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It's Just Great Being Out of Work by 9:30 am.! - allas

Posted: Sep 09, 2011

thank you to all those MTs who stayed up past midnight and did 90 percent of the work in queue....and it is not even YOUR account!!!  grrr. 

?Why - tipe2much

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Why don't you quit? I rarely hear good things about these MTSO services on this board. I would rather be broke and happy than insane with very little to show for it.

that's your response to everything...just quit! - alias

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I can't quit! I am alone in this world and responsible for my own income! I am too young to retire and live off social security or disability, and I don't hold with that anyway. I want to work, but I want work available, as well. unfortunately 99% of the MTSOs out there are using the "pooled accounts" now where 500 MTs can log on and do the six jobs that are available. I have one other account that provides a small amount of lines per day. I have tried finding additional work elsewhere, but have found the grass is never greener on the other side of the fence, and I am not about to give up 9 cpl, even with 500 other MTs feeding off all the work, than to work for 7 cpl for a company who is 10 times worse. I have to do what I have to do and it is so easy for you or someone else to sit back and let their husbands earn all the money, do this type of work on a part time basis, and tell everyone else who has a vent or a problem on a certain day to "just quit!" It may be an option for you, but it is not an option for me. Thanks for your learned opinion though.

alias - Old Pro

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Seems counterproductive to ask for help and then not want answers.
True, even callous and specifically unhelpful answers can be - with courtesy. Now, you, Allas, of all
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people should sympathize with those struggling to keep their utilities paid. If you check your clock, you'll see there's yet another shift coming along after you hoping you'll leave them something. Like poor hungry hlittle David Copperfield, "Please, Allas, may I have more?"

I do respect you for being one of the serious MTs who support themselves solely at this. I'm not alone, but I am the main support for our household, and drops in income have big effects on how we live, including getting to lie awake at night wondering what we'd do if I couldn't work. Goodbye, home. Goodbye, visits to children. If there were fewer people playing at working, willing and able to just bring in some fun money, pay rates would never have fallen this far.

What makes you think we have husbands who make all the money? s/m - destinyisntfree

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I agree with the poster who said if you are so miserable, you should find a different job. And I am the sole earner in my household, and also too young to draw social security or disability. I am a 30 year old woman with three children, and my husband and I chose for him to stay at home and take care of the kids and the household duties and I work two jobs. I earn a very good living and our bills are always paid and there is always food in my fridge. Want to know how I got there? It is pretty simple.

You refuse to work in a situation where you cannot make any money. If you are working for a company where you are constantly running out of work, that is not conducive to supporting yourself or a family. I don't mean to say quit without having something else lined up, but you look around, put yourself out there and find something either to supplement that, or to replace it altogether. It is discouraging seeing so many people complaining about how miserable the MT life is, when they don't do anything to make it any better.

I have worked for both of the companies I work for for about a year. One pays only on VBC, but it is a tolerable line rate. about 90% of the work is VR, and that is at about the standard VR line rate, but I still make good money there. Incidentally, they are hiring right now.

The other is a small MTSO with a line rate on the low side, but I have an assigned clinic doc that I do every day, so I can tick through his work pretty quickly and it is a decent amount of money every month for the amount of time I have to put into it. That one is not hiring, incidentally, because she only keeps a few MTs and those that are there tend to stay around.

My point? Oh, yes, I did have one. You are responsible for your own destiny . I used to be one of the ones who would complain about how sorry my lot in life was, but then I realized that I was the only one who could change it.

The choice is yours, but do not paint us all into the same box of "working part time for extra money, while husbands earn all the bill money, et cetera," because that is not necessarily the case.
Well, I wouldn't work 2 jobs- WORKING AT HOME, while hubby doesn't work, NOPE!! - CRAZINESS
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Boy, your hubby has it MADE!! I'm sure any man would love to have a wife that works 2 jobs while he doesn't work! Heck, any woman would want that! That's just crazy, I'M SORRY. No reason why he can't be out there working, too. Just SAYIN.
Well. This is why. - destinyisntfree
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I work one full time and one really part time job. I live in Florida in the area of the Space Center, where so many people were just laid off at the end of the shuttle program. There is no work here. It is not feasible for us to move, as I have two children from a previous marriage that I have shared custody of. Please do not misunderstand me at all. What little work there is in this area is minimum wage, and even that for every one opening at McDonald's, there are 40 people vying for that job. He has looked recently, and there is nothing out there. He has a degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management, and cannot even find work at minimum wage busing tables at a restaurant. I have an infant, and I work third shift. For him to get a job, and at minimum wage, which works out to about 200 a week before taxes, It would cost us about 100 bucks a week for him to work, because we would have to get daycare, or else I would have to forego sleep altogether. Daycare for an infant at a halfway decent center here is upwards of $250 a week. So this works for us. My part time position that requires maybe 20 hours a week nets more than he would make working full time for minimum wage. My full time, I average well over 20-25 an hour, and work roughly 90 hours a payperiod, which is 15 days. Go ahead and do the math on that.

We own a mobile home, and only pay lot rent, which does include water, and our other expenses are low, totaling at right around 1000 a month, including all bills, lot rent, utilities, car insurance, cell phones, so we are in a unique situation, I am sure. I know we are in a much better position than many other people,

With him being at home, I don't have to do much at all in the way of housework, as he tends to all of that. He takes on a lot of the responsibility for our children, so that I can sleep without having to worry about them. He does also have a small home-based business in the agricultural realm, and our relationship is in better shape than so many of our friends and family, so this works for us. I understand that that would not work for others, but it works for us.
destinyisntfree - anon
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It was nice of you to explain your situation, however, there was no need. Everyone does what works for them. I applaud you and your husband for making it work. I have a friend who also is the sole breadwinner and her husband is at home taking care of their home and baby. It works for them also. People shouldn't judge until they know the facts. Congrats to you both for making it work!
There are plenty of husbands - sm
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Who work 2 jobs (or more!) while the wife stays home w/the kids and doesn't have paid work, so what's the difference? Old-fashioned much?
Thank you. Very well stated. s/m - destinyisntfree
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You said that much better than I ever could have.

My husband works his tail off to maintain our household and care for our children, two of which are not biologically his, but you wouldn't know it to see them interacting.

I fail to see what is wrong with a man being a homemaker. After all, how many years did women fight to make people understand that just because they did not garner a paycheck, being a stay at home parent was still work, and they had more tasks and duties involved in maintaining a home than many have when working for a paycheck, and the rewards are so much higher. He has had the fortune of not missing a single milestone of his daughter's life. He was here for her sitting up for the first time, her first smile, her first word, her crawling, and he will be here for her first steps. He is there for every bath and every bedtime. We have all meals as a family, and spend quality time together.

It is not a traditional arrangement, but it works for us. It would be different if we were struggling with our bills and things were constantly being turned off or repossessed, then it would be different, but this arrangement works for us. To each their own.
Nonworking husband - anon
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Totally uncalled for reply. Do you know the reasons he can't work? Do you know their particular situation? Perhaps there are reasons you don't know. Think before you criticize. I totally agree with you IF the husband is lazy and doesn't want to work (I know because I used to be married to soemone like that, my solution) I kicked him out. So, before you judge, make sure you know the reasons.
destinyisntfree - anon
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I've been an MT for 30+ and almost ready to retire, however, now I am also considering supplementing with a part-time job. I was always an inhouse MT and raised my 2 girls alone. I know where your coming from. I married when my girls were grown, but we still have bills. MT world has changed. I have a hard time with VR (hard to teach an old dog new tricks), but since I am considering doing some part-time through the winter I am willing to try. I totally agree about making your own destingy. Thanks for a great post.
part time work - destinyisntfree
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If you are interested, my full time job is hiring, and they do hire part time, as well as for just weekends. You can feel free to contact me by email and I can give you some additional information. The voice recognition on most of the accounts is actually very good, with many reports requiring few edits. It is on the Escription platform, which in my opinion is very user friendly and easy to learn.
Breadwinner too - luckyladyinca
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Amen. I too am the breadwinner with a family to support and my husband cooks, cleans, and runs errands. I qualified for disability years ago but would rather work.

Same here - TM

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I've had the same thing happening to me. I'm going to have to start working ghost on the third shift if I want to make any money! It's so frustrating.

My MTSO is pooling work too so now I am working - in an MT cesspool now

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with others and it is not even the Q! Sometimes I think I might be better off trying them on for a change, but I have not been able to wrap my mind around that yet with everything said about them being terrible. Please, anyone, direct towards the nearest hiring (and paying) MTSO, please.

LOL! - My laugh for the day nm

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If you can't beat them, join them..... - sm

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I'm NOT trying to be sarcastic here; rather I am just offering up an alternative to you.

Since your work runs out so early in the day, have you considered changing shifts so that you can catch some of the work before the night crew comes on? Some companies even offer an shift differential for those who take the midnight train.

there is no "shift" or "night crew." - alias

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MTs pretty much come and go as they please. most work during the day. There are times when a few may work until midnight or so, if they have not gotten enough work from THEIR primary accounts, and then as a "back up" to my account, come on and do most of whatever is there. This happens a lot, but there are no "shifts" on the work that I do, which is "clinic" and not acute care. There is also no shift differential. There are no raises, ever. Whatever rate you were hired on at, that is the rate you stay with. Sometimes, if you take on additional accounts to supplement your primary, you have to take less pay to do that. makes no sense, except for the company. thanks for your thoughts though.

no available work and other gripes - AnonToo

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I have had too-numerous-to count jobs with companies that were not satisfactory for me--I too have been the only breadwinner regardless of having a husband or another income, raising kids, bills, responsibility. It's not THAT hard to change jobs to something better and I've proven that to myself over and over. In 2008 I was with MDI-MD who sold out to Transcend, left there and went to another company for about 18 months, work ran out so I looked for another job and got that within a month and have been with them since August 2010. Every time I quit one job I did BETTER for myself because I know what I DIDN'T want. I'm 56 years old and have 37+ yrs experience. Feel your pain but...can't be a doormat unless you lie down.
I am not quitting a job just because someone else--- - alias
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seems to think I should. yes, I have irritations with it, but it has been my sole support since 2003. It provided me well until they started the pooled accounts. It continues to provide me well even though I get upset when the work is not there due to the pooled accounts. I have had four different supplemental jobs in the past six months and quit every single one of them due to the way the place is managed and the low pay. The aggravation they caused was more than trying to fight for work, so I stay where I am the most comfortable and earn the most money. I will not take a job that micro manages and emails you every six seconds for 7 cpl. Like I said, it is easy to sit on your high horse and tell someone else how to run their lives when you know absolutely nothing about their particular circumstances. At this point in time, it has been my experience that even though I am not truly happy with the company I am with, there are other companies that are much much worse. so, until I find the perfect place that pays more than 7 cpl and does not have pooled accounts, I will stay where I am, but I do have a right to gripe about it from time to time, and I am nobodys doormat! At least you HAVE a husband...mine is dead. thanks for your "support."
Maybe next time... - a thought
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You might want to say that you're just venting and don't want/need any advice or help or encouragement to do something different. Seems to me that people are only trying to help you. A lot of us get stuck in a rut and need a good push in the rear to get out, and from what I've read, that's all people are doing.

I guess that's not your circumstance, even though you came across that way. It's still no excuse to bite the hand that's trying to help you.
hold it - Anon2
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My husband died too when I was 22 years old and left me with a 6-week-old; I've been divorced and on my own. Even tho I may not know details of your situation I've been-there-done-that. Suggesting that u look for something better is hardly *sitting on my high-horse* telling u had to run your life. If u are happy, fine. Me thinks you may be overly defensive. We're just sharing opinions here, that's all.

So they are just supposed to let the work sit and wait for you? - Late night MT

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I have multiple accounts and if my primary runs low, I can hop on other accounts to work. I am 6 hours behind my account in my time zone, so I am often working when others are sleeping. So should I not try to make my daily goal because someone else is asleep in bed and may want that work tomorrow? Sounds pretty ridiculous to me. If you are happy with your company and want to stay, why not just ask for another account as backup.

ask for another account??? - alias

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if I ask for another account, which I have, I have to take a 2 cpl cut in pay, and I will not do that. There is no reason why I should have to take a cut in pay to take another account. duh.

And there is no reason they should just let the work sit for you. - duh. nm

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where in my post did I ever ask for "help???" - alias

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I never once asked for help. Seems nobody can tell an aggravated vent posting even if it does not specifically say VENT! Some people on here are all too eager to jump on a bandwagon and give somebody who is already having a bad day, a worse day. and what kind of "help" is saying "quit" anyway??? That's no help at all, just kicking somebody when they are already down and angry. When somebody is frustrated, you don't make them more frustrated by giving out "mindless" responses like "quit." There was not one response on here that was "supportive" and "encouraging," just more downgrading and negative. VENT VENT VENT.

You came to MTStars for support? - HAHAHAHA!

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When has this board been known to be supportive? Many MTs I know stay away from this board specifically because of the attitudes here and the antagonistic environment.

you have got a point there....my mistake. - alias

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but I still did not ask anybody for anything. I just stated a fact that I was out of work by 9:30. I never asked anyone for opinions about anything. again, my mistake. It will not happen again.
vent vs responses - AnonToo
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Sorry to take your vent as u wanting another opinion or advice...still don't think responses u got were derogatory or demeaning or telling u what to do. It sucks to be out of work. Have a great weekend.

Oh I don't know - me

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Some of us do actually care and try to be supportive.

Re. HAHAHA - Sad but true

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Unfortunately, I agree with HAHA as this is anything but a supportive environment (although there are some supportive, helpful, compassionate MTs still on this site).

It has been my experience that 50% of MTs are really terrific, kind, "normal", empathetic people and 50% are eccentric, egocentric, whiners who spend 1/2 their time complaining and 1/2 their time judging others. (And woe to us who may have a misspelling in our post or use incorrect punctuation!) The only time this bothers me is when people are complaining about our jobs being shipped to the Philippines. If you don't know how to spell the name of the country, maybe you shouldn't be an MT! LOL)

Let's lighten up and be a force for good for our peers. I like my current job situation and work load. It's true that I have to work 1/3 more hours than I did 5 years ago and don't even make as much as I earned 10 years ago. It sucks but it's the way of our industry.

What is cool is that I am able to work from my home deep in the woods where I don't have to commute, don't have to put up with a stressful job and I can work in my PJs at 2 AM if I want to. Instead of complaining, look for that part-time job. If I hadn't found one, I would probably not still be able to work from home. Things have gotten so bad in our industry. But, I think the payouts are still worth it.

Please learn the proper use of quotation marks. - nm

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The way you are using them now is highly distracting and a bit annoying.

Also - anon

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One question mark per sentence works just fine.

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