A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I was warned of a potential bad employer by checking - Tin ear

Posted: Apr 30, 2013

this forum and I backed out because I had to purchase software and would be "micromanaged" too closely. I found myself on the offensive and caught the recruiter off guard because I told him I had no money to buy software because MTs are so poor. It was beautiful just to hear his jaw drop! I felt tremendous just to boycott this industry in my own way.

Do not believe everything you read.... - anon

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It is extremely sad to read posts such as these. Most posts against companies are due to posters who had an ax to grind in some form or another, mostly because they were called on QA,and not reality, at least in my experience. Also, not to in any way put you down, but in order to make money, you have to spend money as well. You never know until you tried...

Case in point: As a newbie, I took a job on page count when I had only heard of line count. Luckily, I took it, as it was the very most profitable job I ever had, making more money than most in 1 month than most people make in 1 year.

Take everything you read with a grain of salt. There are always 2 sides to a coin.

Yes, do take it with a grain of salt, including the cheerleading posts. - anon

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There are people with an ax to grind who post here, but there are also people who speak the truth.

I used to come on this board 10 years or so ago and the tone was entirely different. There were lots of happy MTs who would sing the praises of their MTSO and very few disgruntled posters.

Fast forward 10 years and this board is basically nothing but negativity.

It would be ridiculous to think that a new breed of nasty, negative MTs sprang forth rather than that the industry has changed and MTSOs no longer treat the MT with any respect.

I work for the 2 Big Evil MTSOs and they both have positives but both have very true and very bad negatives.

So, yeah, get out the salt shaker but sprinkle it on your hand and take it with a shot of Tequila because you need a strong drink to face the realities of the MT world today.

'make more money in 1 month than most people make in 1 year' - MT

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Really? You are doing the same thing, but at the opposite end of the spectrum (and let me guess, the name of the company is a big "secret" and you won't' share, even though this board is supposed to be a resource for exactly that). I'm still making a reasonably good living at being an MT, but absolutely pay attention to everything I see here and elsewhere posted on this industry. I do notice, however, that posts like yours tend to be vague, whereas the majority of negative posts at least have details.

Personally, I trust that most MTs are intelligent enough to take in all the information (negative/positive) and make their own decisions. That's what I do, and I think both sides are pertinent.

more money in a month than people make in a year - baaa freakin haaaa

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IMPOSSIBLE! I would venture to say most people would make at least 25,000 a year. So this "NEWBIE" made that a month? $6250 a week? COME ON!
money in a year.... - you are wrong about your proposed amount
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at this point in time, I would be extremely happy with $25k a year!! After doing my taxes this year, adding up the numerous 1099s I had gained during the year trying to find a decent job and maintain it, but losing out to India, VR, and EMR, and then also adding up my expenses through the year, my income from MT was $1053! My fed taxes were $52 and I owed State nothing. If it had not been for my savings from previous better years, I would be under a bridge living high off the hog! Don't "assume" that most people would make $25K in a year, because you would be wrong. So, "reasonably" with my annual "income" this year, yes, she could very well make in one month what I made all year!! (other side of the coin).
she said MOST PEOPLE, not MOST MTs! - read people
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And NO... There is no way a newbie starting out in the MT world is making more in one month than MOST PEOPLE make in an entire year.
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she meant MTs. stop YELLING!

company - anon

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The company I worked for was Horizons Transcription in California. She has since retired. I was making around $9000 per month or more just on my transcription, transcribing their office account.

Now you understand why I did not bother posting the name? It is no longer in business.

Keep an open mind. She had no website or anything. I had never heard of page rate.

I take wildly outrageous earning claims with a grain of salt... - Infomercial Anyone?

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If it's too good to be true...

spend money to make money? - MTMT

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I wouldn't work for a company that told me I had to purchase their software. They should provide that for you. Otherwise, I'd think it's a scam and would not take the job.

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