A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Great News for Me! - Relieved

Posted: Jun 29, 2012

My hospital, which we were told in February was going to be outsourcing all of our work to Nuance, backed off and we were informed today that we'll all still continue to be employed!!!!  Oh, Happy Day!  I'm one of the last MTs in the country that still gets paid well, and I was sweating it!

hospital backed off outsourcing - cr

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That's wonderful! Congratulations! That is almost unheard of. Sounds like some hospitals are getting wiser. Maybe that will be a new trend.

hospital backed off outsourcing - Vera

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So glad for you, but if I were you I definitely would be on my guard. They will probable find another company eventually. I used to have a hospital job and got outsourced 4 years ago and my money has gone downhill ever since. Hope the hospital has definitely changed their mind. In the meantime, stash back all the money you can just in case. Good luck.

Congrats. I'm happy for you and the others. - May it continue. And it may. :) NM

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I understand, but... - (see message)

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While I understand your relief and excitement over what is, indeed, fabulous news for you; if this had been me, I think I might have just kept it to myself and celebrated with family and friends who know me.

You are indeed extremely fortunate; and although I'm glad that you got some good news for a change, there are so many on this board who are suffering greatly through no fault of their own. Just seems to me that it's a tad insensitive to post this here.

Congratulations to you and your co-workers. Again, I understand your elation. I sure wish I could turn back the hands of time and have had that same outcome at my hospital.

Wow, seriously? - MT

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You are actually going to come on here and burst someone's bubble because it might be "insensitive" to those of you who have crappy jobs? This is the economy we are living in and as a fellow MT you should be happy for someone who can continue in a career that you once found great. Not to mention the fact that if one hospital wisened up, maybe more will follow, which would be good news to all of us. I absolutely do not take this as being insensitive or rubbing it in...she is trying to maybe give some of you hope that things could turn around! Seriously you negative nellies need to get the he** off this board. It's getting sickening!

I agree - appreciate positivity

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Totally agree, appreciate the fact someone is willing to share positive experiences!

I may not be as fortunate as the OP, but her post - does NOT offend me! It gives me HOPE! NM

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Crappy job over here - Dickens

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But I think it's nice to hear about someone who's able to keep the job they love. I wish I could have kept mine.

I don't think we should discourage people from sharing the good. Otherwise, we'll only hear the bad, and how depressing would THAT be???

I know I'm adult enough to hear about someone else's good fortune and not get all butt-hurt because I'm stuck working for an MTSO.

You're an idiot - Shut up

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I think you need to step away from the computer, and then slap yourself for making such a stupid post.

Congratulations! I think more hospitals are starting - to realize outsourcing isnt - sm

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the "bargain" it's touted to be. The less they compensate their workers, and the more of it that goes offshore, the worse the quality gets.

Au contraire. - Realist

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ONE instance of a hospital doing a 180 on outsourcing DOES NOT indicate a trend of any kind. It is anecdotal and not statistical anyway so entirely moot.

If your comment that "more hospitals are starting to realize..." were true, we would see MT departments coming back -- and they aren't. The work is still outsourced to slave companies, many of whom send the work OFFSHORE. (Yes, they are two different teams, but many times both situations coexist within a single instance.)

You guys are living in fantasyland if you think many hospitals are going to
reverse the axing they have done. It's NOT going to happen.

If you're going to dream, it should be about getting some type of training for your next occupation. Then follow that up with ACTION. THAT would be productive.

P.S. - Realist

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Forgot to add a primary point: Hospitals DO NOT care about quality anymore. Most docs don't either.

Au contraire - MT

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I'll beg to differ...I live in a small area and our local hospital brought on Epic...the doctors hate it. In fact, one doctor told me that there were a group of doctors that hated it so much they were planning on doing something about it. It is now a year later and the hospital has ads out for in-house MTs. So yes it is and can be a reality. Also, I worked for one MTSO a about two years back, they told me that some of the hospitals had pulled out because they wanted to go back with in-house transcriptionists...lo and behold one of those hospitals was advertising on another website for in-house so how's that for reality?

Congrats - Dickens

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What awesome news--congratulations and be very grateful you won't have to work for Nuance!

outsourcing - recentlyoutsourced

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just be careful about "having your job saved." we were told the same thing last summer, "you're jobs are safe." They kept whittling our crew down a few at a time, took away our ER stuff (outsourced to an MTSO to get caught up), were told we could have our ER's back soon as we could get caught up (NEVER HAPPENED!), and in the end STILL outsourced our whole department W/O telling the physicians that they did that until MONTHS after it happened. Docs were NOT happy when reports starting coming back with multiple blanks and poor quality. I've gone from making $26 an hour to making LESS than min. wage.....Count your lucky stars!

Sorry, I didn't intend to come across that way. - (see message)

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MT: If you only knew me--I'm so far from being a "negative nellie," but I do admit that this MT situation has worn me down and been a little soul-crushing. Maybe that's just made me more sensitive to everyone's circumstances than normal.

I've had two major family tragedies in the last few years and then lost my hospital job of 20 years to outsourcing, but I've still tried to remain as upbeat and positive as I can. I don't sit around saying "oh, poor me" and truly don't even usually come on this board complaining, but I admit that this new reality of the MT world has been extremely hard for some of us. While I'm not usually negative on this board, I don't begrudge those who sometimes need to vent here or tell them to get off the board if they do (after all, it's not MY board). I know it's a big help for some posters to just know they can post on a board where others understand what they're going through.

I'm sure the OP didn't intend her post to rub it in or be insensitive on purpose; and, as I said, I do understand the elation and joy they all must all feel. I didn't intend to burst her bubble....truly! Maybe it was the wording of being "one of the last MTs in the country that still gets paid well" that came across, to me, as being a tad insensitive. I didn't read anything into the original post that seemed intended to give someone else hope. Since the OP is one of the last MTs who still had a decent job, that would mean that for so many of us, it's too late for OUR facilities to back off outsourcing our work.

It may not sound like it, but I'm not at all UN-happy for the OP. It's fabulous news for her. I'm MUCH more fortunate than a lot of people on this board since I have a spouse who earns enough that we can get by for now. I just try to keep in mind that many here are not as lucky, and some don't seem to have any way out of what is a horrible situation for them.

I am one who hate being a MT BUT I am happy for you !!!! - mt_not_for_long

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I have noticed a couple hospitals in my area starting to bring back in-house MTs. Hmmmm....... are they finally realizing what kind of reports they were getting????? I hope the majority of the hospitals bring back in-house MTs. I would start loving my job again. :)

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