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Are you On Facebook or Google+? - Briana

Posted: Feb 08, 2012

I haven't signed up for either one yet (yes, I know what a dinosaur I am, Brianasaurus timidus).

My questions are:

1.  If you're on both, is one better than the other?  I've heard Google+ is better, having learned from all the mistakes Facebook has made.

2.  Do you have any secrets for setting up your privacy settings, etc. so that YOU, and not someone else, controls what gets seen, and by whom?

Really looking forward to your answers because I'd like to get going with one or both of these.



I am on Facebook and use it to keep track of...sm - oldtimer

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the doings of my grandchildren teens). I have also reconnected with several old friends from my youth. You can set your profile to be as private as you wish.

I'm an FB'er too... - wheres_my_job

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just make sure you set things up the way you like them...don't assume things are private - cause Zuckerberg has this crazy idea, we should all be out there 100 percent with our business...at least on MTStars, your business isn't completely out there....

NOTHING is private on FB! - MoreLikeFaceSpook

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FB tracks your EVERY MOVE online, even AFTER you have logged out of FB!

I don't go anywhere near FB, and you couldn't pay me enough money too either.

I don't like FB either and I recommend Unthink. - bp

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I like Unthink because it allows me to keep everything on one dashboard, but separate by groups. So you can have a work group, with a professional picture and only people in the work group can view anything you do in that group. They cannot see anything in your other groups unless they join them too.

It is nice because you can have family, friends, work, etc, and keep them all separate from each other.

Guess I'm a dinosaur, too. Never heard - mthead

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of Unthink, but it sounds good. Will check that out!

Facebook has separate secure groups, too. nm - Keep groups separate.

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Then you'd like Google+ - Briana

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You set up "circles", and you can keep them completely separate.

You have a work circle? - wheres_my_job

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I'm still contemplating... - Briana
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Still cogitating what to do vis-a-vis, in re, and appertaining to the question of a social persona.

So far, I have been able to avoid FB, G+, Tweet-Alot and even Farmville. I care nothing for the Angry Birds, nor am I interested in what might have annoyed them. It has ever been thus with me as far as the Life Electronica is concerned. For all I know, the Mario Brothers might be a firm selling hats in downtown Schenectady. If a psychiatrist, seeking to plumb the depths of my mind (brave soul!), were to play word associations with me and said "Pong", I would say "Ping".

Mainly, of course, one wishes to avoid the riff-raff and one hears that FB has plenty of pretty riffy raffs. Hence my original question, on the assumption that if a bunch of nice people here were FBers, it must be an okee-dokee place.

Used to FB but closed account - mthead

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because whacky MIL and horrid SIL were salivating over every post. Just a bit of advice: If you want to maintain domestic tranquility, don't "friend" your in-laws.

Briana - Old Pro

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I am not on either one because I am an advocate of personal privacy. Privacy settings mean nothing. Facebook is the biggest data mining ventures ever. People need to pay attention to what is going on with these sites.

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