A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Did anyone else happen to get a followup email from Pamela Haffner at VMR? - nm

Posted: Jun 02, 2010


a friend did - ic2

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The thanks but we're filled email?

VMR-Transfer - kinda long-sorry

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I received a reply this morning (I was one of the original people who never received any follow up to my questions after being offered a job and contract). This is basically the email I received:

We were hopeful that we would be able to quickly generate a significant amount of new transcription work from the veterinary medical community. We're embroiled now in discussions about the viability of voice recognition systems as well as the other technology issues and this will likely drag on through the summer.

Unfortunately -- for all of us -- we will not be able to provide you with any work assignments at the present time. Nevertheless, as our client base and workload continues to increase, we would be glad to contact you at some point in the future. We would greatly appreciate it if you could stay in touch and ensure that we always have up-to-date contact information for you.

I fully realize that you're eager to find a source of additional income in the meantime.

In view of your skills and the drive and ambition you've demonstrated, I'd be glad to introduce you to one of my business advisors who could tell you how to expand your own work-from-home business, if you're interested. He has found a niche in the health and wellness industry that is growing exponentially (in spite of the economy!) and is doing quite well. I've learned a lot from him and will be focusing somewhat more on the business opportunities that he's discovered in the near future. Nevertheless, I still hope that the market and demand for our veterinary medical transcription services will grow, even though it's frustrating right now.

If you would like to connect with him to learn more about how he's making money, let me know.

Thanks once again for your interest in VMR-Transfer.

Kind regards,

Pamela Haffner, RVT/MT

Anyone have any thoughts??

YEP!!!!! THAT"S IT!!!!!! - mt

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What is THAT all about??? I got the same thing!!!
red flags! - nm
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business opportunities, making money.....


Sounds like a 'come-on' scheme and there was never really any jobs - I would run from it

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I really dislike that kind of thing.

Really tacky... - Anon

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I think that was pretty tacky (and unprofessional) of her to be plugging her "friend's" biz opp to her prospective applicants who have waited a significant amount of time to hear from her. Obviously, if you're applying for a job, that usually means you really need money and more than likely do not have money to invest in a business (which is never guaranteed income). I'm sure it will benefit and her "friend" greatly if you did join but in my opinion, it was not the best judgment on her part and seemingly shady.

Meant to say benefit her and her "friend" if you joined...nm - Anon

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The thing IS, if you remember correctly, - sm

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people were calling her a hoax back then when she never replied to anyone's email after "hiring" them. She got on and argued with everyone that she was not a hoax, but she has kind of lost her credibility, I would say.

I got that same exact email! - scam

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I never received any response after sending a resume until this one about "unforeseen delays" and then she went on about her friends business, blah, blah. Definitely a big scam!!

VMR-Transfer - kinda strange

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Earlier in May, there was a thread about VMR-Transfer and everyone saying they couldn't get basic questions answered and that VMR Transfer was a scam, and then Pamela Haffner (the supposed owner of VMR-Transfer) posted several times saying that it was definitely not a scam and she was just getting her business started. I think this was definitely some kind of scam, though I don't really know what she was trying to do with it. Was she really just getting clients for her "friend's" business? Definitely strange. I hope that the people who sent back the contract asking for our SSNs and other personal info don't have any identity theft issues.

I would be interested in knowing if those people received the same email.

It was pretty elaborate, was it not? - All that protesting and posting

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I'll give her that much, if it's a scam (which I pretty strongly feel it is), she certainly went above and beyond in laying some groundwork beforehand. I didn't apply, but I read her posts defending her "business," etc., and wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt but...

Yeah, I think it was a total scam, just a little more craftily scripted than the usual scammers that post here.

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