than others.

You have been told and told and told what would be necessary to improve your skills and increase YOUR chances of getting a job, yet you want to continue on here like this?

Learn proper grammar, learn how to type accurately, learn to improve your testing skills, do some research, try politeness, and for goodness sake - try to stop the spitting, whining, insulting, and complaining.

I think you have received many posts (granted good and bad). Now, do you have any new questions? Any new self-improvement to offer? Anything constructive instead of disgusting?
Negative posts and the newbies - Florida
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So many (NOT ALL) of these newbies are of a breed that want their hands to be held, want to be praised just for coming to work,want to be told they will make 70K their first year, want all their child care needs met (although I wish someone would teach them about proper boundaries between work and family life); this is a profession, after all, not a child care center. As to that certain person who whines, spits, and stomps her feet, perhaps she likes the attention. Although several MTs with much experience have taken their time to try to help her, she whines and spits some more. She reminds me of my 3-year old nephew who would lie on the floor, and begin to kick and scream when he did not get his way. That sort of behavior is unattractive in a three year old and absolutely vile in an (supposed) adult. We handled it by ignoring him and he eventually grew out of it. Don't think any screeching newbie is going to get a job that way, or keep one if she cannot take correction. When a person simply makes an observation as to grammar and spelling, there is another tantrum. How would this sort of person react if they were getting feedback from real QA? I for one am through trying to offer help to the newbies (and I am in recruiting as well as MTing). Too much sense of entitlement, not enough sense of what MTing really is. Hire a nanny, hire a babysitter, hire a housekeeper, do whatever it takes to keep your home fires burning, but get your minds back on work, learn, really LEARN the MT world, and then we will take you seriously. To those newbies who are serious learners, who took the time and trouble to get a decent education and do not rely on matchbook pseudocertificates, who have their child care issues under control, who really want to transcribe for love of words and for love of the profession, good for you and long may you wave! You could not be coming into the profession at a worse time (we have about 200 applicants for every one we hire at our company), but there is also a saying that cream rises to the top. For every wannabe who could not spell her way out of a paper bag, there is some young person out there who has the right stuff. It is to this person that I wish the very best.
Your sense of self worth is stagnant. - A Yearbie
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Here is your entitlement. And I write: Please go drown your self in your self-proclaimed pool of intelligence. Wallow in your disgusting sense of pride and maybe one day you will wake up and realize that you are truly no smarter than what the mirror tells you" You help NO ONE so don't try and act like newbie�s should be crying right now because you came here and thrust your MT staff into the mountain top and proclaimed "King of the Mountain". You are in fact, just repulsive. Go to work.

I will try to answer - LK

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I am not an "old MT," as some of the people on these boards call themselves, one who has been around since the good old days of transcription, but boy oh boy I wish I had been there for those days. This profession is changing fast, and seems to be picking up steam as far as the pace of change. Most of the change is not good. I graduated from M-TEC almost 5 years ago, and it was still fairly easy to get a job if you had done well in their program. I was offered a job before I even got out of school, and at a better line rate than you can get these days with experience. I have a friend who went through the same program, did exceedingly well, and had a heck of a time 3 years later landing a job. Pay is constantly sliding due mainly to offshoring and VR. I don't see either of those going away (although a girl can dream). I would say right now it's a dicey field to go into. You might eventually do OK, but you better be well-trained and have an EXCELLENT command of English usage, grammar, vocabulary, and spelling. What I mean by this is an aptitude for it. Thinking that you can "learn it" if you're not particularly good at it is probably not good enough in the world of MT today. By the way, from the look of your post and your past experience, it appears to me that you might have that aptitude. But still, it's going to be a tough slog. By the way, I'm not sorry I invested in MT education. It's worked out well for me. But I am worried about the future. Feel free to e-mail me if I can answer any other questions.

being an MT - David

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The thing I hate about this forum is how spiteful, immature and catty ppl can be. I'd rather my post go without a response, rather than having bitter, frustrated witches or warlocks respond to me with their BS OPINIONS!

In response to your posting. To MT, you are headed in the right direction. The classes you took should most definitely help. I would recommend anatomy and physiology I AND II, advanced terminology with a focus on medications as well (generic and trademark).

There are actual MT certification/degree plans. Secretarial experience will benefit you only in that you will be typing as well.

In my experience (former old school trainer/teacher in this field) practicing transcription is your best bet. Get in as much practice as you can, try an internship because the lessons they give you in the school setting are nothing compared to real-world dictations.

As far as experience, an internship counts. Try to find one. I am optimistic that you will be able to find employment straight out of the chutes, but understand that you'll probably have to prove yourself before you get the pay you're worth, as in any position.

Don't get discouraged. Don't respond to the BS. I'm excited for you too.

Best of luck. ~Sir David

yes, as statedby LK, an excellent command of the English language also. of course.

interesting - ggmt

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When I asked about getting a job now that I've finished MT school, I was told my school was lying to me and that no one would ever bother to hire a graduate because it was all just wasted time anyway.

ggmt - grunt

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yeah, right... I'll believe that when pigs fly. That's ridiculous.

I also think you're headed in the right direction my3sons, and DO think you can get a job. It took me a while to begin to earn a good wage, but I'm getting better and still working on it.
Training to be an MT ...... - My3Sons
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Thanks for all the responses, there are pluses and minuses with any career choice, appreciate the input!
believe what? - ggmt
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Believe that I was told that? I think my posts are still around, I used the name ssmt at the time. (Changed because it was too easily confused with "sm" for short message.)

Don't know who to believe yet. People on my school forums are always saying they got jobs, people here say that no one will hire a new grad. Who knows.
MT training - Cheri
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Hi. I am a graduate from Everett's MT program. It is an excellent program, but it is not easy. I put in an average of 50-60 hours per week studying. You take 4 classes every quarter (9 weeks) and there are tests, including a final exam in every class. I graduated with high honors but I have not been able to find an MT position yet, although many of my classmates have. I've been told hiring is more prudent in the spring, so I'm hopeful that I will find work soon. Good luck to you - and don't be afraid to go with Everett, they have a great program!

I agree with the first paragraph of David's comment! If one has ONLY negatives to say, keep it - vrvr

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If you want to work 12 hours a day for pennies a day then be a MT. - yochana

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This profession is going down the drain.

Work for pennies - Diane

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Why are MT's so poorly paid
for creating legal documents that could save a physician's anatomy if sued?

Diane in Vermont

Work for pennies - Tara

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Not all MT's work for pennies. These MT's gripe about making that much, but if it were really true they wouldn't be wasting their time doing it. Raises in this type of work are not that common and this is probably the pay it has been for a long time, but because the economy the way it is, it probably doesn't seem like they are making much anymore compared to their expenses. However, with alot of the companies going to voice recognition or offshoring overseas to get a better rate (which ironically MT's moan and groan about, yet they want higher pay) the work is getting a little more scarce than it once was. However, there are still plenty of jobs being advertised on a daily basis for MT and so I do believe there is still a lot of work to do in this field. It's just these negative nellies think that they are entitled to huge pay because they have been doing this for so long. As far as I am concerned, if you get the privilege of working at home and not spending your money on expenses you otherwise would have working out of the home, you are probably breaking pretty even, especially if you are a fast typer and get paid by the line. Diane, don't be discouraged by all these negative nellies. I have been doing this for ten years and yeah I used to make more money when I had a lot of jobs, but I still love this profession and I still make a decent wage at it. I'm certainly not going to get rich, but it pays the general bills. I may not have a lot left over to go on vacations and spend on frivilous things, but if I really really wanted those things, I could have the opportunity to work more than I do. Good luck in your endeavors and if you have any specific questions that you would like an honest answer about instead of all this sarcasm please e-mail me.
Some things I caught on your posting - Not a typer
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The word is typist, no such thing as a typer. Secondly, who wants to "probably break even" as you say, why even work then? Most people on here have to support families, breaking even would not do would it? Oh, you get to stay home but you get to break even? If you had done this work longer than you had, you then would understand what seasoned transcriptionists are speaking of. Their money has fell dramatically over the years from highs of 50, 60 thousand and above to now "barely breaking even" but then I guess they are just glad to stay at home. You apparently are not speaking for the majority.
Work for pennies - Tara
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Oh my goodness I said typer and not typist big whoop, something pretty minor to point out. Also, I wasn't talking about breaking even with income compared to expenses. If you read the post a little closer, you could see that my point was that if you make a little less at home compared to an office setting (which isn't likely), you would break even in the amount between the two by the time you spent money on the above-noted expenses to go to work, including daycare for the moms that do this. These seasoned transcriptionists as you call them probably did make the big bucks back in the day, but you know what? That day has come and gone and will never be seen again. This job is not awesome money like it had been in the day, but it's a good way to earn a living, especially for those young families who would otherwise have to put their kids in daycare and pretty much pay to go to work. This is a great living for those of us who have that kind of expense to worry about. I can easily make between $20 and $40 an hour, sometimes more, depending on the doctor and I do not have to put my kids in daycare, which would easily be over $10 an hour. Not to mention the fact that if I was working in an office, at a regular job where I live, I would only be making a little over $10 an hour. It would not be worth it for me to have a job if I didn't do MT work. All the money I make is for me to utilize how I need to, it's not going to daycare. Not to mention the fact that I make more money in 20 hours doing this at home than I would make working in an office full-time. Plus you tack on time you have to take for lunch and drive back and forth to work. You can easily add on an extra hour and a half or more each day for daycare and those are hours that you are not even getting paid for. I get to spend 25+ more hours a week with my kids when I'm not working than I would get if I was working in an office AND they are with me for the 20 hours that I am working. I have found that I need to appreciate this line of work for what it has provided me and not gripe about it, even if I think I deserve more, because any company could easily send their work overseas and cut us MT's out completely and it would be more money in their pocket, but thankfully some of these companies still have pride in the good old USA and will keep the work here no matter what! You can be greedy and demand more money if you want and complain about the money that you make now, but just know it's those MT's who are responsible for the work going elsewhere.
Laughing as I read your latest - Not a typer
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This is why the profession has gone downhill. Most of the post spoke of how young mothers could make it better without daycare, etc. This did not start out as a way to babysit the children. It was a profession to go into because of love of medicine and the like. No wonder it has headed the way it did. Matchbook covers, ads showing children clinging to their mother's knee as mother typed along in her apron before getting dinner started. By the time a mother got to where she "had to work at home because of the child" then the MTSOs knew they had them. While other women are out in the work force with most salaries gaining instead of going south, these lowly transcriptionists are sitting woefully by the computer waiting for work to come in. I feel no pity for those who have no work and continue just to sit at home while their bills go unpaid. I have seen it hundreds of times all over this board and you just enforce that same theme. Shame on you. Are you the same person below who supposedly has a website sit up for a company and touting how that company will treat the employees yet that company is still out in lala land?
Working at home - Tara
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Yes, this profession has steered in a completely different direction than when it was started, however, it's not just because mothers want to do it at home. It is because people started working from their home, making it noticably cheaper for the employer to not have to pay for office space, computers, transcription equipment, etc. Well then digital came along and that made it even cheaper. Next comes voice recognition and MT's overseas who will do the work for pennies. In case you haven't noticed, people who are self-employed are generally about the almighty dollar and how much of it they can get. They are not concerned with you and whether or not you make a living because they have a comfortable living and want to keep it that way. That is why so many of the MT's here who used to make 50 to 60K a year aren't doing that anymore. These companies don't have to pay that kind of money because it's not the standard. They have many different options now to keep more money in their pockets. In fact, we are lucky that doctors even still dictate with a recorder because I know many who have gone to voice recognition and they aren't paying anyone to do the work. All that much more money in their pockets!! If you get an MT who demands they get paid an outrageous amount of money, any company is going to go next down the line to someone cheaper. This is not just in the MT business, this is everywhere!! Some kid can't just walk into McDonald's and say he wants $10 an hour because he has worked at Arby's and Subway before and they are going to hire him. Heck no!! They will hire the person who will take the minimum wage and be happy with it. Yes, experience should be paid for appropriately, but seriously if an MT will work for 30K a year, do you think they are going to pay someone 50K for the same work? Back in the day it was worth it for companies to pay that kind of money because not many people were trained to do that sort of thing, however, this day and age there are many qualified MT's and you don't need 20 years experience to be one because things are changing all the time - the rules, the medicines, the procedures. Seasoned MT's have to relearn this stuff just as a new MT is learning it and at the end of the day, you are going to have the same result from either one. Many of us moms who do the work at home work for a company who has flexible hours, as long as you get your line count in. Doesn't matter what time of day you type it, just as long as it is done. I have done this for ten years and every company I have worked for has never required me to work a "shift." I work when I want and how long I want and I make darn good money at it because I'm awesome at what I do and I can type fast. My bills never go unpaid. This is an awesome profession that I fully enjoy and get a nicer paycheck doing this at home anytime of the day or night that I want than being in an office somewhere AND I don't have to pay daycare!!! No I do not have a post below that says I have a website set up.
working at home - 7DayMT
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Not a negative Nellie here, and not a slow typist either, but am working harder for the same money that I made a few years ago. I think we should be paid well for the skill.. does not matter if it is done at home. This is a skill that not many people have. Being able to stay home was one of the reasons I started doing this job, but never would have stayed if the money had not been good. People in other professions do bring their work home at least part of the time, and the work is not of less value. (I have an cousin who is a CPA and works at home at least 3 days a week, and is not paid less for that work, although he enjoys the benefits of not having to commute or dress up for the office).

yochana - ls

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If the profession is going down the drain, why do so many continue to stay in this business. If not enough money, find something new !!!

Think I have the answer for you - Answers

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There are a lot of older people in this profession and they at one time did make the big bucks. To start a new profession now at their age, 40s, 50s and the like would probably be harder for them than say a 20 something year old. Most probably thought, unwisely, that this would continue to be a job where they could a really good living with retirement, etc. Turns out not true for them.
Older MT who is well-set - Iris
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I have been an MT since the late sixties. I have worked very hard, invested well, and will retire in two years. Will I be rich? H*ll no, but I will be comfortable. In the 90s I made 50 bucks an hour on a long-term university contract (California). Now I make 33 bucks an hour with an MTSO. I know many, many MTs who do this as well. So yes, it is possible. I will not be as rich as a lawyer or wall street thief, er, I mean broker, but I will be comfortable in my retirement.
To Answers - ls
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Harder but not impossible. I am 56 years old. Five years ago I sold my business and went back to school. I am now working as a LPN and loving every minute of it. Don't use age as an excuse to do nothing to improve your life...
The answers do not apply in my situation; however - Answers
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as past retirement and have good money coming in both in retirement check and elsewhere plus I still work few hours a week. I am saying this has happened to a lot of people in this profession. Not me and maybe not the 2 above but still has happened. I came out with a very big social security check each month because of how many jobs I had worked in my lifetime and still continue to. I am not hurting but I hear others have.

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Regarding The Old Reports Used For Training At MDI
Nov 25, 2009

I believe that these are old reports used for training, but I don't think they are training new MTs on the account.  I believe they are training VR.  Someone mentioned below that it doesn't make sense to pay someone to do old reports that have already been done, and I agree with that also.  Plus, think about the fact that MDI had never, ever trained like this before, even after receiving email after email asking where all our work was going and why we had no work.  ...

Has Anyone Done The HIPAA Training?
Jan 03, 2010

Has anyone done the HIPAA training?  How was the test? ...

With Whom Did You Complete Your MT Training?
Jul 01, 2010

To those of you who have completed a transcription course, who did you go through and why?  I don't know if this is too specific to ask here, but I did not see any rules against asking about the schooling.  I have been an MT for eight years, and received OTJ training, plus I have an extensive medical background prior to transcribing.  However, I have a friend who would like to complete a program, and while I have a few schools/programs in mind to refer her to, I would like to ...

MT Training Programs
May 08, 2010

Can anyone recommend a good online training program for Medical Transcription? ...

Mandatory Training Without Pay - Really?
Jun 03, 2010

Just informed that I have to take MANDATORY HIPAA training without pay because I can take it "anytime on my OWN time!"  LOL!!!  The course is 45 minutes long!  It is not enough that we have to learn account specifics "on our own time", read the constant silly e-mails "on our own time", but now we have to do mandatory training "on our own time."  Oh, yeah - and we have to pass the class with a test at the end too!  I feel like I am in a volunteer job!   Hmmmm, I ...

8 Weeks Training To Become An MT (sm)
Jul 20, 2010

Why do these "schools" continue to advertise?  There is NO WAY someone can learn what we do in 8 weeks.  I am amazed at advertisements such as these!!! ...