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M-Modal doesn't provide PC's anymore??? - NCMT

Posted: Jul 21, 2012

I was just reading a post below.  Is that true????

That isn't true, but you can use your computer if you want. - dnr

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I use their computer so any problem preventing me from working is their problem.

Although their computers are not of decent quality - some being so slow as to affect your line count.

I used to use my computer and keep their computer as a work backup until I mistakenly and unknowingly got a 64 bit machine. Our group hasn't got to DQS 7 yet and DQS 6 does not work with 64 bit.

No More PCs - Not For New Hires

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I resigned a month ago and my former CCM told me that MMODAL would no longer be providing computers to employees. I'm assuming she meant newly hired people who would be told they had to provide their own from here on out. I don't know what they will do if you have one of their computers now and it breaks. Most companies don't provide them anymore. I'm still waiting to be shipped a label to return my old computer that belonged to them. They don't seem to be in any hurry to get it back. They used to be insistent that you return them ASAP. So, I don't know what's up with that.

That's ridiculous for an employee to have to supply their computer. - sm

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We're not IC. So, you have to have had a good job in the past so you can afford to buy equipment for this company so you can earn wages so low you could not buy a computer? I'm sure they are treading a fine line between employee and IC here.

No More PCs - Not For New Hires

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That's right and if you have to furnish your own and it breaks you are responsible for having it fixed or buying a new one since it's not company equipment. There may still be a few companies out there who furnish computer equipment but they are few and far between these days. Nuance doesn't furnish computer equipment either. The only thing they send you is a foot pedal.

Not supplying a computer to employees is not unusual - sm

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There are many different industries where the employee has to supply their own "tools of the trade."

Workers at contruction sites are required to wear steel-toed boots, but the employee must buy them on their own (or already own a pair). Your friendly neighborhood postal carrier is required to wear a uniform, but they also must buy their own uniforms, as well as pay for the upkeep of them (regular washing or dry cleaning).

The IRS calls it "unreimbursed employee expenses," and there is a special tax form for employees to deduct their expenses when they are required to personally buy something in order to do their job. The problem that the MTs are going to run into here though is that the "unreimbursed item" must be needed and used exclusively for work...which means you can't play games on it or let the kids on it at all. It must be used EXCLUSIVELY for work.

Old Computer - Alias

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I've been gone for over a month, and they still haven't sent labels for my old computer. They may not want them back.

Old Computer - KeepIt

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My CCM told me it would take 4-6 weeks to get a label to send the computer back but I've been gone a month and they haven't sent me anything yet either. I think someone else posted on here somewhere that they had been gone for a couple of years and never received a request/label to return their Medquist computer. So you may be right, they may never ask for it back.

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