A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Great Transcription job - Great pay - - L~

Posted: Dec 20, 2011

I worked for LabCorp for 7 years - started at $14/hr - left 7 yrs later at $19.86/hour -- company has own credit card for employees -  called a Clear Card - available to ALL employees - Regular working hours. EASY transcription!!!  Could do it in my sleep!  Benefits.  Had a lot of overtime if you wanted it - ($28 an hour when I left - at time and a half).  I would recommend LabCorp to EVERYONE!  They also have data entry if interested.  lower pay, though.  Heard Indianapolis needs people bad!  Louisville KY has 1 opening i think. 

I didn't see anything on their website regarding (sm) - rose

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transcription or data entry. ??

Sounds like SPAM - anon - nm

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