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MM ASR seems especially bad today. Anyone else? - dnr
Posted: Sep 28, 2013
Missing a lot of words and totally random punctuation.
Oh well, I'd be at minimum either which way.
It has deteriorated on my accounts for sure. - Formerly Dubious About ASR Complaining
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I have seen the comments in the past on this board about the ASR totally missing out sentences, and then putting complete sections in that were never dictated. I never had noticed that before. But now in the last month or two, I have really noticed both of these things happening.
I find the above happens particularly if it is a worktype with templates, but not necessarily.
Tonight I came across a whole phrase about the patient having GERD, which was actually rather detailed, in perfectly formed English, very plausible (what patient DOESN�T have GERD, right?). Nothing about GERD was ever dictated. Honestly I thought I was losing my mind and I had to listen to the complete assessment twice to determine that no, in fact, this was just a completely fanciful figment produced by ASR's stupid, stupid statistics-based algorithms.
Fluency also acting - wonky
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for me last night... kind of lagging behind when I was trying to type. Is it my computer, or something wrong with the program?
Lagging Behind - Sarah
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That happens to me also. I was told by the best tech at MModal to turn off the computer completely (not just restart) and that clears the memory -- it is a pain and time consuming, but I do it once every 8-hour shift.
Complete reboot not necessary - Experienced it many times
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All you need to do is ctrl-alt-del and end process of DEP.Shell. Worked for me every time. You may also want to try turning off the check as you type in tools in fluency. That solved the problem completely for me.
Ctrl-alt-del Question - Sarah
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When I hit Ctrl-alt-del it gives me a menu (lock computer, switch user, log off, change password, start task manager). How do you get to "end process of DEP.Shell? Thanks.
Task manager - sm
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Start task manager, click on the Processes tab, select DEP from the list and click End Process. This will force close Fluency, so be sure you copy/pasted what you typed in notepad first in case the autosave doesn't recover your report. Then just reopen Fluency.
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