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Trouble with DQS? - talltxn

Posted: Jul 26, 2010

Anyone else having trouble with DQS this morning? I had trouble logging on, would get stuck loading a job then take the job away, say no jobs available, etc. Then it worked for a while, now doing the same thing. Tried to call support, busy. Was just wondering if it was just me!

Same here - Kathy

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I've had trouble for about 1-1/2 hours off and on, especially with first sign on this morning and now NJA again for no good reason.

Ditto - sick and tired

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same here, trouble getting jobs, shows jobs but - takes them away, knocked

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off in the middle of a job and getting NJA. I am so sick of this, troubles all the time, along with minimum wage, bull

I would not be working at all until I see green light. - Happened before, years ago.

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Years ago, we had something similar that happened. I needed the money and kept getting on the system during the time DEP NOW had a yellow light. I would get a report and started typing and then lost the report. I must have done that all day and tried typing 5 reports, but lost them and never god paid for them.

Learned my lesson and will not get on the system to work until I see green light.

Hope this helps.

IT IS WORKING. I am in and got a job. - Has not kicked me out yet.

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Good luck everyone!

It is 8AM pacific time. TONS OF WORK. - Job loaded and then, NJA. NM

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SUGGESTION! Still would send an email to support - to get that ticket number.

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No matter what, I would ask for the ticket number for downtime.

I would state what your hours are this morning and what state you live in, your number, your CCM, etc.

Should get at least 4 hours today for downtime if you were scheduled this morning.

If system is down for 24 hours and you are scheduled to work for 8 hours, you are to get 4 hours of downtime. I guess the other 4 hours you will have to work with your CCM to schedule your hours for makeup.

yes system having problems - NE MT

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check website http://depnow.medquist.com/default.asp it gives a stoplight- it is yellow right now meaning some MTs are having problems with jobs downloading. Wasn't there an update last night? It seems every time MQ decides to update things they mess it up worse!

There was SYSTEM MAINTENANCE last night - Must have had problems with it. N/M

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Here is the DEP NOW website. - It is yellow.

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CHECK YOUR EMAIL FROM CORPORATE! - Sounds like a big one today!

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Supposed to contact CCM to change your hours for today and to check status update messages posted on DEP NOW.

e-mail from corp - anon

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I didn't get that e-mail.

Check your email - whatever

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I didn't get any email either.

IF CORPORATE SENT OUT EMAIL, MUST BE BIG! - For some who did not receive email.

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You are to check the DEP NOW website and it will tell you if system is working or not.

You are to notify your CCM about your change of hours for today while the system is down.

I thought we are to get at least 4 hours of pay a day when the system is down.


It was the same situation like last time. There was a scheduled maintenance and the system was down for about 3 days. Most of us MT's felt so bad for Medquist and our clients that we busted our butts to help out the company after the system went back up and running. We all worked the day the system came up. I put in 8 hours that day when I was supposed to work 4 hours. Then late that night, we received an email from corporate stating they were offering an incentive for 5 days to get the accounts back into turn around time. That paycheck was awesome, just like what we used to make as an MT.
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You automatically get paid technical downtime for problems with their system.

Why anyone would agree to change their hours to help this company is beyond me.

They have to pay you for anytime that you are scheduled to work and were not able to due to their prolem.

If they offer a nice incentive to catch up work later, then offer to help.
EXACTLY! - Hope I am wrong though.
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Supposed to pay 4 hours for each day the system is down. California and a few other states may be different.
I think tech downtime will be longer than 4 hours. - Bummed.
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So we need to make up the other 4 hours for today. Just an opinion.
Changing hours - whatever
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I'm betting that if they can get you to change your hours then they won't have to pay you any down time. And then, all the work you do to catch them up will be paid at your regular rate despite how long or what hours you work.
we also were supposed to get full downtime pay too - remember
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Don't forget that MQ considered the 3 days as 1 incident so only paid 8 hours downtime. I lost 16 hours of pay! Yes I remember the scramble to make up the work, but it was also MQ's own fault, trying to fix something that wasn't broken. Don't worry MQ will find a way not to pay anyone for downtime and then guilt us all into working for the good of the "client."
Hahaha! Yep, cannot believe corp email wants us - to change hours for downtime.
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All I know is my accounts have TONS OF LATE JOBS from yesterday.

I think it depends what state you live in, because I remember getting 4 hours of pay each day when the system went down and I received 12 hours during that last incident.

What I remember years ago, I worked many hours the next day when system came up. Then that evening, the company offered a bonus and did not include the day after system came up and the day I worked so hard. That really made me mad.


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Don't you dare change your hours for them. MQ owes everyone downtime at your benefit rate for the hours you are unable to work for a maximum of 8 hours. You have to request through your CCM. Know your rights! You can bet whatever hours I am short at the end of my shift I am requesting downtime.

Trouble with DQS - whatever

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Yup, same here. At least I'm not looking at NJA which is what I would usually see.

Talked to Support, but... - Tink

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...they don't have an ETA on it. They said to just keep trying like when you get NJA.

Curious! Is it just a few of us who cannot work? - Or in different regions?

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Or is it widespread! Only asking since some of us received corporate email and some have not.

Maybe If We Didn't Receive the E-Mail... - vickypage

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then maybe they just don't care what we do. not that they care about anyone else.

So it is a widespread outage. - Glad we have MTstars.

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I am sure you will get your email soon. Just trying to do a widespread email to everyone at the same time must be difficult or, maybe company is having problems with the email system too?

I'm South, DQS probs, but no corp e-mail. nm - Tink

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DQS working for me now at 10:38 a.m. - Tink

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I've had a few jobs now with no problems. Maybe they fixed the system quickly this time.

It is still yellow. Make sure your jobs show up - on your line count.

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When system went down years ago, there was a problem with jobs not showing up on line count.

Thanks for letting us know about the system working for you.

Thanks so much...my lines are showing up - Tink

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...so far at least! I have been busting my tush to get in whatever work I can between the system glitching, and then saw the message about lines not showing up before and thought "Crud!!" Thankfully everything is showing up at this point. I really did not want to have a bunch of hours of my schedule to change for this, so figured I'd catch as much work as I could during my schedule (which hasn't been much anyway).

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