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I get regular emails for MT job listings....I find it perplexing that - Kiki

Posted: Aug 21, 2013

M-Modal has a current job opening listing for PART TIME MTs (there is a separate listing for FT ones too). WTH is up with that? I mean, I myself was planning on giving my notice soon enough to this crappy company and actually was glad I was laid off instead of quitting...at least now I am eligible for unemployment until I find another job....but really, WTH? It's not an old listing, has TODAY's date on it. What is the reasoning?

Most likely they're hoping that only offshore - applicants will respond to their ad. N/M

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They get out of paying Obamacare - Boatloads of MTSOs are doing it

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Not sure I understand this....exactly what do they get out of? - Kiki

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Whatever it is, I believe it.....Don't put anything past them...just don't know what that means....

Under Obamacare, their money contribution is higher. - unintended results

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Companies don't have to offer or contribute to health insurance if an employee is under a certain number hours - basically part time. Many large companies are decreasing employee hours to the magic number.
Companies - were
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doing this long before Obamacare so they did not have to offer insurance. Also, most of the people being laid off are part time, so where does that logic fit in?
Yes but M2 in India pays for the employee's - ENTIRE FAMILY to have insurance
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as well as transportation, etc. Barking up the wrong tree here, i'm afraid.
Yes - and
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India has national healthcare, as many countries do.
It is also dirt cheap - Big coding failure
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The exchange rate is .02 on the dollar in India. Medical care is also cheap (and of poor quality). M2 can afford to provide coverage to workers and their families because they are paying pennies on the dollar.

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