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new message from Shaw - regarding NJA

Posted: Aug 13, 2013

available on Intranet.  Changing from 15 down to 6 minutes wait time.

Hmmm... why the change? - sm

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Is it because it is illegal?

Probably because it is cheaper - sm

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They would only pay for 6 minutes instead of 15.

Why is it illegal? - cheated

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Unpaid wait time - sm

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Because we can wait 14 min, no work and then a job comes in. It happens all the time to me. This will cut down on a lot of waiting.
Sounds like a lot more work - for the TSM
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has to contact MTs to tell them when to make up work if they chose that option.
did it used to not say that? - about makeup time?
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did it always say you have to get with your TSM about when to make up time?
It always said that, but I never, never, got called...ever!! - cheated
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it never said consecutive - I copied it and still have old policy
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Thanks for the confirmation on that! - cheated
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I just made no sense to me how they could say it had to be consecutive and then if you kept getting working after waiting any amount of time, that could potentially add up to a lot. Now we just have to figure out how this "calling" us when there is work...hahahaha!
If it always said that, obviously - some TSMs
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have a reading comprehension problem.
No it never did and I complained to HR - consecutive versus cumulative
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I filed a complaint with HR regarding this very thing because some shifts I would sit for over an hour unpaid at 8 minutes then 10 minutes then 12 until finally 15 and I was released from my shift. So they very clearly documented consecutive in this new policy revision which is smart.

On the flip side, 6 minutes of minimum wage for my state is 50 cents. I don't get the 4 hours at benefit rate or 2 hours. All Mmodal has to pay me when they run out of work is 6 minutes per shift. What is their incentive to provide me work at all?
So Im slow, sorry - sm
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Am I reading into this right? Once you are released from a shift you cannot go back to it? AND if I chose to make up the time, it is at a time when my TSM decides for me? That makes ZERO sense to me and does seem a bit illegal
They can go ahead and try to stop me - already getting the emails
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I filed a work availability ticket yesterday and kept right on working. Its my schedule. What are they going to do, lock us out now? I don't think so. The only thing the release does is cover their butt for not paying "engaged to work" pay. I sat in my office and did homework in between jobs. I started 15 minutes early, worked through my break and worked 15 minutes past my shift and ended up with pretty close to enough hours for the day. Not the ideal working situation but productive.

I also got an email from my TSM telling me when she wanted me to make up my hours from yesterday and today but I didn't even bother to respond. I may just take PTO if I run short instead. If they can't provide work during the schedule we were demanded to switch to then tough bananas. They can't have it both ways where we are locked into a schedule but end up working when they want us to anyway. Enough is enough.
What is it going to take? - sm
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I am not used to the "business world," I worked with the state before this so I don't know the procedures to start to straighten this mess out. All I know for sure is they are in violation of the FLSA and even my college business major son said they are pulling some illegal garbage. Is there a national labor board or something we can collectively email? Reason I say national is because we are all over the country. I am just throwing ideas around because not only is it my job, but it is part of my personal medical records, that I would rather not be handled by India.
Hospitals - artlady
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What role do hospitals and other medical institutions play in this? Perhaps informing the greater community of this outsourcing would be a way to get a stronger constituency in which to bring these jobs back home. Who is reaping the benefits of this sweatshop labor in India? I thought companies were making a concerted effort to bring work back to Americans. Appears MModal is working backward toward the darker ages with outsourcing U.S. medical institutions to India. Very disturbing..
they know their accounts are being offshored - dead end
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they have to agree to it. So that's really where the blame lies, the greed of the medical institutions, not M2, they can only do what the customer allows.
Well as long as we have been getting paid-sm - cheated
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for NJA I have never read that it was consecutive time and the policy before did not reflect this. I checked several times for that exact wording. Anyway, I have always just added up my time of NJA to reach a total of 15 minutes and submitted this on my ticket. No one from above every called me on this or informed me that it was not correct. Also, when they told us to "split" time on the time card, that was more reason to not view it as consecutive time. The new policy does say 6 minutes consecutive time.

So Im saying thatif you have those 14 minutes occur over and over, it can really add up and affect your benefit line rate as well as production line count and that would be wrong. So, as in my post below, I have a lot of NJA tickets, nearly every day for the past 6-8 months and I think that became a problem for them, thus the new 6 minute rule and now more of a reason/excuse for them to force us to change schedules to work when the work is supposedly there.. and as we have seen from others, that does not always work either.

This blows some of the TSMs - out of the water

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who said we couldn't use the excused absence, no work pay code. :-p

I thought about that too. - nm

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or the ones who said we must take PTO - take that!

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The email makes it crystal clear that the employee does NOT have to take PTO for NJA.

My impression was that we can use no job available... - Gigner

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Does that sound right? I was told by TSM that we couldn't use NJA as an excuse anymore, but in the email from Shaw it didn't say anything like that and in fact seemed to imply that we can still use it.

yes you have it correct - tried to tell you last week

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Your TSM is wrong stating that you can't use NJA, and you have this newly updated policy (which I am sure your TSM received as well) to back you up.

It didnt imply it; - it outright stated it (nm)

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I am from NY and have never ever received the 4 hours - listed on the policy. Anyone else in

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states that have specific rules receive what is listed? It says it is the TSMs responsibility to add that to the timecard?

Two words: - Back Pay!!

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I live in CA and always get my four hours - mpe

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The TSM I have now tells me to add four hours to my card under work availability. The others, I had to contact pay roll when they did it incorrectly and payroll sent me a seperate check. If you haven't been getting paid, you need to go back into your timecard and contact payroll for your back pay. That is against the law of your state. It has nothing to do with MM. It is a state law.

Live in CA also, always get it. YOU must add it to timesheet though. - NM

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I'm a NY MT - NYS MT

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I have been paid the minimum wage for NYS residents. I always put in my Remedy ticket that I am a NYS resident as well as on the time card along with the Remedy #. There was 1 time that I didn't and I didn't get paid, complained to my TCM and received a payment for it.

NY State minimum wage - NY MT too

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I did not know to ask for this payment and do not understand when we receive it and why. Is this only when we make up the time or do we get paid this also with the PTO paid. Please explain! Thanks.
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If there is not enough work or no work, MM is to pay NYS MTs minimum wage up for to 4 hours or hours remaining in their shift, which ever is less. You are not required to make up those hours not worked. For example: you are scheduled for a 6 hour shift, log in, no work after 6 minutes, you 4 hours minimum wage, and nothing for the 2 remaining hours, your choice if you want to make up the 2 hours. If you are scheduled for a 6 hour shift, but only have work for 1 hour, you will be paid minimum wage for 3 hours (1 hour worked + 3 hours minimum wage = 4 hours), again the remaining 2 is up to you. Hope this clears this up.
NY minimum wage - NY MT too
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Yes it does! Thanks for the explanation.

What is their incentive for providing work then? - Starving us all out I guess

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Whenever they make a policy change it never benefits the employees. What exactly does the company gain from releasing employees after only 6 minutes? To force us to move to different shifts? To pay us even less for downtime than they currently do? They win if we take no pay, they win if we use up our PTO and they win if we make up hours. So why in the world would they actually want to provide work?

they have no incentive to provide us with work - thats all for India

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but I am glad we got some clarification since everyone was interpreting that 15 minute thing differently.

Bingo! - That was my first thought

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it never benefits us. What if you choose to continue waiting after 6 minutes, is that allowed or is this a way to make us sign off the remainder of a shift?

Less pay out to employees - anon

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More $$$$$$$$$ for corporate.

So they finally found a way to cut costs further. Basically - reducing Work Avail more than half company wide.

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Wonder where that money will now go.

Well I think it is time to job hunt - sm

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Seems like this horse is dieing a lot faster then I thought.

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