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Does Transcend shift differential - lookingmt

Posted: Nov 19, 2010

Does Transcend offer a shift differential for 3rd shift?  Does anyone know how the work flow is on third shift?  I know a lot of people are not happy there so please do not flame me for asking, I just want some information.  Also do they pay a production incentive and an extra amount for CMT?  Thanks in advance.

The answers to your questions are no, no, no, and no. - anon

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I normally try to find the good in everything, and I have never posted a bad comment on this board, but Transcend was not good to me at all.

There were 2 of us working on my account during 3rd shift (the other person was a team lead). I got all of the ESLs and difficult dictators, while I watched her cherry pick all the good stuff. When I asked her about it, she said that, as team lead, she would find out who was doing the cherry picking and talk to them about it, never acknowledging that she was the only other person on the account at that time of the night. When I went over her head and told the supervisor what she was doing, I was told that I might not be a good fit and they might have to let me go if I could not be a team player and take some of the difficult dictators sometimes. The problem was not that I don't want to do difficult dictators; it was just that I don't want to ONLY do difficult dictators.

I was supposed to get a sign-on bonus, half at 3 months and half at 6 months. Both times they were supposed to pay it, they found some ridiculous loophole and rescinded the agreement.

For 3rd shift, I was being paid the same as everybody else, no shift diff. There was no incentive pay for extra lines, and no CMT bonus.

The work ran out constantly at about 4 a.m. (which was only half-way through my shift), so I would have to work during the daytime to make up for the lack of work at night, which meant I never got any sleep during the day.

It was a horrible job - a real nightmare. They were constantly nit-picking my grammar. I was a high school English teacher before I became a transcriptionist, then did transcription for 5 years and QA for 5 years at a hospital. Although I make mistakes like everybody else who is human, I think I know what I am doing most of the time, and the changes they wanted me to make were grammatically incorrect. They also kept telling me to do things that went against HIPAA, such as guessing at patient demographic information and guessing at which doctors should get report copies.

When they didn't pay my bonus at 6 months, I found a new job within just a few days and quit without notice.

I love my new job! I get treated like a real human being. Everyone is interested in helping me do the best job I can for them at this new company, and all the tension I had every day for 6 months is completely gone now.

My supervisor at Transcend has since told me that my skills are very much needed there. "Would you please consider coming back?" Hah! I'm not one to say never, but things would really have to change there before I would ever go back, and only if something happened that made it impossible for me to work for the company I am with now, because I love my job now and do not plan on leaving there for a very long time.

Hope that answers your questions about 3rd shift at Transcend. If you have already signed the paperwork, I wish you much better success than I had there. If you have not yet signed the paperwork, now would be the time to run.

To anon - cc

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Any chance you will tell what company you work for now? As everyone else, I am looking for a company that values its employees and recognizes quality, loyalty and honesty.

I sent you an e-mail - nm - anon

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Transcend - cc

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As far as I know, Transcend does not pay shift differential. I don't think they pay production incentive. Don't know about extra amt for CMT. I was getting an above average line rate from them but no raise in 7 years. If you want more info, I would prefer to share privately.

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xx ...