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Teamwork unscheduled time off question - sm

Posted: Jun 08, 2011

I read the instructions but maybe missed something?  I can't ask my CCM because she's intolerable and rude.  I missed about 4 days last week from being very sick.  I only have 7 hours PTO anyway because I'm still healing from broken bones from a few months ago.  I want to save any PTO I can for Christmas, so if I want to do unscheduled time off with no pay how do I put that in?  Or do I just leave my timesheet alone and not put anything in for those days?  I just don't want it to look like I ditched my job. 


On TW, go to "Leave" - then go to "Add Leave Request"

[ In Reply To ..]
then you should get the drop-down menu under "Leave Type" One of them should be excused absence w/o pay. Our CCM, who is not rude and intolerable, but doesn't answer phone calls or e-mails, broke her silence the other day with an e-mail that we have to use PTO and can't put in excused w/o pay, but you know every CCM has their own special set of rules! Sorry for your troubles!

Thank you so much! - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
I don't know how I missed it. Your explanation was perfect! Now, hopefully the rest of the year will be better and I wont' have to use that again.

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