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got shipping labels today from the Q - flying fingers

Posted: Jan 21, 2011

Hey all, I got my shipping labels today.  Y'all were right - they want the PC back, but not the CRT monitor, mouse, speakers, foot pedal, or anything else that I have of theirs.  (They want C-phones back, but my C-phone went back years ago.)

Also, thanks for posting that W-2s are on ADP.  I was still able to get into that and get mine.

New job is going well so far.  I love my little office!  I also love the fact that I can grow my nails a little.  I type with my fingertips, so ANY amount of nail would get in the way when I did transcription, and I always had to cut them down to the quick or else they would hit the keys!

MQ computer - Get receipt

[ In Reply To ..]
Make sure you get some sort of a receipt. They claim they did not get mine back and I had all the shipping numbers from UPS and I also backed it up with an e-mail to them the date shipped, method of shipment, and numbers.

Yes I plan to - flying fingers nm

[ In Reply To ..]

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