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Head's up people with this PTO stuff - sm

Posted: Aug 06, 2013

something is about to blow up. Can't put my finger on it just yet, but be prepared.

anything PTO related save it to a personal file - sm

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off the MQ email list

What PTO stuff? Elaborate please. NM - anon

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PTO and NJA status kind of things - just keep the emails

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can't elaborate just yet. Anything that mentions PTO, just save the email, just in case. Im thinking, the unemployment garbage is hitting the fan maybe?
Ah, sounds very logical based on recent - e-mails from TSM.
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Getting daily e-mails about making sure to get every last minute of your scheduled hours in or face termination. Also warnings of major "cracking down" on all things related to schedules, line counts, inactive time, etc.

Agree, between all of this and the freezing of tier testing, something is going down end of September/first of October.

Agree. - Got warning about timesheet

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Hate this crappy place. I am so ready to tell them to let the Indians have it. I am getting all my routine medical care taken care of, anticipating lay off/termination and loss of insurance.

I haven't received any emails about that yet - and see message

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and I don't see how there is enough work for all of us to get in 40 hours a week.

I haven't gotten any e mails about it either - mpe

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My TSM is very nice and accomodating, even though we hardly ever have work.She never mentions anything about timecards, schedules, etc. Maybe certain regions?

Could be regions. Our TSM just sent a "heads-up" - e-mail to avoid problems

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She basically said that when the new line count requirement starts September 1st that they are going to be watching every single aspect of what we do. Schedules, line counts, inactive time, QA, etc.

She warned us that "terminations" were possible for anyone not meeting ALL requirements.
I am sick of getting bullied by this company - pme
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If they want us to adhere to our schedules, line counts, inactive time, etc..THEN PROVIDE US WORK. We DO NOT have to adhere to any other time schedule then what we were hired for. Plain and simple. DO NOT let TSM's bully you into thinking that is true.
I don't feel bullied, I appreciated my TSM - letting us know what the scoop is
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I don't exactly think adhering to the requirements of the job (all jobs have them) is "bullying."

I know some people HATE MModal, but I worked at Nuance for 2 years and to me MModal ain't half bad.

work schedules or - get in lines
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They can't have both. And probably can't have either.
Hard to adhere to the requirements when there is - NO WORK
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and some TSMs didn't give a heads-up, just went straight to performance management.
Maybe you aren't bullied by your TSM but others are - ltt
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Some people who post on here do not know their state's labor laws and they believe everything their TSM tells them as the truth.
No email here about that - appreciated as well
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I just emailed my TSM my school schedule and she was totally supportive. she recently went back to school herself. Methinks she knows something I dont.
I don't feel bullied by my TSM she is just the - messenger
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I actually really like my TSM, however, this PTO change is illegal, talked with a business major in college. Response, anyone who has taken HR (human resources) first class will tell you they cannot force you to take your leave because they are out of work, what they are doing is illegal. Now, we have 2 options, sit back and take it or fight back. Don't forget way back they stole lines and money from us also. Any company allowed by its employees to slide by, will, especially in this economy.
I'm not sure exactly how to handle this - sm
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so any suggestions are welcome. At this point, I don't care if they fire me. So I will fight it. I kind of think a bunch of us are getting the ax again soon, maybe if your leave balance is low, if you take U/E when there is no work, if you take LWOP if there is no work and raise a fuss about it. I used to love this job, I hate it now, but in order to make a change, they are going to have to fire me to do it, too close to retirement to really want to make a change. I will if I have to. I was talking to my son, he says it would probably be the best thing that happened to me. Out of all my years here complaining, at least my boys learned one thing, find a job you love because going to work every day miserable isn't worth it.
What my daughter learned... - sm
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My daughter and I were at a thrift store a few years back and we were leaving. I said grandma used to take me to this store when I was little and now I'm taking you. From the backseat my daughter says, when I get big, I'm going to get a good job so I don't have to take my kids here... :)

I'm ok with her learning that too.
Not to mention that we are the backbone - typing my fingers to the bone
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of this company. Where the heck would they be without MTs? What a way to treat us.
We are a dime a dozen - sm
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so easily replaced thanks to ASR. The mistakes I see in the file are amazing. But obviously you really don't need to know much of anything except how to type.
well you do have to have some medical terminology knowledge - but yes we are a dime a dozen
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Anybody without a 4 year degree is, really.

It does seem - if it was change in company policy

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that we would have gotten an email from Shaw or somebody, and everyone would have gotten the word at the same time, instead of just some hearing it from their TSMs.
How long have you worked here? - They have NEVER
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been that organized. MModal is one big clustermuck.
but lately they have been - sort of
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sort of more organized. Like sending out the memos clarifying other policies, or announcing policy changes.

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