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Yep....many, many MTs have not been paid by this MTSO (sm) - Yochana
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Search the archives for their many complaints.
Delores - Nick
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We will try to help you. Yes, this company is a past master at ripping people off. What you need to now is to go to your local branch of the Labor Department and file a formal complaint against them. Also contact the Fraud Unit of your state's Attorney General as well as the Fraud Unit of the state in which DIT is registered/incorporated. You might also sue them in small claims court if it is a small amount (you do not need an attorney--in fact, you generally cannot take an attorney to small claims court)--or if it for money, you might want to consider hiring an attorney of your own. These people are pond scum. Good luck.
DIT - beb
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All of the suggestions that Nick mentioned will not do any good. I know. I have tried all of those suggestions. No attorney will take on this case as DIT is incorporated and protected under that. You can file in small claims court and win your case, but you will not receive any money because the owner says he does not have the money and he claims he has no assests that you can go after. As for the other agencies, I have tried all that with no luck. They still owe me almost $5,000.00. This company continues to get away with this and still continues to hire new MTs. Unfortunately for all of us, they are untouchable. If anyone has found anything that really works, please let us know.
DIT - a general observation - Nick
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Just an observation--and this is NOT a "make-wrong" of anyone. I am just having trouble getting my mind around why anyone would work enough to let them run up a huge bill without getting paid? The first time someone did not pay me (and it has only happened once in three decades) I refused to do another lick of work for them. The crooks at DIT continue to hire newbies because (1) Newbies do not adequately check out a company before they hire on. Check them out at least as well as they check you out. Ask them what their line of credit is at the bank in case there are cash flow problems. Inform them at the beginning that you have a PAY ME ON TIME, EVERY TIME policy. (2) People keep on working after having been stiffed on the first paycheck. Don't buy into their nonsense. There is enough information in the archives in this site alone about DIT that no one, who having checked them out, would go to work for them. MTing today is all about personal responsibility and due diligence. And as for DIT being "protected" under their corporation, I doubt that is so. In the law that is known as "hiding behind the corporate veil," and attorneys have succeeded in piercing that mytical veil many times. Don't give up. Make these folks pay!
Dit - Ava
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I guess I keep working because if I quit then I know that I don't have a chance in hell of getting paid. I am not a stupid person, just a trusting person. I have worked for them for 3 months and have been paid for 3 weeks of work. To actually see what I am writing is astounding even to me to realize what I am doing.
Ava re DIT - Nick
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I certainly do not think you are a stupid person. Your mistake (one we have all made at various times in our career) is to be so trusting. This is a business situation. There is an old saying, TRUST THE DEALER, BUT COUNT THE CARDS. If they would not pay you after a month, they will not pay you after three months. Sometimes it is better, IMHO, to cut your losses and move on. I know it's hard and I wish you luck.
if that's the case, I would start making noise (sm) - anon
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In my state there is a segment of the news called '3 on your side.' Most news orgainizations have similar. They run your story nationwide and try to help getting payment. In all fairness, contact DIT for comment and that is usually all it takes.
I would also contact the account.
Better Business Bureau - file with them.
And call the IRS - chances are if they are not paying you, they are not paying them either.
Calling the IRS on DIT - Nick
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is a very good idea. Also contact the State Tax Commission for whatever state they are (supposedly) incorporated in. MAKE THEM PAY.
Dit - Ava
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Any ideas as to where I can get a job for real. I feel like an idiot. I just want to work and get paid for my work
Gosh, it is so disgusting to hear about companies like this. - SignMeMT
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I think the news story is a great idea, however, I would do research to find a news organization in the company's main office locality and contact them. Think I would send the company an anonymous letter telling them the local news station will be calling for an interview soon. Have a friend from some other town mail it! We have local stations in our area also that do these investigational/done-me-wrong stories and sometimes really get results. Let them do the research and publicly humiliate the company. You will have their information to take wherever you wish to file complaints that has been validated and published perhaps.
Try this place - Karen
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National Check Fraud Center. Has information about what to do from all states. DIT suckered me in too once. They bounced three paychecks on me and then bounced one of those twice. I eventually got my money from them, albeit late, and was reimbursed for bank fees. I live here in SC and had every intention of taking them to small claims (including the women in the office who deliberately lied to me) if it came to that. It's a real shame they have to do people this way all while being so very "nice." I wonder how they would feel if they were duped like they dupe their MTs? Frankly, I would not be surprised if the clients did find out about this and there are a whole lot of MTs who know who those clients are. Just saying. I'm finished with them because I've been paid already, but I really think they need to wake up and smell the coffee. What goes around, comes around, as the old saying goes. Good luck to you.
DIT - MTLady
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