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Getting dinged for missing/inserted words - FYI

Posted: Mar 05, 2014

There have been quite a few complaints lately about getting audits back where the auditors have inserted or taken away words such as: the, of, a/an, etc. The omission or insertion of these words when not dictated is something that should be captured as an error. However, the point value for such an error usually is zero. This type of error is usually a feedback and educational opportunity error. Because they have a value of zero, you could potentially have 20 of these errors and still have a report that has an accuracy score of 100%. Points are counted against inserted/omitted words if it leads to a grammatically incorrect sentence or an illogical or nonsensical sentence that doesn't make sense or if the missing/inserted words lead to a change in meaning. Examples: Feedback with zero points, but will still be flagged as an error: Typed: The patient went to the store. Dictated: Patient went to the store. Typed: The patient came to ER last night. Dictated: The patient came to the ER last night. Omitted/inserted words leading to grammatically incorrect sentence with 0.25 value deduction: Typed: The patient came the ER for an ultrasound. Dictated: The patient came to the ER for an ultrasound. Omitted/inserted words leading to nonsensical or illogical sentence with a point value of 1.0: Typed: The patient came to and the of the hospital. Dictated: The patient came to the hospital. Omitted/inserted words leading to a slight change in meaning with a point value of 0.25: Typed: The patient came to the hospital at night. Dictated: The patient came to the hospital during the night. Of course, all these examples are made up. However, as an MME, these are all errors I have seen in vast quantities for many different facilities and from many different transcriptionists. Hope this helps...

Unfortunately, I am not Miss Grammar like my auditor is. - dnr

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I was not an English major, but my grammar is certainly functional. My grammatical imperfections definitely do not deserve a failing grade.

IMO, most of the grammatical errors should only be worth 0.01 points, NOT 0.25.

If they want me to have stellar grammar skills, they can send me to classes at my local college and, of course, pay for those classes. Of course, if they did, I would find work in a publishing company editing and get paid a lot more after they train me up to be Miss Grammar. :-P

I was only trying to empower you with information so you can help yourself! - FYI

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Why are the only responses snide comments. I was only trying to help you so you know what is going on. If you don't want the help, then just ignore it and move on.

*Auditor Alert* - anon

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Careful ... she's just one step away from lecturing you on your "piss poor attitude".
Does it matter who I am? - FYI
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Does it matter who I am? I am trying to help everyone, yet I only get mean comments and snide remarks.
I'm actually quite surprised that surprises you, LOLOL - anon
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Since you seem baffled, let me spell it out for you.


To make things even worse, you seem to be a clueless and condescending one.
not surprised how rude people are - sm
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Oh no, someone is an auditor! Better be rude and treat them like garbage even if they don't deserve it.

The mentality of people on here is disgusting. Do you treat people like this in "real life" too? What in your mind thinks it's okay to treat someone like that simply because they are an auditor? Do you gay bash too? Are you also a racist? I ask because your
behavior is essentially the same!

The OP wasn't rude or condescending. She was simply trying to explain how the system works.

If you are making mistakes where you are leaving words out/adding words or are using completely different words, why shouldn't you be marked down? Plenty of people don't fail their audits. If you are failing yours maybe it's time to take a look at yourself.

And before I get accused of it, no I am NOT the OP.
Why am I condescending and clueless? - FYI
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Because I am trying to help people understand the importance of their job and exactly how they system works so they can try to understand it and better themselvese?
Before anyone else points it out... - FYI
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Dont get upset over an anonymous - group.
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You got some likes, too. I'm sure a lot of silent MTs appreciated it. :-)
Some of the dislikes may have been about the scoring system rather than you. Just sayin...
I appreciate the QA help - sm
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I really do, but a lot of times they are wrong as well. It would be nice, if we had a way of contacting them directly so I could say really? no patient name in text? and you changed all my names to the patient and the CP says,,,patient name typed as dictated. Because I really don't want to get you in trouble, by contacting your supervisors, UNTIL it comes back to me as a failed audit, THEN gloves are off...So are the auditors different then QA?
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Hi SM,

YES, we are most definitely two different classifications of work.

I have been in QA for over 10 years, never been asked to work Audits!

I wasn't meaning to put you down. Our QA sent us the scoring document, and... - dnr

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I still think what they are dinging is not reasonable much of the time, especially as it has no bearing on patient care and is very functional. If I was Miss Grammar, I would get a job in publishing. There is something wrong when 2 grammar errors causes you to flunk an audit when these errors did not affect readability or patient care. Also, according to my experience for the last 6 years, I was not getting my grammar skills shredded until they started raising the quality scores above 99%. I am now spending too much time treading water trying to figure out what I will get dinged for, especially as I am getting dinged for stuff I am doing because I adjusted to the QA in my last group.

publishing co - curious

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Would a publishing company have at-home clerical jobs?

Grammar corrections - Jasmine

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It's funny how some of these foreigners (not pointing any fingers though) are so proud of their English skills, when you KNOW English is not their native language!

Adding words - mt

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It used to be that some accounts were verbatim and others were not. Now it seems like they all are even if not stated in the CP.

My personal preference would be to put a "The" to make a complete sentence, especially if other sentences are dictated as complete sentences. If a dictator chops every single sentence, then it feels more right to start with "Patient."

When did everything go verbatim?

MT here. I for one appreciate your comments. - It has helped me stop agonizing.

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...over sweating the small stuff. I am always rewinding to figure out if for example the dictator said something like 'The patient' versus 'Patient,' (well maybe not to that extreme but I can't think of a better example). I know that is a waste of time, but when I read about people supposedly failing audits over these things, it has made me overly paranoid. Even though that has never been my experience.

It is nice to know the perspective from your side and it has made me a tad more focused today. So thanks, friend!

Thanks for the support! - FYI

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I would be more than happy to continue posting some hints and tips if you find it helpful. This information shouldn't be solely in the hands of a certain few to yield over everyone else. If you have the information, hopefully you can use it to make your job/life easier and more pleasant.

Do not work for MM any longer, but - anonymous

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I would have welcomed any auditor trying to help me instead of get me fired or put on 100% QA. :)

FYI - Jasmine

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You know, sometimes the way these dictators speak it's hard to really tell what they're saying!

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