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I quit about 1 month ago and have not received shipping label - to send equipment back. How is that handled

Posted: Feb 25, 2010


Hang in there - Anon

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It took at least 3 months for me to get shipping label. They probably don't even know you quit yet.

LOL! I was terminated last June .....sm - anon

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and still have all my MQ equipment accumulated over 10 years. They never sent me shipping labels, boxes, or any request that I return anything. I am thinking of calling and seeing if they want to hire me again. LOL!

Shipping label.... - TedEBear

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I resigned 6 weeks ago. When I called my so-called CCM to tell him I was quitting, the first thing out of his mouth was, "oh, I'll make sure they send you the shipping labels, so we can get the computer back." Still have not received them.

label - misty blue

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HA! I quit almost a year ago, never got a label. Their equipment is sitting in the closet collecting dust and taking up space. I wonder if I make a police report, if eventually the stuff will be declared abandoned property so I can dispose of it! (Yes, in case you're wondering, I called and called and e-mailed and called again and e-mailed again and called...) :)

Equipment - So tired

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As far as I knew, we can keep all of the equipment except the computer tower. I have requested 2 new monitors and numerous keyboards, head sets, foot pedals and mouses and never had to return any of them.

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